High Priest in Japan

Chapter 268: Round 8

As mentioned above, as the game progresses, the progress of the event is getting faster and faster.

No, not long after Qin Heqing finished fighting, the seventh round of the competition officially began.

The remaining fifty-odd people were killed in groups, and it didn't take much time to finish all the games.

This naturally also includes Qin Heqing.

An ordinary player who made it into the seventh group with a solid foundation and enough luck, eventually lost to Qin and Qingyuan’s extraordinary physical fitness and flexibility, and stopped before the eighth round...

At this point, the entire men's individual event has come to an end, and it will take up to half an hour to end all the duels and decide the champion of the men's event.

Unfortunately, the time has come to 12 o'clock, and the competition has entered the noon break stage, and the game can only be decided after the start of the afternoon.

"Yes, here is the list and general information of all the players in the eighth round. They are all hard stubbles. You need to be mentally prepared." A fast food restaurant near the gymnasium used the intermission to announce the board. Tong Shengcang, who had taken a photo of the match table there, sent the photo to Qin Heqing's cell phone.

As she said, the remaining 20 players, except for a few, are all the seeded players marked by the information Kiryu Cang gave him before!

Not to mention their strengths, they are all very difficult to deal with.

It's no wonder that Kiryu Cang is not optimistic about his future, saying "you must be psychologically prepared".

"I know. But for Huijiang's energy rewards, I will still do my best to make it to the semifinals, even the finals. Hui, you shouldn't be a big deal, right?" Qin Heqing put down his phone and looked towards Kiryu Cang and Kato Kedao beside him.

"The premise is that you don't cheat." Kato Megumi whispered.

"Cheating?" Tong Shengcang, who still didn't know Qin Heqing's identity, asked in confusion.

"Do you see me like that?" Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Don't say, he really wanted to cheat just now.

But since it has been broken by Kato Megumi, he is naturally not good at messing around with his cheeks, and he should follow the standards of normal people.

"Who is right about this kind of thing..." Kato Kee said while squeezing the drink straw in her hand, stirring the cold drink in the cup.

"Heh, hehe..."


The lunch ended very quickly. What's more, in this kind of situation in the afternoon when there is still something to do, it is impossible to have a slow play.

It's not a western restaurant.

So soon, Qin Heqing and his party returned to the stands of the gymnasium. The three of them chose a back row position where no one was sitting. Qin Heqing lay directly on his back, resting on Kato Kei’s lap, and forced Kiryu. Sit down on the other side of Kato Kei.

"You are not afraid of the panic." Tong Shengcang looked at the slightly raised edges and corners of the chair, and rushed towards Qin and Qingdao speechlessly.

"It's okay, my skin is thick and fleshy, a little bit of ribs, it doesn't matter." Qin Heqing closed his eyes and said calmly.

"Then you are not afraid of causing public outrage?" Kiryu Cang sighed as he watched the crowd gradually returning from the venue.

You know, what is going on now is the men's individual event! So there are not many others in the whole venue, just more men!

In addition, kendo is a niche event, and there are not many girls who appreciate and are interested in it. The result is that there are obviously women’s competitions, and there are also a few female members who come to the venue to experience and watch them. , Less than ten female members can be seen in the entire venue!

And depending on the situation, they are people like club managers, and they can manage the logistics. I want them to provide knee pillows to the team members for Kato Megumi’s test questions...

I asked other students in the same club to agree or disagree.

It can be seen how much people hate Qin Heqing, who is standing by Kato Megumi and enjoying the super-premium VIP treatment!

In other words, the words that are rotten and about to see vomiting come from, if the eyes can be lethal, Qin Heqing has been cut by thousands of swords and will not survive.

"I'm lying on my girlfriend's thigh, what does it have to do with them? Unhappy? Hold it! Or I will fight with me without any restrictions, and see if I don't beat them so much that even their mother recognizes them. If I don’t come out, I’ll write my last name upside down.” Qin Heqing turned his head slightly, opened his eyes and glanced at the jealous gaze that came over from time to time in the venue, hehe sneered, and said frantically.

If there are no restrictions on the rules, he will not be afraid even if everyone in the field is allowed to play together!

Was the Manye Feihualiu and Ayukawa’s motivation for thinking that I practiced in that month really failed?

Suddenly, Tong Shengcang was speechless, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the enviable and hateful guy with a happy life.

"Okay, you should take a good rest." And Megumi Kato, who also felt that Qin Heqing's behavior was a bit funny, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead with a soft voice reminding.

"De Ling." Qin Heqing smiled.

Then I closed my eyes and rested beautifully.


So time passed, and time came to 1:15 in the afternoon.

After the lunch break, the conference restarts.

The event entered the eighth round.

And because of Qin and Qing's relatively high group relationship, he was arranged to be the first batch of contestants, and just like his opponent, he was summoned to the venue.

"Come on!" Kiryu Cang and Kato Megumi encouraged him.

"Look up." Qin Heqing smiled.

And this round is not surprising, his opponent is a seeded player-Daemon Saburo from a private middle school in Hokkaido!

His body is average, average height, average body shape, and average face make him look like an ordinary person. If he is thrown into the crowd, no one will be found. Attract people's attention.

"Ordinary...Compared with my Jiahui's sense of existence, you are so ordinary." Qin Heqing put on his visor and looked at the opponent who was ready for the game through the visor. The opponent smiled secretly.



Qin Heqing and the gate set up their respective positions, staring at each other intently...

The result is that two people are like a pair of furnishings, and no one moves, making the scene look very embarrassing.

"By the way, I remember that this guy is good at using defensive counterattacks~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly, thinking of Qin Heqing as recorded in the information.

Then he didn't hesitate to arrive, and moved towards the gate.

The door remained unmoved, like a rock, guarding his own domain.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Ten seconds...

Finally, after thirteen seconds passed, Qin Heqing included Daemon Saburo into his attack range, and then stepped abruptly on the ground, and the object shot pierced forward like a gun.


At the same time Damen Saburo moved his arms, and the object hit in his hand collided with the object hit by Qin Heqing in the afterimage.


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