High Priest in Japan

Chapter 292: Special Feature and Commission

Qin Heqing showed a respectful listening posture, but in his heart, he already knew what Director Dazhi Hirayama would say next.

After all, he is also an insider—as the responsible screenwriter of the entire column, how could Yuka Nagao not inform his man about the changes in Qin Heqing?

What's more, after leaving Xiazhiqiu Shiyu yesterday, Qin Heqing went directly to her. When Qin and Se met her, they knew everything and could not say anything. So even if Director Hirayama Dazhi didn’t put up this kind of battle, they would directly notify the change. Don't panic either.

Sure enough, the next moment I listened to Director Hirayama Daishi, "Isn’t it August? High school and college students are starting summer vacation, plus the weather outside... So I want to learn the column of The Wonders of the World and get a file. Summer Special, a cool summer trip for the audience, what do you think of my thoughts?"

"Very good." Qin Heqing responded very cooperatively. "I just don't know what Director Hirayama is going to do?"

"That's how I think, to make a supernatural movie with a drama."

After that, Nagao Yujia stood up and handed Qin Heqing the document he had been holding.

Qin Heqing took it and turned it over before him.

It's not something else, it's a script outline with a clear structure and only waiting to be filled with specific content!

The inside has a clear theme, indicating the next arrangement and ideas of the column team.

"I have no problem. Everything is subject to your director's arrangements." After a while, Qin Heqing, who had finished browsing the script outline with less than ten thousand words, closed the folder and looked up at the director Dazhi Hirayama who was opposite the desk and smiled.

He was very satisfied with his active cooperation and non-stabbing appearance.

"It's rare, there's nothing arrogant about being so good, and you know how to respect your elders. Maybe this is what the children of a big family should look like?"

"It's really enviable."

Unable to help, Director Hirayama Daishi remembered that his family had already been in junior high school and had begun to rebel against the poorly-studied bastard. How did he look unpleasant, and wanted to slap him with a belt to relieve his anger...

"Since you have no objection, then we will start the arrangement here. The time is estimated to be longer, so if there is nothing wrong, please don't ask for leave casually, so as not to affect the progress of the shooting." Hirayama returned to his mind and looked towards Qin Heqing said seriously.

Column shooting is a work that emphasizes teamwork. You can't delay everyone's time because of someone. It is not only disrespect for other people, but also a waste of time and other people's lives. He can't do it. That kind of immoral thing.

And this was what the question should have meant, and it was in line with Qin Heqing's wishes, so there was not much to say, and he agreed happily.


Then this meeting came to an end, TV Asahi, the World Unbelievable Column group started to act again, and began the first and final preparations for the filming of the next summer special drama.


"Qin Jun." But when Qin Heqing was about to leave the TV station and went back to the shrine to take a look, the program producer Shimokawa Ryuichi, who had not paid much attention, suddenly stopped him.

"Xiachuan production." Qin Heqing stopped, somewhat surprised.

He can't remember any intersection between the two.

"Um, I have something I want to ask you." After a pause, Xiachuan Ryuichi said again "Let's go over there and talk."

"Okay." Qin Heqing nodded, and followed Xiachuan Longyi to the emergency maintenance corridor where the staff rested and smoked on weekdays, and stood on the stepped platform on the first floor.

As soon as Xiachuan Long took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette, he told Qin Heqing what he wanted to ask him after brewing for a while.

"That's right. My friend's child is a little abnormal recently. It seems that he can always hear the sound of'wave...'. At first, my friend thought it was caused by a problem with the child's body. After the child went to the hospital for an examination, it was found that the child’s body was very healthy and there was no problem at all, but the child still said that he could hear the sound, and until recently, there was a suspected visual hallucination-saying that he could see outside the window To a woman with a huge body..."

"To be honest, if this matter is put before I become the producer of the "World of Unbelievable" column, I will probably be like my friends, thinking that the child is doing a strange thing and want to attract the attention of adults—— "

"After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon, and it is even common. Besides, my friend and wife are really busy and rarely have time to spend time with their children. There is a reason for this possibility, but now... After so many ghosts and ghosts, I can no longer be sure of what happened to that child..."

Speaking of the end, Xia Chuan Longyi produced a wry smile on his face, his expression very tangled.

"So you want me to come over and see if the kid has met weird?" Qin Heqing said suddenly.

"Yes." After a meal, Xiachuan Ryuichi continued, "In addition, no matter whether the final matter can be resolved or not, my friend promised to spend 1 million as a labor fee, and asked Qin Jun to see if I can Do some work and go to my friend's house to help look at the child's problems."

This was really dozing and hitting the pillow. He was about to worry about the money at first, so Xia Chuanlong took the initiative to send it to the door.

This luck is no one.

"Where is your friend's house?" Qin Heqing asked directly without hypocrisy or hypocritical evasion or politeness.

He also told Xiachuan Ryuichi from the side that he took it.

"It's in Tokyo, in Takaido." Shimokawa Ryu said quickly.

Takaido, one of the three major administrative plots in Suginami District, is located in the westernmost part of the 23 wards of Tokyo. It is connected to Setagaya City in the south and Mitaka City and Musashino City in the west. There are many agricultural land in the area. Among the 23 wards of Tokyo, it is the only district that still maintains a large area of ​​arable land.

"That's all right, you give me that person's phone number, and then call your friend to get him ready, and I'll go over." Qin Heqing was not wordy, and ordered very simply.

In the evening, I have to go to the haunted house where Xiazhiqiu made to accompany her to guard the ghost~www.ltnovel.com~ but there is not so much time wasted on a child.

"Furthermore, the voice of'...' and the huge female figure... how does this sound like the eight-foot girl in urban legends? Isn't it really that thing?" Qin Heqing thought with some uncertainty.

If she were a eight-foot girl, he might not be able to handle it.


It's simple, because the identity of the eight-foot girl is very special!

Not only the monsters in urban legends, but also the gods worshipped in a certain village or a certain area in Tokyo before the Edo period. They are immune to spells, so if they really are the monsters of the Hachishaku girl, Yue'er will help. Nearly disappeared, and can only compete with each other through armed combat.

It's a pity that Qin Heqing's worst is his fighting skills!

"I have to call Ayukawa back before I can go."

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