High Priest in Japan

Chapter 247: Vegetative?

There is nothing to say about the specific sealing process.

Although the target is the Kurosawa Mihua, the Dazhu reserve, but after all, it is just an ordinary person who has the power to see and can read the mind. It is not as good as the witch resentful spirits in the mountains, let alone the monsters and ghosts as opponents. Yue'er's opponent? After a few tricks, Yue'er sealed it up with a spell, made a soul ball and threw it to Qin Heqing.

   Qin Heqing caught it, looked at it, and put it away.

   Anyway, he didn't know what to do now, so he wasted time thinking about it. On the contrary, it would not be too late to finish what was in front of him and take people back down the mountain to consider slowly.

   Then Yue'er signaled that Fang Xili would not come, and asked her to come up and complete the final unpacking work.

Without coming to Fang Xili, she adjusted her feelings of finding that Miss Mihua became a resentful spirit and became bad and lost. She stepped forward and once again grasped the copper ring handle on the cyrus, and slowly moved the lid of the box. The ground opened.


   After the familiar voice, the figure of Kurosawa dense flower in the night spring came into the eyes of everyone.

   "Miss Mihua." Fang Xili cried out expectantly.

   It’s just a pity, Kurosawa Mika didn’t make any response, and I don’t know if it is still in the deep sleep caused by the ceremony, or things are turning in the worst direction——

   Kurosawa Mihua lost consciousness and became an empty, living vegetable.

   But no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing to let her continue to soak in the night spring. So after seeing that the call had no effect, Fang Xili immediately stretched out her hand without coming and grabbed Mihua's arm.

   The power of seeing and taking was not unexpectedly excited, and the secrets that belonged to Kurosawa Mika's heart began to emerge in her mind.

   "Don't!" Somewhere in the Rishang Mountain above the cliff, Kurosawa Mika, who was still dressed as she now, shouted at the long-haired girl standing on the edge of the cliff.

   However, the effect was counterproductive. The girl just looked back at her and said "I'm sorry". After that, the whole person fell forward and fell to the cliff under the gaze of Ms. Kurosawa.

   That kind of impact, if it is not personal experience, it will be difficult for people who have witnessed it to experience it!

   So not surprisingly, Kurosawa Mihua was shocked and shocked by the girl's decisive suicide, and left deep scars like a mark in her heart.

   Especially when facing the girl’s family later, the feedback given by the girl’s family——

"do you died?"

   "It's fine if you die. At least there is news. It's better than there is no news before, and it's much better to search at a loss again and again. It's also an explanation for everyone."

"thank you."

   The kind of despair that comes from relief is far more touching than the possible blame from the relatives of the deceased!

   Therefore, under the impact of the two phases, Kurosawa Mihua's outlook on life and values ​​have changed, so that she gave birth to the idea of ​​not wanting to go up the mountain again.

   Until Fang Xili's appearance does not come.

   Then the picture was switched, and Xi Li herself actually became the protagonist in the memory of seeing, passively digging out the memories buried deep in her heart, and again clearly presented in the mind of Fang Xili herself like a movie.


   Until a moment later.

   Not coming, Fang Xili came back to her senses, with a complex expression, dragged the dense black flowers out of the cage.

   "Miss Mihua, Miss Mihua..." Fang Xili kept calling her if she didn't come.

Unfortunately, the development of things seems to have really turned in the worst direction. Under the power of seeing, the memory is restored, the consciousness is regained and the Kurosawa dense flower wakes up from the drowsiness still has no reaction at all, like a vegetable. Leaning on the box, no matter how Fang Xili called, there was no feedback.

   For this, Fang Xili felt very desperate if she didn't come, she couldn't help but raise her head to look at Qin Heqing and Yue'er beside her, hoping to find a way for Miss Mihua to wake up from the two of them.

   "Take the person back first, and then see if there is any way to wake her up." Qin Heqing shook his head, looking towards Fang Xili and said softly.

   "Well." Fang Xili nodded sadly when she didn't come, and she was about to reach out to help Kurosawa Mihua.

   "Forget it, let me do it." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"No need." Because the Mihua Kurosawa just came out of Yequan, she was still tainted with Yequan's relationship, and she didn't want Qin Heqing to interrupt Qin Heqing's words directly with Yue'er, who had too much contact with her, and then she couldn't help but use a lot of words. The leaves formed a floating cloud, like a cloud bed, holding the dense black flowers from the ground.

   "Okay, you can go now."

   Qin Heqing couldn't help but linger, shook his head and brought Fang Xili back to the outside of the palace.

   is not slow, and soon disappeared in the palace group.

But they didn't notice it. Almost the next moment they left the palace full of cymbals, with the overflow of the night spring water that seemed to be formed by countless black hairs, a black cloth appeared in the world. In the palace, the scarlet pupils looked far away, faintly looking at Qin Heqing and others who were gradually leaving...

   "My time... is running out..." Kurosawa murmured to himself.

   Then her figure flashed, and she disappeared into the palace just like she appeared.


   all the way...

   Uh, it can't be considered completely all right.

Because I don’t want to bring back dangerous things like Yequan~www.ltnovel.com~ Before leaving the Water Palace, Yue'er threw the unconscious Kurosawa dense flowers into it as if she had treated Shen Yu before. In the lake water, she was contaminated by the power of the lake water, and the night spring water soaked in her clothes was washed and repelled clean. Then she was lifted up by the cloud bed again, and took her back to the Palace of Secluded by boat, and returned to Japan. Up the mountain, took the sightseeing tram back to the village below the mountain, back to the antique cafe.

   "Yue'er, you help Xi Li take care of Miss Mihua, I will go to check the information." Qin Heqing ordered Yue'er next to her.

After all, as a big person like Mihua, it’s okay to be conscious, and it’s not a simple matter to let Fang Xili take care of her body weight when she’s not conscious, so in order to avoid another accident in the middle, Qin Heqing still chooses to let Yue'er take action. Take care.

   After all, there are differences between men and women, not to mention that the two sides still don’t know each other. Qin and Qing can't go too far and just worry about everything.

   As for the title?

   I have hugged, so what can I do when I call my name?

   Didn't I see Xili and didn't object to it?

  Qin Heqing naturally doesn't care much.

   Then Qin Heqing turned and went back downstairs, pulled a chair near Batai, and sat down shortly. With a thought, he released the black-clothed Jie's mother-in-law who had been caught in Jie's house.

   "Mother-in-law, right? I saw Kurosawa has come to the world." Qin Heqing took the lead in attracting the response of the somewhat dazed mother-in-law.

   The so-called gentleman seizes people, in general.

  :. :

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