High Priest in Japan

Chapter 238: Respective ideas

"Is there a solution?" Qin Heqing frowned when he was only saving a person. He didn't expect to be involved in such a big thing, and looked at Yue'er after he pondered for a while and asked.

   If it is possible, he still doesn't want any disaster to be caused by himself.

   Even if its original intention is to save people.

"From the time of the legend, the barrier on Rishang Mountain has existed for at least hundreds of years, or even longer. The barrier has already been integrated with Rishang Mountain’s environment and sacrificial customs. I have found the source. It may be possible to use these methods to assist in the suppression, directly and completely...I can't do it with my knowledge and strength." Yue'er shook his head and further explained the troubles on the side of Sun Shangshan.

   "...This is really..." Qin Heqing was speechless and stroked his forehead, unable to help but feel a little headache.

   After a pause, he asked again with a slightly bright eye, "Then if I absorb the water in the mountains all day, can I solve the problem of falling in the mountains?"

"Water is only a medium, and the key lies in Yequan. If you can't determine the outlet of Yequan, it will be the same even if you blow up the mountain all day." Yue'er, who understood what Qin Heqing had thought of, still shook her head, and said not optimistically. .

   "So in the final analysis, it's Yequan's problem, right?" Qin Heqing sighed.

"En." After a while, he continued regretfully, "Unfortunately, the witch in the mountain has died, and the old people at the foot of the mountain only know some one-sided content about the legend in the mountain, and they can't use it as a clue. Otherwise, there won't be a single solution."

   "When it comes to legends, maybe it is not impossible." After a moment of silence, Qin Heqing said thoughtfully.

   "Oh?" Yue'er raised her head and looked at him suspiciously.

"Kurosawa Mihua. As a woman who has gone up the mountain several times and came out of it safely, I think she should know more about the situation on the mountain and the source of legends on the mountain than those old people, and maybe know the source of Yequan." Qin Heqing speculated. Tao.

After all, even those who have only climbed the mountain once, and only entered the palace of the secluded, can find records such as the book of Yequanrui, the book of reading, and the book of the enchantment of the sun on the mountain. The fragmented pages of the documents and materials of the secret information have no reason to travel to more places, and they have not grasped any information when they have come into contact with more mysterious black flowers in the mountains.

   In that case, she would be too ashamed of her identity as an investigator for the hidden missing persons.

   "So, are you going to help Fang Xili who doesn't come to find her whereabouts?" Yue'er nodded, and answered with thoughtfulness.

   "Yes. Even if I get nothing in the end, I still can't stop Yequan from overflowing, and I won't leave too much guilt in my heart, and I won't even have a bad life in the future." Qin Heqing said solemnly.

   "It's fine. Anyway, we still have a lot of time, so let's help find it." Yue'er glanced at him, nodded and agreed.


   At the same time, the other side.

   Inside the antique cafe.

   Back to the cafe, she also took a shower to clear away the filthy and rain-stained Fang Xili sitting in the bedroom for a while, stood up, and left to come to the door of Mihua Kurosawa.

   "It's rude, Miss Mihua." Fang Xili stopped in front of the door and hesitated for a while before she reached out her hand firmly and opened the door.

   Then, a room full of old flavors that felt the same as antique coffee was greeted by Fang Xili's eyes.

   A desk is facing her, it is full of various objects, it looks a little messy...

   is exactly her goal here.

   then walked to the desk, and started to search on it.

   A notepad-it records the information of various commissioners Mihua accepted, and most of the survey results.

  A black notebook-records various information about the legend of Rishangshan that Miss Mihua has explored during her investigation in Rishangshan.

   An album-which contains photos of various people commissioned to investigate-that is, Yuxiang.

   Then there are some papers, pens and books. The appearance of a worker platform makes people can imagine the state of Kurosawa Mika working at the desk here.

Unfortunately, the picture of Misaki Kurosawa (Shixiang) that she needed was not found at all. In desperation, she had to do something more excessive to the room-open some without the owner's permission, which is not easy to move. Yes, facilities such as drawers have rummaged through more secret personal belongings.

   The result was not bad. Finally, after spending some time, Fang Xili found a personal portrait of Kurosawa Mihua in a private album stored in one of the drawers.

   "Miss Mihua, I will definitely find you." Fang Xili looked at the dense black flowers in the photo and muttered firmly.

   then cleaned up the room, turned around and returned to his bedroom.

   went to bed to rest, to supplement the energy and energy for the second search during the day when I didn’t know when it was about to start.


   That afternoon, around two o'clock.

   Qin Heqing and Hina Saki Fukaha brought Yue'er and Akane Aykawa, who were not invisible, once again to the antique cafe that Fang Xili could not take care of.

   "Ding Ling Dang..."

   But what appeared in their eyes was not Fang Xili who didn't come, but two other strange men who had never met——

One person wears black-rimmed glasses ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a sorrowful stubble on his face. In addition to the wrong age, in terms of image and temperament, he and Qin Heqing have known young writers in his life. Han is almost the same.

   is wearing a small gray waistcoat, a gentleman's dress, very decadent uncle temperament.

One person is pure and white, and is relatively short, about the same as an ordinary island girl, which is about one meter six. Although he wears the same men's clothing as the "father-in-law", but somehow it always gives people a very squeamish The feeling, people can't help but look at his chest——

   Tablet, airport...

   shouldn't be a woman disguised as a man?

   Fortunately, after a short time, Fang Xili, who changed back to her original dress again, appeared in the cafe.

   "Sorry, there are some things on my side that need to be dealt with. Can you sit next to me first." Fang Xili ignored the two people and said to Qin Heqing and the others apologetically.

   "It's okay, you can take care of you first, we don't worry about it here." Qin Heqing waved his hand and smiled indifferently.

   then led a few people to sit down in front of the coffee table, and looked at the environment in the cafe with interest.

   It seems that the decoration here is very worth seeing.

  Fang Xili didn't come to express her gratitude, and she turned her head to look at the two men in front of her, one large and one small.

   "Why are you guys here?" Fang Xili asked with doubts.

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