High Priest in Japan

Chapter 240: Old lady resentful

"Let it go, let me go!" Hina Saki Fukaha struggled violently, and she didn't know whether it was the excitement that triggered the explosion of spiritual power in her body, or the strength of the struggle was really great enough, and the ghost of the old lady finally failed to catch the young. Saki Fukaha made her break free from the state of being captured.

   Then Hinasaki Fukaha quickly backed away, Qin Heqing quickly stepped forward and blocked Hinasaki Fukaha behind him.

   "Who are you?" Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to signal Yue'er and Ayukawa not to do it yet. Looking at the dry skin, the ghost of the old lady who was almost comparable to the mummy, he asked in a deep voice.

   Of course, the main purpose is to test whether the ghost in front of you can communicate.

   If the result of the feedback is yes, he doesn't mind leaving her for a while, and asks her about Rishangshan.

   After all, the identity of the old lady in front of you is not easy to see, plus it is still a ghost, who knows how many years she has died?

   So it is very likely to be one of the true insiders of the legends and spirits on the Rishan!

  If you can get the information and knowledge she has, maybe you can completely solve the abnormal changes in the mountain.

"Yah yah yah, it's been a long time, I once again saw so many living people come to the mountain... and also brought the son of Huangquan and an excellent girl suitable to be a big pillar... it's really great. "The old lady's dark eyes like a black pool slowly swept across Qin Heqing and the others, followed by a response, and a whisper that seemed to be talking to herself.

   Then he turned his head again, looked at Qin Heqing who was standing in front of Hina Saki Fukaha, smiled and asked, "This lord, are you here for a secluded marriage with the witches?"

   The so-called secluded marriage is both a secluded marriage in folklore. However, unlike domestically, in order to let the deceased rest in peace, the purpose of children and grandchildren is that the secluded marriage on Rishangshan is entirely for the spiritual sustenance of the maiden who is about to become a pillar, so that she can bear more obsessions of the dead. Longer suppression of Yequan!

   is more solemn and cruel.

   As for how Qin Heqing knew this...

Thanks to all kinds of inexplicable information fragments that appeared on the way when he came, supplemented him and Yue'er a lot of information about the Rishangshan sacrifice, so that he could understand the old lady's ghost words at the first time. meaning.

   "What about it, what about it?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and asked the old lady.

   also basically confirmed one thing

   That is the old lady ghost can communicate!

   As for the level of communication, it depends on how the old lady ghost reacts.

"If it is, that would be great. It just so happens that the son of Huangquan and the girl with the posture of a big pillar have not yet been married. Adults can choose one of them to be your engagement party and hold the wedding ceremony." The old lady ghost showed a happy smile on her face, and her gaze swept back and forth over the bodies of Hina Saki Shenyu, Fang Xili and Qin Heqing from time to time, amused.

  Fang Xili was embarrassed not to come, and shyly turned her gaze to the side.

   And as the other party, Hina Saki Fukaha did not react at all, staring at the old lady calmly, thinking about what she mentioned about the son of Huangquan.

   The son of Huangquan, do you mean yourself?


   "Can you only choose one of them?" Qin Heqing asked, still calm and calm.


   "The ceremony is sacred, except for the two sides, there is no room for others to intervene." The old lady ghost said seriously.

"That's for you. For me, I won't give up either." Qin Heqing said, reaching out and grabbing Fang Xili's wrist who was not coming to the side, and dragging her to his side, domineering and determined. Ghostly said towards the old lady.

   "This is really..." The old lady was ghostly, and she couldn't speak for a while.

   Maybe she didn't expect to see such a shameless person after death, right?

  Fang Xili's cheeks blushed slightly, and she became more embarrassed to contact Qin Heqing's sight.

   "But the ritual is a ritual, and it won't change because of your thoughts, so the adult should reconsider and choose who will be his bride." The old lady ghost shook her head and said with a serious face.

"If this is the case, then forget it! I won't choose! Anyway, even if the ceremony is not held, we will all have a good time together. Why should we destroy our original life for the inexplicable and wonderful ceremony in your mouth? Okay, get out of the way, we still have business to do." Qin Heqing said with a very straightforward curl of his lips, with a disdainful face.

   Then he turned his head and motioned for Yue'er and Ayukawa to prepare.

   At the same time, the two of them took a fighting stance without hesitation.

   "In that case, I can only offend the old woman."

After finishing speaking, the old lady's ghost aura changed, and a powerful force of resentment burst out in an instant. Her body was erratic, and she appeared behind Qin Heqing and the others in an instant. With her arms swinging, one after another weird spiritual power **** seemed to be The shells fired at Qin Heqing and the others.

   The speed was so fast that he flew in front of Qin Heqing almost instantly.

   Qin Heqing pulled Hina Saki Fukaha and Fang Xili back quickly, letting Yue'er stand in front of him.


   The aura shield flickered, and the attack of the old lady's grieving spirit was blocked.

   Then Ayukawa exploded and hit the old lady resentful with a powerful thought force.

And the old lady resentment didn't know whether it was the weakness after the outbreak, or some other reason~www.ltnovel.com~ unexpectedly failed to avoid it for the first time, she was immediately slammed by Ayukawa's thought power, her body flickering , Let out a miserable howl.

   Then the old lady resented her and disappeared into the air.

   But it was not to escape, but to reappear after hiding the need for a while, rushing to Fang Xili at a fast speed.

   It seems that they know that Qin and Qing are not easy to provoke, and they are ready to focus on Xili and Shenyu who seem to be easier to deal with.

   It's just that she obviously underestimated the strength of Yue'er and Ayukawa. When Ayukawa's eyes flashed, her body was inexplicably stagnated in the air, and she couldn't move forward or retreat.

   The old lady Yu Ling's face changed slightly, and she broke out of Ayukawa's restraint by breaking out her spiritual power, but she was still a step slower, and she was hit by Yue'er's attack.

  Man Ye Chuanxin!

In an instant, thousands of new green leaves exuding emerald-like luster shot out, like arrows, wrapped in terrifying power, bombarded the old lady's wraith spirit, penetrated the spiritual layer outside her body, and penetrated her. In the spirit body, then penetrated out from her back, taking away the strands of spiritual power, making her shape more and more illusory.

And this is when Yue'er didn’t use the powerful onmyoji, concentrated on practicing Wanye Feihualiu, and appropriately reduced her power when she attacked, otherwise the old lady would complain with her previous attitude towards the resentful spirits outside the mountain. The spirit should have been broken up long ago, and whether it can survive is a two-pointer.

   Then Qin Heqingsong let Shenyu and Xili walk forward quickly, activated the demon refining pot with the help of Ayuga Nen's power, and put her into the pot.

"Do not!!!"

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