High Priest in Japan

Chapter 244: Talkative

"Unexpectedly, your excellency is still a noble mage. But as a mage, your excellency should be aware of the current situation in the mountains?" After Qin Heqing spoke, the black woman said again, "I'm close to the limit. It will soon melt into the night spring due to the collapse of will. I need a replacement and become a new "big pillar" to suppress the night spring, otherwise the night spring will overflow again and gush out of the mountain..."

   "As a mage, you don't want to see ordinary people so that your life will be burned?"

"I really don't want to." Qin Heqing shook his head and said affirmatively. "But again, as a man, I can't just watch my female companion be taken away by you for an unexplainable reason. Even if you are talking about smallpox ..."

   "Not to mention, everything that is said at this time is still your own words. I cannot believe you in any way until the truth of the matter is found out."

While    was talking, Qin Heqing's mind turned and contacted Yue'er who was going to explore the lake.

   He had an accident here, the ghost knows what's going on in the middle of the lake?

   So just in case, it's better to call Yue'er back.

  Using the unique summoning mode between Shikigami and Master.

"It's rare, I thought Master Master, you are a reasonable person, and you should understand the seriousness of Yequan's overflowing. Now it seems that I have been thinking too much..." The black-clothed woman stared at Qin Heqing silently for a moment, her face full of disappointment. Whispered.

"We are unfamiliar, please don't add some personal settings to me that are not in line with me. And please don't take it for granted. Although I am a priest, I really understand the situation of your day climbing. Not many, and I don’t know what the so-called night fountains and rituals are. That’s why I wanted you to answer some questions.”

"Of course, you can also choose not to cooperate. Then we can only use our own methods to investigate the situation in the mountain, and protect these people who you use different methods to lure up the mountain, and prevent your so-called continuation plan." Qin Heqing Looking directly into the eyes of the black-clothed woman, she said with a serious face.

   Then the void next to him flashed, and Yue'er, dressed in modern clothes, emerged from the exploded pink peach petals and stood beside Qin Heqing.

   Then Yue'er's expression changed, and she put on a fighting posture with a guard.

   "What a pure spirit." A look of surprise flashed on the strange face of the woman in black, looking at Yue'er and said softly.

   "Who is she?" Yue'er asked Qin Heqing beside her.

   "I don't know. But judging from the information she revealed, it seems to be the big pillar in the mountains used to suppress Yequan." Qin Heqing explained.

   "Da Zhu? It doesn't look like a pure-sex person in this way." Yue'er examined the black-clothed woman carefully for a while, and said with some doubt in her strange tone.


"That's because I'm about to collapse, so my body can no longer maintain the same appearance as when I entered the pivot cage. I can only meet you in this way that has been corroded by Yequan." Hearing the conversation between the two, no Knowing whether it was due to the reserved attitude of women, or wanting more to win the trust of Qin Heqing and Yue'er, the relationship between the two variables that were obviously beyond her expectation, the woman in black unexpectedly explained it. Your current state.

   "Then why Hina Saki's crimson appearance has not changed." Yue'er blinked, and asked with some doubts in his heart.

"Hinasaki Crimson?" The black-clothed woman recalled a little bit. "Are you talking about the daughter of the bandit you found from Yuzhi's house? There was no problem with her ritual, and her consciousness was still intact. If it weren't for your sudden The appearance interrupted the ritual... She may be able to exist longer."


   "What do you mean by this?" Fang Xili's expression changed slightly when she heard the words, and boldly asked the woman in black.

"The boxing ceremony cannot be interrupted. Especially the daughter of a bandit who has completed the ceremony of secluded marriage with someone like her, who has performed all the rituals completely, unless she opened the box by herself before she collapsed. The damage done by external forces is a fatal injury to her."

   "What will happen to her then?" Qin Heqing demanded anxiously when his expression changed slightly when he heard this.

   "The body melts in the night spring, completely becoming a secluded person." The woman in black said.

   Suddenly, Fang Xili's face changed again without coming, thinking of the dense black flowers whose whereabouts were still unknown at this time.

   Did she also hold a ceremony and became the daughter of a bandit?

   If so, would she still save her?

   is the same as learning Hina Saki Fukaha, no matter the three seven twenty one, you have to save people if you admit your death?

   "What if it is an incomplete ceremony?" At the same time, not only thought of Kurosawa dense flowers, but also thought of Hinasaki Fukyu's Qin Heqing with a serious look.

"Then it depends on the length of time she was put into the bandit, as well as the personal qualities of the bandit's daughter. If both levels are within the range, then the woman in the box still has a chance to live, otherwise... "

   Even if the woman in black hadn't finished speaking the words behind, Qin Heqing and Fang Xili, who were normal in their heads, could still understand what would happen to those women.

   Thinking of this, Fang Xili felt even more anxious if she didn't come, and she wished to find the dense flowers of Kurosawa right away and rescue her from danger.

   So she didn't care about anything when she was there. She bypassed Qin Heqing and walked to the woman in black, and asked anxiously, "Then, do you know the whereabouts of Miss Mihua? This is the person!"

   At the end~www.ltnovel.com~ I am afraid that the woman in black will not come here. Fang Xili even took out the picture of Mihua Kurosawa (Shixiang) and showed it to the woman in black.

"Is she... she has the same qualifications as you to become a pillar. And she is very familiar with the situation in the mountains, so... she took the initiative to accept the temptation and become the daughter of the bandits." The black-clothed woman glanced at the photo. , And after seeing deeply that Fang Xili would not come, she said quietly with some concealment in her words.

   "Why, how is it possible!? Miss Mihua..." Fang Xili couldn't believe it before she came, her face showed a sad expression.

   "Then who are you." Qin Heqing stepped forward and held on Fang Xili's shoulders, giving her silent comfort, and then stared at the black-clothed woman who was not resentful at all in her behavior pattern and asked in a loud voice.

   "I am the last big pillar in the mountain, you can call me Heosawa Fengshi!" The woman in black met Qin Heqing's gaze and said with a solemn face.

   "Why do you want to tell us so much." After a moment of silence, Yue'er on the side asked again.

   "Because you are variables and obstacles. If you can't persuade you to give up, my plan will not work." Kurosawa explained.

   "You can wait for us to leave." Yue'er said again.

"But my time is running out... I'm about to collapse and melt into the night spring. If I can't find a replacement before then, the overflow of the night spring will not be able to stop." At the end, Kurosawa Feng Shi brought the topic back to the beginning, and stated the seriousness of the matter to Qin Heqing and Yue'er, in an attempt to explain them to them and give up the current behavior.

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