High Priest in Japan

Chapter 290: Haunted house

However, if we talk about things and make trouble, we still have to do what should be done.

So after sitting for the meeting again, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took Qin Heqing to the haunted house she privately did not know how to find and rent——

An old house hidden in an old apartment building.

The area is small, about forty to fifty square meters. There is a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a small bathroom with a shower. The balcony is connected to the living room, and the width of the exhibition is less than half a meter. People can put a hanger on the clothes hanger to dry the clothes and can't do other things. Therefore, it is a facility for people to ventilate. Without it, it has little effect on life.

However, the location of the ward where the house is located is not very good. In the Oji Lot in Kita Ward, a place second only to Adachi Ward in chaos!

There are many foreigners, and street sleepers are common. It is really not a place where beautiful girls can go in and out on their own.

Then Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took out the key and opened the door——

Following this, a scent of coldness that was different from the external hot environment diffused from the door.

And the most important thing is that there is no air conditioner in this room, even if it has air conditioner, Kasugaoka Hill has not been turned on. So where does this cold breath come from?

Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows, entered the room and searched——

Sure enough, I saw a lot of resentment, but I still didn’t see where the resentment aura was. I don’t know if the ghost went out for a stroll, or it was because it was still hidden in the daytime relationship, and it would not appear until dusk. .

"How about it, is it a haunted house?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned and asked Qin Heqing.

She is not a witch, nor an inspiration, but there is no way to confirm the true extent of the haunted house.

"There is a ghost, but whether it is a haunted house or not, you have to wait until night to see if there is a ghost before it can be officially determined." Qin Heqing said.

"That's good." Upon hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu exhaled slightly and relaxed.

Regardless of her previous performance, it is completely impossible to say that she is not worried at all.

To know who she is, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, one of the most popular best-selling writers at the moment, a person of social status, also wants face! So if that happens—she is full of self-confidence here, and said with certainty that she rented a haunted house, and then waited for Qin Heqing to confirm that it was not an embarrassing situation...

She estimated that she could die of shame!

Especially when the subject is Qin Heqing, she can go crazy...

Because it was really shameful.

"Now while there is still time, let's clean up this place." Then, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the dust in the house and suggested that there is no space for extra furnishings.


Then Qin Heqing and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu went downstairs to buy daily necessities such as basins, towels, mops, washing powder, cleaning liquid, disinfectant, etc., returned to the house, became a cleaning worker, and started to clean the whole house.



"Don't you have any spells that can make the room clean with a wave of your hand? Don't hide it, and use it quickly." After a long time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, with some dust on his face and a little messy hair, touched his wrist Staying at the waist, panting slightly and complained to Qin Heqing who was cleaning the glass over there.

"I'm not a magician, and I don't know how to clean things like curses." Qin Heqing glanced at her and said rather silently.

"Is there no similar effect in the onmyoji technique?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was unwilling and asked again.

"Maybe...but I won't." Before Xia Zhiqiu could say more, Qin Heqing cut off her thoughts.

"Don't you know Yue'er?" Xia Zhiqiu was silent for a moment, shifting his target.

"Uh..." Qin Heqing's ongoing movements stagnated, turning his head to look at Yue'er hiding in the dark.

"I know." Yue'er looked up at the two of them and replied calmly.

After ignoring these words, how big the resentment the two erupted at that moment...

"Then use it!!" Xia Zhiqiu shouted immediately, despite all that much.

"I think it's better to clean things like houses by yourself." Yue'er was very calm with her little hands on her back, and looked like a little adult and pedantic, shaking her head and shaking her head.

"Qin Heqing!" Xia Zhiqiu didn't know anything about her, so she had to pin her hopes on Qin Heqing.

"...Use it." Qin Heqing looked at her and then at Yue'er. In fact, Qin Heqing didn't want to do this kind of work, throwing the rag in his hand into the basin beside him, and sighed.

Really silly, really, I'm so silly, why not ask more, is there a one-click cleaning method?

Makes herself like an idiot, so Yue'er still has Ayukawa... No, it should only be Yue'er.

After all, Ayukawa is not an onmyoji, and does not understand onmyoji. I don't know if there is a similar cleaning spell in onmyoji.

"Tsk, young people now..." Yue'er gave a light tusk, curled her lips, and did not refuse, pinched the seal with her right hand, and hit the room with a flash of light--

In an instant, I saw a transparent ripple sweeping across, and the entire room, whether it was cleaned or uncleaned, was completely renewed, making the entire room radiate from the inside out as if it were fresheners. A smell of sunshine.

It even overwhelmed the musty smell left by the resentment in the house, and even dispelled the remaining resentment.

"Huh, I'm really exhausted." Seeing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't care about any image, dropped what was in his hand, and sat down on the ground.

"Get up, be careful of colds." Qin Heqing glanced at her and reminded.

"It's okay, it won't have any effect for a while." Xia Zhiqiu waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression.

"Anyway, I have reminded you~www.ltnovel.com~ If something goes wrong, don't blame me for calling you." Qin Heqing said indifferently.

"The big man's family, what are you doing so stingy?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said silently. However, he stood up from the ground obediently, and did not disappoint Qin Heqing's kindness.

"There's nothing here, how can I live?" Qin Heqing was too lazy to take care of her, changed the subject and asked.

"Then buy it. You don't have to make it too much. Just buy a big mattress, add a few balloon seats and a low table. We don't need a pot or something, and we don't live for a long time. Waste." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said simply.

"Then what should I do today? No store will deliver goods at this time." Qin Heqing glanced at the dark sky outside and said.

"Then buy it tomorrow, just for one day, not in a hurry."

"Well then."

Then the two of them simply packed their things, looked at the room again, did not stay any longer, took the car back to Toshima District, then separated, and went back to each house to spend the rest of the time.

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