High Priest in Japan

Chapter 283: Cosmeceuticals

"Can you?" Machida Yuanzi said in surprise.

"Then ramen is good. I remember there are two bags of ramen that I bought not long ago in the kitchen cabinet above the kitchen counter, so you can cook that."

"Boil a bag?" Qin Heqing asked as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I'll be enough for one bag." Machida Yuanzi said as she entered the house and took off her coat. Then he threw himself on the sofa, took the remote control, fiddled with the TV channels boredly, and chatted casually, "Your game is over?"


"How is the grade?"

"I won the men's individual event."

"You, champion? Aren't you kidding me?" Machida Yuanzi was taken aback, turned to look at Qin Heqing who was busy in the kitchen in surprise.

Obviously, it was incredible that he could win the championship of individual events in the Yulongqi Conference.

"Why can't I be the champion?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"You haven't touched Su Zhen for more than a year, haven't you practiced formal kendo? With your junior high school level, how could it be possible that even in high school competitions, it is the Yulongqi who ranks in the top three in terms of gold content? Winning the championship at the conference... Isn't it the referee's eyes that have a problem?"

"Don't forget, I am a priest!" Qin He said uncomfortably.

"What does that matter? You can't cheat in the game and use non-kendo power to compete? That's an immoral behavior. Heqing shouldn't do that kind of villain behavior, right?"

"...No." Qin Heqing said helplessly with a sigh.

"Then how did you win the championship?" Machida Yuanko asked curiously.

"Naturally because I am a priest..."


"Because I am a priest, I can see ghosts and fight against demons and ghosts, so even if I haven't touched Su Jin for more than a year, and I haven't practiced formal kendo shape training, my strength has not declined. The actual combat experience has made my kendo skills significantly improved compared to junior high school. This, coupled with the enhancement of physical fitness brought by spiritual power... I am no longer what I used to be, and naturally I have enough strength and With confidence, he defeated all high school students across the country and became the champion." Qin Heqing said proudly.

"So that's the case, then you are really good. Did you tell Xiao Shiyu?" Machida Yuanzi suddenly chuckled, and then sneered.

"Why do you want to tell her about me?" Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

"Because you two are not good friends." Machida Yuanzi grinned.

"How can you tell that we are good friends?"

"If it weren't for a good friend, why would Xiao Shiyu set the protagonist of the new book as a high school student with the ability to see ghosts, and add the existence of ghosts to the background of the new book?" After a meal, he continued unconsciously. "But then again, you can make that kind of change for Xiao Shiyu, who has always been stubborn, and Heqing, your talent in a certain aspect is really amazing... You even unknowingly took it from a little guy. Xiao Shiyu turned up and made me look at you with admiration."

"..." Qin Heqing was speechless about this, so he had to stir his chopsticks to disperse the noodles in the pot to distract him, lest he would be taken away by Machida Yuanzi's rhythm, and talk to her between himself and Xiazhiqi Shiyu. Gossip.

"Now, tell me, tell me..." Seeing Qin Heqing ignore him, Machida Yuanzi said childishly.

"The meal is almost ready." Qin Heqing said unmoved.

"Cut, I don't even want this little wish to satisfy me. I'm still running around for your business. What a little white-eyed wolf. I helped you in vain." Machida Yuanzi snorted and put on a pair of disappointments. Muttered an angry expression.

This kind of disregard of identity is no one.

"If I'm a white-eyed wolf, what are you? Big bad wolf?" Qin Heqing pouted his lips, replying speechlessly.


After ten minutes, the ramen was cooked. Qin He Qing closed the fire, put the noodles in the pot into two bowls, supported them with wooden trays, and put them on the coffee table in the living room.

"Come to eat."

"Thank you. I'm moving." Machida Yuanko brought the ramen, picked up the chopsticks, and after chanting in a courteous manner, he picked up the ramen in the bowl and delivered it to her mouth.

"Snoring, snoring..."

"Ha... I can come home and eat a bowl of hot ramen after a hard day. Life is really happy." Machida Yuanzi exclaimed Wen Qingfan's long boo.

"By the way, why did you come back so late today?" Qin Heqing did not take Machida Yuanzi's stubbornness, but asked about her itinerary today.

"Isn't it the beginning of the month? I have to count the book sales of various authors under the library, as well as the typesetting and approval of new books and the work of listing and promotion. There are many things, and I have been busy until now, and I have become used to it."

"Shiyu's new work is going to be released too?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Shiyu?" Machida Yuanzi took a meal, watching him with a smirk.

It is a pity that Qin Heqing can be stretched, so Machida Yuanzi honestly explained the situation of Xia Zhiqiu after asking for a bit of boring.

"That's it. Her new book still has some problems and is undergoing final revision. It is estimated that it will not go on sale until mid-August or the end of August at the earliest."

"How is the quality of the new book? Does it look good?"

"It's very interesting. Keeping her usual pure love style and delicate writing, coupled with the strange ghost elements, it feels like it will be a big hit, making her position more stable."

"That's good."

"By the way, where is your relationship going." Seeing Qin Heqing's silence, Machida Yuanzi couldn't help but curiously asked, "Are there any relatives, or have you already done it?"

"Really...you can't stop your mouth even if you eat," Qin Heqing said helplessly.

Then I hurriedly picked two ramen noodles, ate the food in the bowl ~www.ltnovel.com~ and drank the soup, stood up and returned to the kitchen, washed the dishes, and went to the bathroom to help Machida Yuanko set up the bath water.

"By the way, the procedure is in the first drawer of the bedside of my bedroom. Take it out and take a look yourself." At this time, Machida Yuanzi, who was still competing with ramen, shouted at him.

"Got it." Qin Heqing answered, turned to the bedroom to find the bedside table, opened the top drawer, and took out the folder placed inside.

"Cosmetics?" After a while, Qin Heqing returned to the living room with the file.

"En. The lawyer said, if you want to get the production approval and sales procedures as soon as possible, you can only take the drug-cosmetic route. Otherwise, if you follow the formal drug approval process, you will not have enough clinical data to do it. For cosmetics, your drug It doesn't meet the requirements, so I can only compromise, and the drug makeup has been reviewed."


"Very good. Anyway, I don't plan to make a large-scale public sale, so let's do it." Qin Heqing nodded, put the documents in the compartment under the coffee table, sat back on the sofa, and looked bored again. TV shows.

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