High Priest in Japan

Chapter 266: UPUP

As the game progresses, the progress of the game is getting faster and faster!

No, Qin Heqing had just finished the fourth round of the battle for less than half an hour, and his fifth battle came to the door.

The opponent is a guy named Hiro Otsuka. He is neither a dark horse nor a seeded player. He is an ordinary guy who relies on a solid foundation and technology to build up from the bottom. The threat is not great, but he is also very stable, neither Will rush for gains, and won't panic when it's downwind, quite difficult!

Therefore, it took Qin Heqing a lot of thought to take him down and qualified to enter the sixth round.

"I just looked at the match table and found that your next round opponent turned out to be this guy." On the stand on the side of the stadium, Tong Shengcang took out his mobile phone to call up a copy of information and forwarded it to Qin Heqing.

"Yuduo Guanghui?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

He remembered this name as a guy who had been specially marked in the school and player information that Kiryu Cang gave him earlier.

In other words, he is a seeded player.

From a college affiliated to Kyushu Institute of Technology, a swordsman who studied under the master of Imaizumi, Mr. Yasutaro Imaizumi, has already developed a level of training at a young age. He is a very difficult guy.

"This is a hard stubble." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

Still the same sentence, he is a half-toned swordsman, relying on the strong body pill, the body after the beast essence pill is strengthened to bully ordinary people. For real swordsmanship, especially those who are young The guy taught by a famous teacher, he really can't handle it.

Didn't you see that Kiryu Cang, who was only excellent in motor nerves, could play like him before he had never eaten Beast Essence Pill?

So he is really imaginary at this time, and he has the idea that he might stop here.

"You're still not a man!?" Tong Shengcang disliked Qin Heqing's attitude of being timid before fighting and admitting defeat before fighting. He frowned, and exclaimed in dissatisfaction. People are disappointed. If I had known that you were this kind of person, I shouldn't have drawn you into the kendo department and placed so much expectation on you!"

It can be seen how disappointing her heart is.


"Senior Kiryu, Kato Kiyoshi didn't mean that." Upon seeing this, Kato Kee on the side quickly calmed down. At the same time, I didn't want to wink at Qin Heqing, and asked him to say something nice and express his stance, so that this article could be revealed.

"Uh, I didn't admit it, but I just feel that this guy is more difficult to deal with. I'm not sure to beat him 100%. Don't think about it. I don't even have this competitive spirit or even fight. Just admit defeat first." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly, and said to Tong Sheng Cang Surong who was sitting on the other side of him.

"Are you serious?" Kiryu Cang remained suspicious.

"I promise!" Qin Heqing promised, raising his hand, making a three-pointing swear gesture.

"This is still like a man." Kiryu Cang looked at him, and when he saw that he didn't look like he was fooling himself, he nodded and said with satisfaction.

"..." If it weren't for Kato Hui, Qin Heqing really wanted to reply to her by saying "Am I a man, do you want to try it yourself" to stop her.

But I didn’t get too entangled in this aspect. Instead, I turned my head and rushed to Kei Kato, who was next to me, saying, "But just in case, Hui-chan, would you like to replenish me with some Hui-energy to make me UPUP and make me fuller? To face the next battle with his posture?"

"You guy, when are you joking." Kato Hui raised his hand and patted his face, making a soft "pop", and said with a vague expression of helplessness.

"I'm not kidding." Qin Heqing said sternly. "For me, Huijiang, your reward is my BUFF, which can improve my state and increase my combat power. So for me, for our Toyosaki high school boys For the results of the project, for the sake of a possible championship, please give me a BUFF."

"You..." Kato Hui twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, but still obeyed Qin Heqing's words. When everyone around him was not paying attention except Tong Shengcang, he suddenly touched Qin Heqing's face with a probe.

"It's too fast, and the location is not right." Qin Heqing said dissatisfied. Then he pointed to his lips and demanded, "Here, it must be here."

"..." Kato Megumi stared at him expressionlessly, until Tong Shengcang on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and then reluctantly poked her head back and kissed Qin Heqing's lips.

"This is all right."

"Energy UPUP! Huijiang, you are optimistic. See how I beat that guy into a pig's head." Qin Heqing put on a healthy posture and said arrogantly.

Kiryu Cang was speechless about this. Suddenly he felt as if he was getting old. He couldn't keep up with the thinking of the younger generation. He couldn't play anymore. He couldn't help but his eyes were in a daze. He wondered if he wanted to talk about a boyfriend. Experience youth?

"No, you can never fall in love before you go to college! Hold it back, hold it back! Kiryu Cang, you are not a superficial woman, cannot be controlled by hormonal impulses, you want to be a strong woman and cannot be influenced by the existence of men. Come on! "

Afterwards, Kiryu Cang calmed down, and once again faced Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi who were interacting.

Then the sixth round began, Qin Heqing followed the staff's prompts and entered the corresponding venue.



Qin Heqing and Yu Duo Guanghui both set up an offensive posture, and moved closer to each other step by step with small moves.

"Upper rank..." Qin Heqing secretly said in his heart as he watched Yu Duo lifted above his head, holding a knife in a ready-to-slash position.

Then he stepped forward violently "Suddenly!"

Yudu was vigilant and slashed at Qin Heqing's head with a knife sideways, "Head!"

However, Qin Heqing walked with the knife, as if being dragged by the knife, straddling to Yuduo's side, shouting "bronze" in his mouth, and cutting to Yuduo's body in a transverse manner.

Yu Duo was shocked, changed his sword force and rushed down the tip of the knife, and at the same time turned sideways, blocking Qin Heqing's crosscut with the knife.


Then Yuduo rebelled and attacked ~www.ltnovel.com~ using a lever-like manner to force Qin Heqing's knife, erect the blade again, and chop down at Qin Heqing's head again.

Qin Heqing made rapid progress and dodged from Yuduo's blade.

Then the two sides regained their positions and looked at each other.

"It's a strong enemy!" Qin Heqing and Yuduo secretly said in their hearts in unison.

If you are not a master, you can't play so many routine changes.

Immediately, Yuduo changed his hand gestures, turning the upper-ranking sword-holding technique into a middle-ranking position capable of attacking, retreating, and defending. With a solemn expression, he stared at Qin Heqing's posture as he faced his brothers in the dojo, staring cautiously. Follow his every move.

Then Qin Heqing took a long breath and ran in small steps...


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