High Priest in Japan

Chapter 255: Strong Zhen Shen Yu

After a long time, everything is over.


   Kurosawa reincarnates as a big pillar in the world, returns to the night spring, and disappears with the night spring into the large cave opened in the crescent-shaped rock.


Only Qin Heqing, Yue'er, Akane Ayukawa, Bulai Fang Xili, Kurosawa Mihua, and Hina Saki Fukayu stay in the black pool, looking at the bright moon and stars in the sky after the clouds have cleared, silently Speechless, feeling the sacrifice of Kurosawa.


   Until another moment passed.


   "Let's go back too." Qin Heqing said.


   Fang Xili and Ayukawa will naturally not object to this if they don't come, nodded, turned around and headed towards the Water Palace.


   discovered that one person was missing from the team.




   Hina Saki Fukaha!


   still stands after the disappearance of the night spring, in the lake water that can no longer be seen in the black pool, silently looking at the sky, looking left and isolated, it makes people feel distressed.


   Seeing this, Qin Heqing couldn't help but frown, moved forward, and walked to Hinasaki Fukaha's side.


   "Shen Yu..."


"I have nothing." Hina Saki Fukaha silently shed tears, looking at the sky and muttered, "Hope, mother, affection, everything... all disappeared with her disappearance. I, change again Become alone..."


"No, you still have me." Qin Heqing moved his eyes and sighed. He stretched out Hina Saki's arms and pulled her to his body with a slight force. He looked straight into her teary eyes and spoke softly. Said, "You still have a lot. It's just that you were too attached to your mother before that made you ignore everything around you..."


   "No, I don't." Hinasaki Fukaha looked back at her and denied, "I can see everyone's mind clearly! Even yours."


   After a pause, Hina Saki Fukaha continued, "Even if I can't read your heart with the power of seeing, I can still feel that your purpose of contacting me is not pure."


   "So what?" Qin Heqing asked with a twitch on his eyelids, frowning.


   "This shows that all of you approach me with a purpose! Only mother! She is selfless to me... But now, my last sustenance is also left and I disappear. What else do I have? I have nothing!"


   "Then look for it again! Find your sustenance again, find your home!" Qin Heqing said with a heavy expression, staring at her coldly.


   "How to find?" Hinasaki Fukaha asked in confusion.


   "Find it in life! Anyway, we are still young, and there is still a lot of time to squander, I don't believe it, after more than ten years, you still can't find the least value and possessions of existence." Qin Heqing said firmly.


   "Ten years...I'm afraid I won't last that long." Hinasaki Fukaha said decadently.


   "Then I will give you a motivation to persist." Qin Heqing's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice.




   Before she could understand, Qin Heqing's head had already moved up.


   Suddenly, Hina Saki's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of incredible staring at Qin Heqing, who was close to her face.


   until a moment later.


   "You!" Hina Saki Fukayu stared at Qin Heqing with his eyes wide open. He was short of breath. His expression was both annoyed and shocked, but he could not speak the whole thing.


"Don't you feel that you lack real sense and have nothing? Now I will give you all these things. Even if it is impure and utilitarian. It also means that you are no longer nothing. So cheer me up, Otherwise, I don't mind doing more to you!" Qin Heqing said with a solemn voice, staring at Hina Saki's flickering eyes.


   "..." Hinasaki Fukaha was silent, completely speechless.


   This kind of shameless guy, why didn't he get beaten to death.


   "Okay, go down the mountain, let's go home."


After that, Qin Heqing did not give Hina Saki Shenyu a chance to react, so he took her arm and dragged her back into the team forcefully. Ignoring the weird gazes of Fang Xili and Ayukawa, the group returned to the water. Palace, returned to the dock, got on the boat, and returned to the Palace of Secluded.


   then went back to the ground and took the tram back to the village.


   "By the way, what was the last thing you let Yue'er give to Kurosawa-san?" On the way back, Akane Aykawa, who was a little silent and really curious, asked.


   "The inheritance of the nine-character mantra spells and the "Heart Sutra" spells." Qin Heqing didn't conceal it, and said quietly while looking at the forest scenery that slid past the car window.


   With Yequan's re-sealing, the feeling of going up the mountain all day is very different from before! Less weird and deep, more quiet and elegant, people have the interest of browsing and in-depth.


   "Nine-character mantra and heart sutra?" Ayukawa asked unexpectedly.


   At the same time, Hina Saki Fukaha and Fang Xili were also very surprised, and turned to look at him, waiting for his answer.


"En. The central sutra can effectively calm her mood fluctuations and prevent her from breaking down. The nine characters can hone her spirit and make her sublimate. As long as she can practice these two sets of spells carefully and master them proficiently, Then there will be no more problems in the short time after Black Ze Fengshi, thus fundamentally solving the suppression of Luo Yequan." Qin Heqing said.


   This was also his choice after thinking at the time.


After all, the inheritance of Rishangshan is really terrible. There is only a set of mind-reading techniques called Kanto. Other onmyoji, divine arts, and spells are very few, and most of them are the set of the witch Purification is okay. It's not as good as the Buddhist scriptures and the nine-character mantra to improve the mind and nature.


"That's the case. It's still thoughtful with Qingjun. Otherwise, I don't know when there will be problems on the Rishangshan side, which will put the world in danger." After listening to Qin Heqing's explanation, Ayu Chuan suddenly realized, and then looked in admiration. Said Xiang Qin Heqing.


  The light flowing in the eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ Even Qin Heqing couldn't stand it.


   "Here again..." Seeing this, Yue'er couldn't help but glanced at her mouth, and muttered secretly with disdain in her expression.


   really when she doesn’t know Ayukawa’s mind?


   That is too small to underestimate the hundreds of years she spent as an elf.


   After that, there was no more conversation, and his party returned to the antique cafe smoothly.






   Ling Ling wailed, his body flew uncontrollably in front of Qin Heqing, and he was taken into the demon refining pot.


   "Okay, go on." Qin Heqing nodded in satisfaction, and greeted the Ayukawa beside him.




At this time, it’s been a long time since Kurosawa Fengshi regained and suppressed Yequan. It was the evening of the next day. Because of the relationship between Kurosawa Mika’s soul fusion, I should have taken a plane back to Tokyo today. Qin Heqing did not leave, but continued to stay in the antique cafe for rest. So in line with the idea of ​​boredom and rare opportunity, after making preliminary arrangements for Kurosawa Mika's affairs, he took Ayukawa once again to the Rishang Mountain, which had recovered some appearance, and began to confront the resentful spirits in the mountain. Cleanup work.


   It turned out that there is no need to say more, and the journey went smoothly, allowing Qin Heqing to harvest a lot of resentment materials and make a lot of money.

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