High Priest in Japan

Chapter 296: Fight 8 feet


Like the sound of sulfuric acid corrosive substances, wisps of light smoke emerged from the eight-foot girl whose arms were covering her face.

The rancid smell emanated, and a dense black spot that was dense enough to make the intensive phobia feel uncomfortable and nauseous appeared on the bare skin of the girl, clearly showing the harm of sea salt to her.

Then Qin He Qingfei rushed forward and slashed at the arm of the eight-foot-woman.


The eight-foot girl backed away, her dark eyes looked at Qin Heqing again—

Qin Heqing condensed his mind and was ready to deal with the counterattack of the eight-foot girl.

However, unexpectedly, a deep and hoarse, but peculiar and magnetic voice came from the mouth of the eight-foot girl.

"The smell of goddess."

"Can speak?!" A look of astonishment flashed across Qin Heqing's face, and he looked at her in surprise.

But this time, the eight-foot girl didn't answer. Instead, the long dark hair, which was as long as the leg sockets and absolutely more than one meter in length, fluttered abruptly, turning into countless tentacles and ropes, winding towards Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing was startled and jumped back...

But how could the eight-foot girl who has begun to fight back let go of this special delicacy that is different from ordinary human children and youth? The arms that were originally crossed suddenly spread out, like a spirit snake lasing, grabbing the wooden knife that Qin Heqing hadn't rushed away before, and pulling Qin Heqing back.

Immediately, Qin Heqing's expression changed, did not dare to hesitate, let go, and wanted to use the opportunity of kicking back to regain the distance with the eight-foot girl.

"You can't escape!" There was a weird smile on the face of the eight-foot girl, her palm protruding, and the soles of Qin Heqing's feet touching each other.


But the result in exchange was that Qin Heqing's expression changed again--

Because the expected knockback effect did not appear, but because of her own attack, she gave the eight-foot girl a chance, causing her to buckle her feet with her five fingers, completely losing the possibility of leaving in front of her.

Qin Heqing couldn't help feeling sinking, his thoughts turned, and a handful of sea salt was turned into a handful of sea salt and sprinkled on the face of the eight-foot girl again.

As an important weapon against eight-foot girls, how could he give it all away without leaving any residue?

Following that, Bachi tilted his head and flashed Haiyan's attack, but still did not let go of Qin Heqing's feet, spotting him and not letting go.

Fortunately, he was not alone, he still had his companions by his side, so even though the attack was not successful, he didn't panic in his heart. He took a deep breath and was ready to cooperate with Yue'er and Ayukawa.

Then a long and bright dragon made of sea salt rushed forward and attacked the eight-foot girl.

The eight-foot girl chose to avoid, and threw Qin Heqing in her hand towards Changlong...

Well, the kind that doesn't let go.

Immediately, Ayukawa's expression changed, and at the moment of his death, he turned the dragon to one side.

"Despicable!" Ayukawa cursed secretly.

But I don't want to think, you are going to kill people, why can't people do things that have no bottom line just to survive?

In contrast, Yue'er, who has been accustomed to seeing all kinds of dirty tricks used by demons and ghosts to survive and kill enemies, does not see much fluctuation in her mood, and rushes to Bachi under the cover of the sea salt dragon produced by Ayukawa. Next to the woman, walking with the sword, a straight stab pierced the thigh under the eight-foot long skirt——

No way, in the image of Little Luo Li, she can stab this position without jumping up.

But the threat is quite sufficient--

After all, it was an eight-faced Han sword made of pure sea salt, which restrained all the power of the eight-foot-girl, so she had to deal with it carefully.

The eight-foot-girl quickly retreated, Yue'er hurriedly pursued, coupled with the interference of Ayukawa and the restless "captive" Qin Heqing's tossing, soon the eight-foot girl was forced into an extremely embarrassing situation. Feeling embarrassed on all sides, he had to make a choice under Yue'er's gorgeous and dangerous Huaxia swordsmanship-whether to keep Qin Heqing as his shield, or to retreat and give up this prey.

In this regard, Bachi quickly made a choice. With a cold face, he waved his hand and threw the restless Qin Heqing towards Yue'er who was threatening her with a sword, and then his figure flashed, avoiding the salt of Ayukawa. The dragon flashed again, leaving the courtyard of Kurosaki's house with Bobo Bobo's voice, and disappeared into the street under the dark night.

Sure enough, he is a veteran of years, acting decisively, and will not struggle with the gains and losses of one city and one place.


"Heqing, are you okay?" Yue'er dispersed the Haiyan Longsword, so as not to hurt Qin Heqing because of her inability to hold her hand, and then reached out to catch Qin Heqing and watched him care.

"The thigh muscles seem to be strained." Qin Heqing asked Yue'er to put him down, tried to move his legs, and said with a bit of helpless smile.

Fortunately, it is just a strain, not a dislocation, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with.

"Sure enough, that guy is very difficult to get around." Qin Heqing sighed as she looked at the direction where the eight-foot girl was leaving.

Of course, it may also have something to do with their fighting style this time-too much investigation and retreat, and the pursuit of killing effects. If it is replaced by capture, it may be rewarded instead.

"Maybe it's time to contract those black magicians." Yue'er looked at the direction where Ba Chinv was leaving, then looked back at Qin Heqing, and said softly.

"The ritual development is complete?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

He always remembered it! It's just that I was busy with other things before, and Yue'er didn't say anything, so I didn't ask. I didn't expect to hear unexpected news about it now.

"It's almost done. After that, as long as you find that Gao Cheng Hiroko to confirm a few details, you can perform the contract ceremony and lock them." Yue'er said.

"Well, when this matter is resolved, we will immediately find her to complete the ceremony." Qin Heqing said with excitement. After a while, I looked around, greeted Yue'er and Ayukawa, retrieved the wooden sword he had previously given up and returned to the house——

Even though the fighting time is very short and there is not much movement, after all, there has been a lot of noise!

Although it may not attract the attention of neighbors, it cannot be ruled out that there are no peeping people around, so in order to avoid misunderstanding and trouble, it is better to get out of sight of the crowd as soon as possible.

Then Qin and Qing people found Taiichi Kurosaki again~www.ltnovel.com~ and brought him back downstairs to study the problem of the remaining breath on his body.

"Is there a solution?" Qin Heqing turned to look at Yue'er, seeking an answer.

"It should be possible. But some props are needed." Yue'er said.

"What is needed?" Qin Heqing sank into the demon refining pot and said.

"Bamboo strips, or ready-made bamboo cages for small insects."

"Uh... No, it seems that we can only do it during the day." Qin Heqing said helplessly.

Who would have thought of using bamboo strips and small bamboo cages in folk products?

"Actually, you can also try the spells in the Bacchus' Blessing Law left to you by Jiu Gong. There should be a way to deal with this kind of thing, right?" Yue Erdao did not give up, but looked at Qin Heqing and reminded.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot." Qin Heqing then closed his eyes and recalled the content of the Bacchus Blessing Method.

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