High Priest in Japan

Chapter 249: See through

The problem of going uphill.

Hinasaki Fukaha, or the problem that Hinasaki Crimson will disappear.

The problem of Kurosawa dense flowers.

In addition, Fang Xili, who was believed to be a big pillar by the black-clothed old lady's mother-in-law...

Qin Heqing felt that the people he met and came into contact with during this trip to the mountain were tragedies, and they were all placed on a tattered coffee table. At any time, it was possible that the cup would be broken for some inexplicable reason. Let him, the temporary caregiver who looks after the coffee table and cups, feel very speechless.

But can he just leave it?

If you don't know anything, then forget it. At least there will be no psychological burden. Can be replaced by now...

Qin Heqing said that he really couldn't pass his conscience!

For a while, Qin Heqing felt a little irritable, so he couldn't help taking out a bottle of sake from the demon refining pot without a cup, and drank it by himself on the first floor of the cafe.

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that Yue'er, who had helped Fang Xili clean up Blackpool Mihua and put it in bed, appeared in front of him.

"Why are you drinking?" Seeing this situation, Yue'er asked in surprise.

As for the question that Qin Heqing can't drink before he is an adult...

Again, her three views are not the same as human beings, and she doesn't care about such insignificant things.

What's more, Qin Heqing is also the priest of Jiu Gong, not to mention drinking a little wine, even if the whole person is soaked in the wine tank, there will be no problems-

Where is the blood of others, most drunk, drunk to death?

First ask people Qin Jiugong not to let you talk.

Then, without waiting for Qin Heqing's answer, he said again, "The situation is terrible?"

"En." Qin Heqing stopped when he heard the words, closed the cork, and replied softly while putting the bottle back away.

"How bad is it?" Yue'er asked.

"One might not, we might get stuck here."

Afterwards, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, and narrated all the things she asked from Granny Jie in black and her own speculation, so that Yue'er understood what kind of situation they were about to face.

"It seems to be the case when you say this, but if you count it carefully, there is actually only one problem we have to face-that is the overflow of the night spring! As for the awakening of Kurosawa dense flower, Hina Saki Things like the disappearance of red don't actually have much to do with us." After listening to Qin Heqing's account, Yue'er shook her head slightly and said calmly.

"Take the owner of the cafe where we are now, Kurosawa Mihua, do we have anything to do with her? No. Even the reason why we went up the mountain to look for her is entirely because we might not come to Fang Xili In terms of face, because I troubled her twice before, I did it in order to repay her favor. So after we found her, the relationship between us and Fang Xili, who didn’t come, was actually cleared, so we could not help her. Rescue Kurosawa Mihua depends entirely on our thoughts. To put it bluntly, it is your duty to help her, and your duty not to help her."

"And do you have any ideas about whether to come to Fang Xili?"

Qin Heqing shook his head.

He is not a breeding pig or Teddy, so he wants to win one when he sees one.

Even if Fang Xili's thighs are not coming, they look very attractive.

But he is not a brainless vernal equinox animal, except for the dominance instinct, there is nothing left.

"Then it will end." Yue'er opened her hand and said. After a meal, he continued, "Now let’s return to the question of Hina Saki Crimson. Yes, we were invited to come here to help Hina Saki Fukaha find her mother, but we only found her mother, as for her mother. After being found, there are actually no hard and fast rules on whether it is life or death, health or disability. In other words, as long as the existence of this person is found, we don’t care about the others. Let alone Hina Saki's problems. She did it by herself. So just like with Kurosawa Mihua, it's all up to you whether you want to help. There is no need to worry about whether you can help or if there is any way to help."

Then there was a pause. Yue'er floated to Qin Heqing's side, and patted Qin Heqing's shoulder with great care and attention, and exclaimed, "So, you don't have enough experience..."

"..." Qin Heqing silently, just looking at Yue'er's unopened loli figure but pretending to be an old-fashioned look, no matter how she looked at it, there was a weird feeling. He twitched his mouth and tilted his head to one side.

"But this is exactly where your kindness lies, and it's what I admire, so keep it up. Keep this kindness, maybe you can reap a different kind of return in the future." Yue'er retreated. , Looked at Qin Heqing with a scrutinizing gaze, and said again with a smile.

Qin Heqing was stunned, and looked at her with astonishment.

"Okay, when you have time to worry about this, let's think about how to solve Yequan's problem. Otherwise, even if you can leave Hina Saki crimson, it will be useless to wake up the dense flowers of Kurosawa." Yue'er is very heroic. Waved his arm to remind Qin Heqing to return to God's way.

That's pretty good! If Ye Quan’s problem cannot be solved, even if the two are rescued, they can’t escape and continue to be abducted back into the mountains. When the bandit’s daughter, the middle pillar and the big pillar end, let everything return to the original point.

"So the crux of the problem lies in the fact that Kurosawa meets the world. As long as she can solve her problems, even if we can't completely solve the problems of the sun’s mountains and the overflowing of the night springs, we can maintain the status quo, so that we have more time to figure out what to do. Solve everything completely." Qin Heqing said in a deep, shrewd voice after a moment of silence.

"Not bad!" Yue'er expressed affirmation, and then asked rhetorically, "Just how to solve her problem?"

"It is estimated that we should start with the customs of Rishangshan." Qin Heqing frowned.

"Secluded marriage?" Yue'er said hesitantly with a flash of eyes.

Then, without waiting for Yue’er to say more, Qin Heqing released the ghost of the mother-in-law again, and asked her in detail about the various customs on Rishangshan and the details of the secluded marriage ceremony to determine the useful information. And intelligence.

However, it turned out that Qin Heqing was disappointed and Yue'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~.


It’s just because the way the secluded marriage ceremony takes effect is really bad for the other party-if it’s someone with spiritual aptitude like Qin Heqing or Hina Saki Crimson, it’s better, at best, it’s locked into a bandit. The object of your marriage to you is perpetually sinking into the Yequan, without life or death, suffering from the suffering of the dead and the double destruction of Yequan's erosion.

But if you don’t have any spiritual power... Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, first interrupt your limbs to inspire pain, and then continue to make the best use of everything, put people in boxes, send them to the worship hall, and wait to be digested and used...

In short, the treatment is worse than that of the Miko, who is like a consumable, and a person who does not want to die will not choose.

So Qin Heqing could only give up this option and choose another solution.

such as?

Conclude a Shikigami contract with Kurosawa Fengshi?

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