High Priest in Japan

Chapter 279: Seeing the champion

However, because there are only three people left, and no hair is made up to make up for the relationship of paired elimination, this year's Yulongqi championship has also changed a little bit, from the original two wins to three wins.

When the three of them take turns against the other two opponents, the one who gets the double win is the champion!

Of course, if you encounter that special situation, where A wins B, B wins C, C and A, the champion is judged according to the points lost by each person.

If the scores of the remaining two players are still the same, then an extra match will be played and the winner will be the champion.

Of course, the way of judging the win in this playoff is no longer the normal double-pointing system, but like the overtime of a normal game, who gets the winning points first-that is, the first to win the next point.

Fully consider the player's quality, psychology, and skills, and no one can fault it.

what? You said, what if the scores of three players are the same when A wins B, B wins C, and C wins A?


Anyway, a game is only five minutes at most, and the organizer can afford to delay it.

Then the three people draw lots, draw their own games and their opponents.

Qin Heqing's luck was good. He was drawn to second place. He was very satisfied with his non-combat state. He turned around and walked to the sidelines to sit down and watch the Ehime contestant named Oyama Hidezawa and Gunma Prefecture contestant named Murai Daigo. Battle.

The fight was fierce...

Although in terms of the effect of the scene, it is completely incomparable with the scene when he fights the ghosts, but there is so much connotation in it.

Probing, competing, wrestling, psychological warfare...

Anyway, there are a lot of things that can be fooled, very unpredictable!

If the above is true...

Qin He Qingrao watched with interest, observing the fighting style of the two.

For example, Oyama Hidema in Ehime Prefecture is from Kansai, which is a strong kendo area. He has a more confident attitude, loves to attack, and is very good in both strength and technique. He also plays wildly and has a lot of moves. There are fewer small strategies.

On the other hand, Daigo Murai from Gunma Prefecture is the opposite. Because of the larger size of the mountain, Shumao is slightly shorter, he is more cautious in attacking, and he loves to wander, does not like wrestling, and likes to make surprise attacks. This kind of small or close fighting technique is mainly used. It is rarely seen in large opening and closing, and most of them are abandoned halfway. In terms of offensive consciousness, it is far weaker than Dashan Xiujin.

Of course, this may also be due to the fact that the overall strength of Kendo in the Kanto region is weaker than that in the Kansai region. Without self-confidence, it is naturally not possible to show momentum.

But the result was quite unexpected. It turned out that Daigo Murai from Gunma won the victory with a 2-1 lead. It is involuntary to have a sense of inhumanity.

Then Murai Daigo exited and rested for two minutes. It was Qin Heqing's turn to fight Dashan Xiuzhen.

Yes, Dashanxiu is really a hapless kid. Not only did he get the first place to play smoothly, he also won the most hapless Lien seat. I don’t know if it will be affected, which will affect his performance in the game...

But if it is possible, Qin Heqing still hopes that he will be affected.

At least this way he can relax a lot, make his chances of winning bigger, and covet the championship qualification.


Both sides presented kendo salute.


The two sides set up their positions and began to test.

For any opponent, as long as it is not a madman, it basically starts with temptation, lest the waves go too far and the opponent takes advantage.

Soon the two approached each other and entered the comfort zone of each other's attack.

Qin Heqing's spirit condensed, and slammed into the opponent's throat.

There is armor protection there, and it is also an effective attack area. It is only because the range is too small that it is difficult to be accurately hit in the fierce battle. Most players will give up where to attack and turn to large areas such as head and carcass. Target strikes.

Dashan did not move, his upper body was leaning back, while swinging his arms to sweep Qin Heqing's things to one side, then he stood up and protruding forward, taking advantage of the trend to stab Qin Heqing's chest.

Qin Heqing withdrew his left hand, turned sideways to pass the attack, then quickly backed away, retreated to the side of the field, and then grasped the object again and waited strictly.

Sure enough, the next moment, Dashan Xiujian, who had failed the attack, turned around and moved up again.

Oh, yes, there are boundaries in the arena. Although it is not used under normal circumstances, if a player goes out of the lap, he will still be sentenced to a foul and handed over to the opponent after more offenses.

So unless necessary, no one will let yourself be forced out of the circle.

Qin Heqing naturally did the same. He stepped forward and started from the ground. He used his swordsmanship to cut his body, and his whole body was gathered together, rushing to hit the real thing, and hit the mountain.


Da Shang Xiu was really surprised. He did not expect that Qin Heqing's power would be so huge, and he felt that he could not hold things to fight. He couldn't help but step back quickly, lest he would really be beaten out of neutral and be taken advantage of by Qin Heqing. .

After that, Qin Heqing quickly followed up, swinging and hitting at the same time, forcing Da Shan Xiuzhen to keep retreating, adjusting the hitting, and removing his possible counterattack, driving him back to the other side of the field.

Suddenly Dashan Xiuzhen's eyes shrank, and he stepped on the ground to stop the retreat.

Then Qin Heqing came to him and swung his sword again.

Dashan Xiujin defended. Qin Heqing pressed on, and then slammed--

Dashan Xiu is really irresistible, only a circle...

But unfortunately, he had the decision but Qin Heqing was faster. Almost at the same time he was out of the lap, the front end of the object hit fell on his carcass and scored a point.


The rules are biased towards the active offensive side. This is a common practice and no one can say anything.

Dashan Xiuzhen was speechless, and silently returned to the field, returning to the middle position.

He, Dashan Xiujin, wouldn't he really have to stop here?

Da Shan Xiuzhen's mood became a little irritable.

But it doesn't depend on him~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, whoever failed one after another when he was expected to be the champion, he would become restless when he was about to miss the championship.

The same goes for Olympic champions!

Otherwise, there won't be so many opponents during training on weekdays, but at a critical moment, they lose to Xiri's opponents.

So the next result can be imagined-

After all, the instability of the heart is not stable in the hands, and instability in the hands is also unstable in the sword, let alone in this level of competition?

After a short while, Qin Heqing, who paid more attention to the individual competition due to the team defeat, seized the opportunity to score a key point and win the final victory!

At this point, Dashan Xiujian's ranking has been locked-third, the champion will be decided between Qin Heqing and Murai Daigo, two players who have maintained a win each.

The eyes of the two collided for a while, faintly, with a little sparkle.

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