High Priest in Japan

Chapter 264: laid back

"I've passed." Qin Heqing stood up and said.

"Come on," Kato Megumi encouraged.

"Come on." Following that, Tong Shengcang also sent his blessings.

"I think what I want more than cheering is actually Hui energy." Qin Heqing glanced at the next to Kato Hui and laughed.

"Then wait until you reach the finals." Kato Hui smiled.

"Finals...I know, you just wait." After speaking, Qin Heqing was no longer staying, and strode forward to the venue.

"What is Hui energy?" Kiryu Cang asked Megumi Chao Kato with a little doubt.

"That guy just wants to take the opportunity to take advantage of me." Kato Hui showed an extremely light shyness on his face, so he calmly looked at Qin Heqing who was walking towards the venue.

"Uh..." She's not stupid, and she doesn't understand what Hui energy is—it's nothing more than some kind of interaction code between young couples—such as kissing, hugging, and so on Roll on the bed or something.

Therefore, a touch of embarrassment appeared in his expression, and he smiled and didn't continue to question.

What are you doing? Spying on others?

Although she is really interested in that...

But the premise is where the relationship between the two is going!

Right now, it's right or wrong. A girlfriend is not a girlfriend, and a friend is not a friend, but he has no face to ask that kind of thing.

He restrained his mood and focused more on Qin Heqing, who had already entered the field at this time and saluted each other with his opponent.

Compared with gossip, Qin Heqing's achievements are more worthy of her attention.

Qin Heqing did not disappoint her! In other words, it was really motivated. After a monkey-like contest, Qin Heqing once again took the lead to score two points, won the schedule, and became the only contestant to reach the fourth round of Toyonosaki High School.

"Let's go, there should be nothing wrong with me today, let's go relax and relax together." Qin Heqing returned to the stand and said to Kiryu Cang and Kato Hui.

"How do you know?" Kiryu stood up and asked.

"You count it yourself—"

A game is three minutes, and there are six venues, which means that every three minutes, 12 players in six groups will decide the winner. One hour is 240 people and 120 groups. And the total number of selections in the third round? More than 750 players compete in 325 groups! In addition to this, plus the one-hour break from 5:30 to 6:30, the whole round of the game will have to go to at least seven or eight.

Even if the fourth round of selection was started quickly afterwards, Qin Heqing would not have his turn in the group selection position. It is possible to flash people in advance and find a place to go on a date with Kato Megumi!

"Are you sure? Don't make any accidents in the middle, which will delay the game." Tong Shengcang still maintained a cautious attitude.

"Isn't there Xiaogongshan? Tell him later and ask him to help pay attention to the match list. If the round is early, let him call us and come back as soon as possible." Qin Heqing didn't care.

Komiyayama, also Komiyayama Kasuga, is a first-year rookie in the Kendo Department. He is not strong and not very good. To put it bluntly, he is an ordinary person, plus he is a rookie, so he was arranged as a semi-logistics staff. , Responsible for collecting data for each group showdown in the process of shooting Yulong Banner.

Belongs to the pegs of the grandstand!

It can be used as an ‘eye’ to help monitor changes during the conference.

"Forget it, go and play by yourself, I will stay." Tongsheng frowned, but for insurance reasons, he still did not agree to Qin Heqing's proposal.

Besides, when her boy and girl friends go out to play together, what did she do with the past as a third party? Do you make a light bulb?

She is not so unconscious.

"Okay, you call me if you have something."

Then Qin Heqing and Megumi Kato bid farewell to Kiryu Soo, left the gymnasium and strolled around the city of Fukuoka.

"By the way, I found a place to go to the sea today on the Internet. Let's go and take a look." On the way, Qin Heqing suggested to Kato Hui next to him.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." Kato Hui glanced at him and shook his head.

"I didn't say that I had to go into the water."

"If that's the case, it's no problem."

Immediately, Qin and Qing changed their routes, took the JR train to Fukutsu Station in Fukuoka West District, got off the train, and walked straight to the beach——

After that, a small beach with a large area but sparsely populated, but with complete facilities and shops, caught the eyes of Qin and Qing. A group of people who looked like locals naturally stayed on the beach at will, or Eating cold drinks, melons and fruits, chatting with friends, or frolicking and having some healthy entertainment activities, it is very lively.

"It is said that this is a secret beach that only local people know about." Qin Heqing took Kato Hui's hand and walked towards the beach while asking her for credit with a shy smile.

"If we can find it, it means it's no secret." Kato Hui didn't want Qin Heqing to be too proud, so she poured cold water into the water calmly.

"Megumi, can't you cooperate with me with a surprised expression?" Qin Heqing stopped, holding Kato Megumi's cheek with his hands, then tightened his fingers and gently pinched her cheek helplessly.

"How to behave?" Kato Kee asked, tilting his head.

"Uh..." Qin Heqing said stagnantly, put down his hands and said helplessly, "Forget it."

It's a headache to think about having such a girlfriend who is close to facial paralysis.

Then he took Kato Megumi's hand again and strolled on the beach.

"It doesn't feel very good..." Qin Heqing muttered a little disappointed looking at the few and inferior bikini beauties.


"Let's go, let's rent some equipment there." After a while, Qin Heqing, who had been walking around for a while, stopped ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and looked at a special rental and sale of swimming rings, life jackets, etc. not far away. A small shop road for sea stall equipment such as beach chairs.

"Don't you want to stay here all afternoon, right? Don't... you will get sunburned! Next time, next time, will it work? Then we will bring all work and sunscreen widows, and have fun at the beach. "When Megumi Kato saw this, her expression changed slightly, and she grabbed Qin Heqing's arm and said with a tone shift.

Obviously, the fear of the sun broke her calm and unwavering state, causing her emotions to fluctuate.

"Did you not bring those things in your salute this time?" Qin Heqing turned to look at her in surprise.

"I thought that this time I came here just to cheer you up and act as a pull-down team. I didn't think that it might be launched into the water... So in addition to the normal daily necessities, I didn't bring things like sunscreen, swimsuits... No, I watched you play?"

"Forget it, what's the point of playing alone?" Qin Heqing shook his head and refused.

"In that case, you can only check if there is a nearby store selling these items, and then buy a set temporarily." Kato Kee sighed.

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