High Priest in Japan

Chapter 294: 8-foot sample and preparation

Hearing Kurosaki Taiichi's words, don't mention the embarrassment of Kurosaki Mari. It is true that it is not a child, and it is not when nothing has happened. I had to stand up from the ground with a smile and look at Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing didn't laugh at her either—as a priest, he wouldn't make fun of her clients' bad performance.

Standing up, after sending Taiichi to play the game, he motioned Kurosaki Mari to go out with him.

So after a while, several people returned to the living room.

"As for Tai Yi's situation, I have basically understood that he has indeed encountered some unnatural existence." After everyone sat down, Qin and Qingchong said Kurosaki Mari, whose expression became a little worried at this time.


"That is what we commonly call ghosts and other things. Unfortunately, Taiyi encounters one of the most dangerous and difficult monsters."

"Youkai!?" Kurosaki Mari was stunned, with an unbelievable and unbelievable expression in his eyes.

No way, as an excellent college student from a well-known university, now the lobby manager of a bank shirt and branch held by a consortium, who has been living in a materialistic world outlook, is really hard to accept. The children at home have encountered such things as monsters.

I couldn't help but doubt Qin Heqing's identity--

"This guy, isn't he a liar?"

But thinking about Xiachuan Longyi’s identity and the relationship between the two families again, she really couldn’t think of the reason Xiachuan Longyi was so pitted against herself, so she had to suppress all the thoughts in her heart and continue to interact with Qin Heqing. .

"Yes. I wonder if Mrs. Kurosaki has heard the urban legend about Lord Hachisha?" Qin Heqing didn't care about Kurosaki Mari's look, but continued to explain with due diligence.

"Master Hachisha, urban legend?" Kurosaki Mari shook his head, saying that he hadn't heard of it.

Or she had heard of it before, but it is not impossible that she has completely forgotten after so long without contact.

"The so-called eight-foot-sama is a tall person. Eight-foot is the specific value of his height. When converted into current weights and measures, it is about two meters to two meters. It is said that his external image is female, and his appearance is evil and charming. , Has a special attraction to underage male children, so they often use this as a way to tempt the surrounding children to play with themselves, and then eat it as food, without exception."

"You mean, Tai Yi will be eaten by her!?" Kurosaki Mari's expression changed as expected, showing the attitude that a mother should have, staring at Qin Heqing nervously for confirmation.

"If there is no accident, yes." Qin Heqing didn't mean to hide or deceive her, and nodded in affirmation.

"How could it be like this..." For a moment, Kurosaki Mari looked dazed, and his eyes murmured blankly.

"So now you have two choices." Qin Heqing looked at her for a while, sighed, and reminded aloud.

"What choice?!" Ma Li returned to his senses, and asked sincerely.

"One, I try to remove or seal the breath that belongs to Tai Yi, which belongs to Ba Chi, and then you send him away. It is best to send him abroad. Don't come back for the rest of my life. Although this can't solve the problem completely. , But it can also ensure that Taiyi's life is worry-free." Qin Heqing stretched out his finger and said.

"How about two?" Kurosaki Mari shook his head repeatedly and asked.

Obviously, he was very cold about the first proposal.

"The second is that I try to retreat to eight feet at a time and see if I can completely cut her off..."

Then, before Qin Heqing finished speaking, Kurosaki Mari immediately said, "I choose this! In addition, don't hesitate to say if you have any requirements, as long as our family can do it, we will try our best to satisfy you."

"Well, I want salt, both the highest quality sea salt and the lowest quality coarse sea salt, and the quantity is large and the speed is fast. It's better to deliver them to me before dark. Can you do it? Qin Heqing was not hypocritical, and at the same time, he was also a counterattack against the attitude that Kurosaki Mari suddenly showed, and said quietly.

"Okay, I'll let the contact person prepare for you." Kurosaki Mari looked at Qin Heqing, gritted his teeth, nodded and agreed.

Then he didn't hesitate, said "I'm out of company", picked up the phone, and quickly walked aside to get in touch.

"Are you sure?" Ayukawa glanced at Kurosaki Mari who had walked to the side to call, and then asked Qin Heqing next to him.

"Try it, anyway, the worst result is that the business can't be done, the money can't be obtained, we go away in a desperate way, and our lives are always worry-free." Qin Heqing opened his hands and replied helplessly.

"What about Taiyi?" Ayukawa frowned, his voice a little heavy.

"Then it depends on whether his parents can make up their minds, otherwise, even if we can save him for a while, we won't be able to save him for the first time. In the end, it will be eaten by the eight-foot girl." Qin Heqing also looked over there. Kurosaki Mari took a look and sighed.

After a while, he added, “Of course, it’s not ruled out that they are lucky enough to find a priest or mage that is more powerful than me, and then they show off their power and retreat to the eight-foot girl, and completely solve the problem with Tai Yi.”

"By the way, Yue'er, would you be able to use the legendary slashing technique? After all, the eight-foot girl has a divine nature. If we can't crack it, we really have nothing to do with her."

"How could I know that kind of forbidden technique." Yue'er glanced at him, not having a good air.

"But didn't you let people prepare sea salt? Although I don't know if it can be used, but since the legend says that salt can restrain the eight-foot girl, then the phase must be somewhat effective, right?"

"I know, but what if? What if the eight-foot girl is not afraid of salt?" Qin Heqing shook his head, somewhat suspicious.

After all, this is the first time he has faced the existence of an eight-foot girl, so it is impossible for him to be bottomless.

"Then Liangban, we don't have the power to resist at all." Yueer Tanshou said.

"Hey, then I can only rely on you tonight, Ayukawa, I hope that the eight-foot girl's magic-free attribute will not even be immune to your superpowers." Qin Heqing sighed, turning his head and said to Ayukawa next to him.



The energy of the Kurosaki family is not small~www.ltnovel.com~ Before and after dinner, Qin Heqing wanted high-quality sea salt and the most inferior, except for the coarse sea salt that had not been treated much after a drying process. Sent over, a few sacks full of sack, reflecting the crystal light under the shining of the indoor light.

"Not bad." Qin Heqing checked the pretentiously and nodded affirmatively.

"It's fine if you are satisfied." Kurosaki Mari exhaled softly and relaxed a little.

She was really worried that the things she entrusted to get could not satisfy Qin Heqing, which was delaying the treatment of her child.

Even at this moment, she still didn't have much confidence in Qin Heqing and maintained a great skepticism.

But she didn't mind trusting him until there was no better way.

What if there is a miracle?

Wouldn't it be better.

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