High Priest in Japan

Chapter 242: Continue uphill

   "Okay, let's set off." In the dwellings, Qin Heqing Dao appeared again in front of Fang Xili who did not come.

   "Huh?" Fang Xili looked up at him in shock.

   "Ah what? Why, don't I need to accompany you up the mountain?" Qin Heqing, who seemed to see that Fang Xili was wrong, looked at her with a funny face.

   "Oh, oh, need. Thank you, Jun Qin." Fang Xili didn't come to react, and excited emotions rarely appeared on her always calm face.

   "You are welcome, after all, I have troubled you several times, and it is time to give you back."

   Then Qin Heqing and Fang Xili and Yue'er didn't stay in the dwelling any longer, so they quickly left the dwelling and headed for the sun again.

  Take the tram, go through the forest, look at the environment...

   Soon, Qin Heqing and Fang Xili arrived at Youzhigongqian Station again without coming, and got off the train at the platform gate.

   "Where to go next? Youzhi Palace?" Qin Heqing asked.

   "En." Fang Xili looked around and nodded to confirm.

"It seems that Yuzhi Palace is a very important node here. Shenyu is like this, so is Shenyu's mother, Crimson, and now even Miss Mihua is the same... It seems that it is necessary to investigate it again later. In terms of the situation, there may be some unexpected gains." Qin Heqing muttered thoughtfully while moving with Fang Xili.


   It's just that, she didn't have much interest in not coming to Fang Xili, so the whole process was basically silent, except for Qin Heqing's words, there was no talking nature.

   Obviously, the whole person's mind was hung on the missing Kurosawa Mihua. Before finding her, it was no use telling her anything.

   So gradually, Qin Heqing also closed his mouth and quietly played his role as a ‘bodyguard’.

   After such a moment, Qin and Qing arrived in front of the Youzhi Palace.

   Then the afterimage belonging to Kurosawa Mihua reappeared, and walked into the path leading to Jie's house without the gaze of Fang Xili.

   Fang Xili quickly followed...

I just don’t know if it’s because of the existence of water or the peculiarities of the palace. This path that had been cleaned up once appeared in the shadow of a wraith. If Fang Xili couldn’t prevent her, she was caught by one of the women. The resentful spirit of the witch caught a face.

   belongs to the unique Yin attribute energy attack of the Wraith Spirit, which makes Fang Xili feel very uncomfortable not to come.


   At the same time, Yue'er stepped forward, and suppressed the maiden resentment who was a small soldier and threw it to Qin Heqing.

   Qin Heqing accepted, and then walked to Fang Xili's side and cared, "Is it all right?"

   "No." Fang Xili shook her head with a blue face.

   "Forget it, take a sip." Qin Heqing sighed softly, turned his hands and turned into a small porcelain bottle used to hold wine in an izakaya, and handed it to Fang Xili.

   "This is..." Fang Xili stretched out her hand to take it, wondering.

   "High-quality sake blessed by the gods. It can help you get rid of the resentment on your body, activate your qi and blood, and warm you up." Qin Heqing explained.

   He has prepared a lot of similar sakes, in addition to being used as combat props, but also to facilitate him to use some Sake Master spells and barriers!

   So it cost a lot of money.

   "Thank you." Fang Xili didn't doubt that she didn't come to get the answer. She thanked her and took a sip.

Suddenly, the sweet and bitter drink dispersed in her mouth, turning into a warm current flowing throughout her body, driving away the cold sensation caused by the arrest of the resentful spirit, leaving only a touch of comfort in her heart. .

   Then Fang Xili handed the bottle back and returned it to Qin Heqing.

   Such a magical drink must be a very precious prop, right?

   is like the camera in her hand.

   "Be careful afterwards." Qin Heqing took the bottle back and put it away. Then there was a pause, and Fang Xili watched as she could not come, and continued, "In addition, you should be able to gain some combat experience yourself. Let’s do this, if there are ghosts afterwards, I and Yue’er won’t take action, and leave it to you. To deal with it, just let us see how amazing the camera you said is so amazing, no problem."

   After all, she is a woman who has been pointed out by the resentful spirit of the black-clothed old lady to have the posture of a big pillar. Before she can be sure that she will be able to solve the problems in the mountain, it is better to let her strengthen a little!

   Even if something really goes wrong after this, she won't even have the power to resist.

   "Okay." Fang Xili thought for a while before coming, looked down at the camera in her hand, and finally replied hesitantly.

   Apparently, she doesn't have much confidence in herself.

However, I also understand that Qin Heqing and Yue'er are not my own, and I have no reason to ask the other party to do all they can to protect herself like Miss Shen Yu. In addition, she is really not embarrassed to keep playing soy sauce. After a little hesitation, he agreed to Xia Qin Heqing's proposal.

   Then the three of them regrouped and moved towards the knot house in the depths of the passage again.

  Don't say it, there really are resentful spirits appearing again.

   After that, Qin Heqing said to be careful, and Yue'er stepped aside, and handed the resentful spirit to Bulai Fang Xili alone.

As for Xi Li, she did not feel disappointed, and immediately raised her camera after biting her teeth secretly~www.ltnovel.com~ The resentful spirit that appeared in front of the man carrying the black box was "click". A slap--

   I don’t know what the principle is, and finally the resentful spirit suddenly collapsed, turning into a bunch of auras and Lizi and not entering the camera held by Fang Xili...

   "Hey, it's really amazing." Qin Heqing returned to Fang Xili who was a little breathless, and looked at the ancient camera in her hand in surprise.

   is really like she said, you can get rid of spirits!

   "It should be a problem with the lens." After a while, Yue'er thought as if she had discovered something.

   "Camera?" Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at Yue'er curiously.

"I just took a closer look at the camera in Xi Li's hand, and found that there are traces of alteration around the camera lens — now, it’s the true text of the seed — MO, A, TO, SI... it’s the Morizhi Heaven spell. The scriptures of the Bunsen Mantra, coupled with the principle of the camera-the recording of light, it is no wonder that there will be such a magical effect." Yue'er grabbed the camera in Laifang’s hand and pointed to it. The camera and a circle of engraved spells around the camera introduced the two.

   As for Morizhitian, both the goddess of light and the mother of light tomorrow, is the **** and Buddha in charge of the power of light.

   Therefore, all the spells that operate on the light are basically inseparable from her divine writings.

  , for example, the invisibility curse used by Qin Heqing, is one of the applications of Morrison's power.

   "That's it." Qin Heqing said suddenly.

   Then he returned the camera to Fang Xili who didn’t come, and stepped forward again, moving towards Jie’s house...

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