High Priest in Japan

Chapter 262: Trip to the island

But what attracts Qin Heqing’s attention more is the white torii that is standing on the shore. The base part is submerged into the sea from time to time with the rise and fall of the sea tide. A couple of rocks made up of one small two rocks and connected by a shiren rope!

Because the way they are combined is too much like the union of the lake on the other side of the sun and the black river in the mountains.

If it is not for the surrounding background, the sea is not a lake, and there is no so-called water palace nearby——

Although there is a shrine built on a small island not far from Huojuyan Rock...

But after all, it’s not a mountain!

You can't find Yequan without seeing the Black Zee.

Not to mention the witch who embraced the emotion of the suicide, so that the suicide can peacefully step into death.

So after the initial accident, Qin Heqing let go of his heart and turned to appreciate the surrounding environment——

The half-moon-shaped beach spreads several kilometers along the seashore. The sand is fine and fine. Although it has not reached the level of white sand, it can still make people step on it with bare feet without worrying that the soles of the feet will be worn away by the sand.

There are shoals and broken reefs nearby, scattered scattered around, but they have become places for tourists. A stylishly dressed man and woman stepped on them continuously, taking beautiful commemorative photos with the help of family and friends.

As for the bikini beauties that Qin Heqing wants to see?

Although it is not unavailable, they are also rare, and most of them are on the beach farther away from Husband and Wife Rock, frolicking in the water, only the faint sound drifting along the sea breeze, people can know the joy there.

But Qin Heqing didn't lean over--

After all, he didn’t come to the seaside really to see beautiful women, but to have something to do, so after a simple glance around, he set off and walked towards the bridge not far away, ready to go to the one that compares the existence of the Water Palace. Take a look at Hakoshima Shrine.

The journey was not far, so it didn't take much time for Qin Heqing to arrive on the small island composed of a small beach and a large number of rocks, and together with the surrounding tourists, entered the shrine.

Even though Hakoshima Shrine is small, it is well-known in the island country. It is the most popular shrine in the Fukuoka area for praying for good relationship. Therefore, even if the location is relatively remote, there are still many couples and singles who want to fall in love. Come to worship.

Therefore, there is no shortage of people on small islands.

Fortunately, there are not many attractions here, so after the visit, visitors will quickly return to the beach to cool off or leave directly to play in Itoshima City.

Therefore, Qin Heqing didn't worry about any accidents in his next actions. After simply fulfilling the duties of a priest-after visiting the gods, he left the crowd and came to the side of the shrine, activated the invisibility curse when no one was paying attention, stepped through the rocky area step by step, and came to the beach...


"To understanding."

Following that, Ayukawa released the power of mind to wrap himself and Qin Heqing, and then followed Qin Heqing's footsteps into the water, walking towards the sea step by step.

As far as love is concerned, it is exactly the same as someone who seems to be confused by something and wants to commit suicide!

Until the whole person disappeared under the sea.

Then Qin Heqing spread his hands and activated the power of the demon refining pot, using the palms of his hands as the entrance, swallowing the surrounding sea water...


The current is not rapid, coupled with the ocean current effects and tidal phenomena that exist in the sea itself, so it did not cause any abnormalities on the sea surface. The sea surface is calm as before. No one knows what is happening under the sea surface.


The whole process lasted for several hours. From the afternoon until midnight, Qin Heqing finished collecting sea water, got out of the sea, and then took the tram back to Fukuoka City.

"Are you sleeping?" Qin Heqing sent a text message to Kato Megumi and asked.

Because of Shen Hai's concern, his mobile phone was disconnected from the outside world, so he missed several messages and calls from Kato Hui, and had to make up for it.

"No." After a while, Kato Kee replied.

"Then come down and go to the restaurant on the second floor, where I will wait for you."


Then the two stopped talking, and at the same time Qin Heqing got out of the car and set off to move to the second floor of the liquor store where he was staying.


The elevator opened, and Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi who came out of another elevator touched the opposite side.

"Are you out?" Kato Hui shrugged her nose slightly, smelling the faint smell of sea emanating from Qin Heqing.

"Well, I went to the island." Qin Heqing replied casually while calling Kato Hui into the restaurant.

"Isshima? Because of business?" Kato Megumi asked unexpectedly.

"No, it's personal reasons." Qin Heqing said.

Then the two found an empty seat and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?" the waiter asked, handing over the menu.

"Come on with pork chop rice." Qin Heqing flipped through the menu and ordered.

In the middle of the night, eating too much and oily food is not good and is not good for health.

"Just give me three treatments." Kato Kee said.

Watching other people eat is not a good choice, so even if she didn't have any ideas, Kato Megumi also ordered a low-calorie, low-weight food to cooperate.

"Okay, two, please wait a moment." Then the waiter walked away and went down to deliver the food.

"Did you have fun today?" Qin Heqing didn't talk more about his own affairs, and instead asked about Kato Megumi's day of play.


"More happier than being with me?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and asked with a piercing prick.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Kato Megumi looked at him, a flash of amusement flashed in his eyes, and provoked expressionlessly.

"...I'm sad. My heart, it's cool..." Qin Heqing heard that he covered his chest with his hands, and said with a painful expression, "No, you come and help me rub it, or I I’m going to die~www.ltnovel.com~ Are you going to die? Then I’ll call you 120. After all, I’m not a professional, but I can’t cope with this situation.” As he said, Kato took out his mobile phone in a serious manner. , Press the button in a gesture.

"No need, no, I'm a disease that will die if I lack the benefit energy. The current medical technology can't cure it at all. I can only recover by supplementing your benefit energy. So Hui, save me, use you Your love will warm my heart..." Qin Heqing said exaggeratedly.

Fortunately, I still remember that the occasion was wrong, otherwise the sound would be louder and the scene would be more.

But even so, a young woman not far from the side laughed involuntarily, and because of the sudden laugh, the drink splashed into the trachea, causing a violent cough.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

"Let's make you funny." Upon seeing this, Kato Megumi rebuked helplessly and found the tissue and walked over.

"Are you okay." Kato Megumi said politely.

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