High Priest in Japan

Chapter 231: survey

Soon after, Qin Heqing returned to the temporary residence.

   "You're back." Hinasaki Fukaha raised his head and looked at him.


   "Have you eaten?"

   "Not yet, how about you?" Qin Heqing asked back.

   "I have eaten it. But Aunt Bodo has the share for you. It should still be in the kitchen. You can go and see it. You should be able to see it." Hinasaki Fukaha replied.

   "Really? That's a good feeling. It happened that I was also hungry, so I went to eat first. If I have any questions, wait until I finish eating." Qin Heqing smiled.

"it is good."

   Then Qin Heqing turned his feet into the kitchen, and found Bodo’s supper under the curtain.

   is not picky, find the dishes and eat it in the kitchen.

   After more than ten minutes.

   After Qin Heqing finished his meal, after washing the used dishes, he turned around and returned to the room where Hinasaki Fukaha was.

   "What did you investigate?" Seeing him come in, Hinasaki Fukaha, who was already unbearable, hurriedly asked.

"A lot." Qin Heqing pulled the chair aside and sat down opposite Hina Saki Fukaha, looking at the looking expectant Hina Saki Fukaha on the other side, "For example, the kind you have can see through people's hearts, see through affairs and save information in the past. Their official names are called seeing and seeing, and they are the unique talent skills of female spiritual awakeners in Rishangshan."

"And the objects used for shadowing, that is, for tracing the past information, are called'Yixiang', and the images you see are called'afterimages.' So it can be seen from this that you are indeed inextricably linked with Rishangshan. Ming contact."

"Kana and Kageken...what about the "Shen Yin"? Are there any clues?" Hina Saki Shenyu showed a touch of surprise on his face when he heard that, as if he did not expect that his abilities are not alone in the world. One, but the spiritual skills unique to this area, could not help but feel a little complicated, and then asked about the information about Shenyin.

   After all, it is more important to find the whereabouts of the mother than spiritual ability.

   "Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

   "What is it?" Hinasaki Fukaha asked urgently.

"According to the old lady of Kawabe, the so-called God-Hidden Daughter did not enter the underworld as in the legend, but was chosen as a substitute by the undead of the maidens in the mountain and became a'pillar' for sealing. Get up, as a source of strength to maintain the barrier in the Sunshang Mountain."

   Then Qin Heqing didn't sell Guanzi, and simply stated the information about the legendary sources and folk customs of Rishangshan from the old lady in Kawabe, so as to help Hinasaki Fukaha understand what the so-called pillar is.

"In other words, my mother is very likely to be made into a'pillar' by the shrine maiden's ghost in the mountain, and is it sealed up?" Hina Saki Fukaha's eyes flickered, with both expectation and a certain kind in her eyes. Vaguely desperate.

   "It can only be said that it is possible." Qin Heqing nodded and responded with ambiguous words.

   "Then can you unlock the seal?" Hinasaki Fukaha changed his expression a few times and asked again.

   "I don't know the specific situation, I can't be sure." Qin Heqing, who knew what her words meant, looked at her for a while and shook his head gently.

   "..." Hina Saki Fukaha was silent, and slowly lowered his head, Mo Ming's emotions surged, and tears overflowed from his eyes...

"...Don't think about it so much, things may not be as bad as you think." Qin Heqing couldn't help but open his mouth when he saw this. He didn't know what to say for a while, and was silent for a moment. The kind lie that he believed, then sighed, stood up and walked to Hina Saki Fukaha, patted her on the shoulder, turned and walked out of the room.

  Since I don’t know how to comfort, don’t comfort! He believes that Hina Fukaha's will, a girl who can survive alone, patience and strength for more than ten years, should be able to free her from that desperate mood, and will not do some stupid things that make people angry.

   But just in case, Qin Heqing still left Ayukawa to take care of him, so as not to be able to make it to him when something really happens, and cause serious disaster.


"Do you know about the situation in Higashiyama?" Because some could not stand the air pressure emitted by Hina Saki Fukaha, and wanted to collect more related information, Qin Heqing, who had left the residence, came again with few guests, and there was no one day. Seeing the antique coffee shop patronized by a few people, sitting opposite Fang Xili's side, taking advantage of the other side to help him prepare coffee, suddenly asked.

   "I don't know which aspect you are referring to?" Fang Xili asked in doubt while brewing coffee.

   "Customs, legends, specific conditions on the mountain, and events that have happened in the past." Qin Heqing said.

"I don't know much about customs and legends, so there is nothing I can tell you. If you really want to know, you can actually ask the old people in the village. They should know more about it. There are also events that have happened in the past. Whatever, you can also ask the local residents, or go to the village to ask the police. The only thing I can tell you is probably some information on the mountain." Fang Xili was silent for a while before coming. The brewed coffee was sent to Qin Heqing, with a little nervous expression ~ www.ltnovel.com~ is fine. "Qin Heqing said softly, "Thank you" with a smile.

   Then Fang Xili sorted out the language a bit, and narrated the situation on the mountain in the sun in concise and clear words.

  According to her, Rishangshan was also famous for its development before becoming a supernatural place.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long. In the beginning, there were various accidents that caused a large number of casualties. So it was quickly closed for various reasons, leaving behind a bunch of seemingly old, but actually Traffic facilities that have not been used much after installation.

There is a hot spring hotel called Yiluzhuang in the mountain near the foot of the mountain, but it has also been abandoned for many years. In addition to the legend on the mountain, it has become a place similar to a haunted house. Not to mention the adults, it is the young and young in the village. The child didn't dare to come close, so he basically maintained the appearance he had when the accident happened. If you want to investigate something, you might as well go there for a walk.

   There is an isolation network in the mountains, which is used to block those who want to commit suicide, but unfortunately it has no effect. It is still the same, so it is gradually not being maintained by anyone, so ignore it.

  The roads in the mountains are rugged. If you want to climb the mountain quickly, it is better to use the climbing tram on the right side of the mountain, which can reach the top of the mountain.

There is a shrine in the mountain. It is said that it used to be the stronghold of the witches, but people have gone to the building. Only a few dolls are placed inside. It feels very gloomy, basically no special circumstances, no one will where to.

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