High Priest in Japan

Chapter 793: Block the way

   There was no word all night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

Qin Heqing and his entourage quietly ate the breakfast prepared by Ayukawa, and put away the tents, pots and pans in the demon pot, and the power of Ayukawa's thoughts was released again, wrapping up the crowd. The flying Qin Heqing flew into the sky with the jade sign Fenghua.

   "Target Iga Gin, let's go!"

   Then Yu Nu and Yue Er took off, and the group of five turned into a black light and shot into the distance.

   "How do you feel?" Qin and the Yuqi Fenghua beside Qing Dynasty asked.

   "Very special, very broad, I feel that the whole person's heart has become broadened." Yuqi Fenghua replied with some emotion when he looked at the scenery that was different from that of walking on the ground.

   "That's right, you will never feel this feeling when you are on the ground." Qin Heqing smiled.

   After a while, about noon, Qin Heqing and his party appeared at the junction of Ise Kingdom and Igain, landed, changed to driving, and continued to move towards Igain.

what? You asked where the car came from?

Naturally, it is the same as those stocked vegetables and comic books. It was the one I bought in Cairo when I went to Egypt to explore the Pharaoh’s tomb. It is a desert four-wheel drive vehicle for transportation. It has enough gasoline and electricity, and it can be carried. Qin and Qing moved quickly in the autonomous territory of the country without much repair on this road.

   Then the engine roared, carrying Qin Heqing and Yuqi Fenghua into the distance.


"My lord, on the main road leading to the main courtyard of Gyuki Maitreya, at this time a pair of men and women are riding on a kind of monster-like steel monster moving towards us, what should I do." At the same time, Iga Gin's interior on weekdays Inside the mountain house used to train and organize the residents of Hidden City to exercise, there is a wild man who is dyed green and looks at the small man who is like the legendary kappa monster kneeling on the ground and sitting on the main seat. Report.

"Let everyone be on guard. At the same time, inform Tenglin General Hospital, so that he will immediately organize the guardian Shangren who stayed in hiding and prepare for battle." The sleeves of his body seemed to be torn off forcibly, and the thread at the fracture was uneven. The wild man solemnly ordered.


   Just before the man below exits the room, another man broke into the room again.

   "My lord, Lady Ling heard that a strange person had entered the hermitage and went out with her team directly." The voice of the caller was somewhat eager to report.

   "This bell girl..." The man frowned when he heard the words, and the expression on his face became unsightly.

   But he didn't say much, and even the look in his eyes had a touch of worry. Obviously, he valued this ninja named Ling woman very seriously and didn't want her to have any problems.

   "Notify the Guardian Ninja team and dispatch with me!" The wild man stood up and said.


   Then the two ninjas left, and the wild man also left the mountain house after a short preparation.


"Is it them?" At this time, in the forest on the side of the road leading to Iga Gin, a female ninja with long blue hair and a dress that is not in line with the atmosphere of this era looked at the fast approaching Qin Heqing and Yuqi Fenghua Asked.

   "Yes, Ms. Ling, that's them." Next to him, a little girl ninja who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen replied.

   "It's really like a monster, it can make a booming buzzing sound." Ling Nu muttered looking at Qin and Qing who were about to reach them at this time.

  'S expression was full of interest in Qin Heqing and the four-wheel-drive off-road vehicle that he mounted under him.

   "Ms. Bell." The young male ninja beside him whispered.


   "What shall we do now?" the boy asked.

   "Of course it was to stop them." As she said, when Ling female flipped her wrist, three shurikens suddenly appeared in her palm, and her arm flicked, like Qin Heqing shot over.

   But it was not directed at people, but the ground in front of them.

So in the next moment, after only a few muffled sounds of "pupupupu", a row of shurikens was inserted unevenly on the dirt road, like interceptors, forcing Qin Heqing to stop the desert off-road vehicle. .

   "Is it finally here?" Qin He Qingduan sat still in the car, looking at the woods shot out by the sword in his hand and chuckled.


   followed, and Feng Ying linked up, and Ling Nu's figure appeared in the middle of the avenue, and she looked at Qin Heqing and Yuqi Fenghua with her eyes.

   After a while, the girl Ling said, "Who are you guys, what are you doing in Igain."

"I am after Qin Zaohe defeated Guanglong, Qin Heqing is the same, this one beside me is my companion, Yuqi Fenghua, I have a deal to cooperate with Iga, I have come to visit before, who are you, can you please? Tell me what I'm coming from to Igori's pawn?" Qin Heqing turned over and got off the desert off-road vehicle and looked at Ling Nu who was wearing silk stockings that could never exist in this era.

"Kawakatsu Hirotaka? Haven't heard of it, but it's okay, as long as your intention is true. I am Igain's Shangnin, the Ninja leader Kanyo's Ling woman, come with me." Ling The woman looked up and down Qin Heqing for a while, then glanced at the off-road vehicle parked aside, and nodded.

   "Then trouble the girl to endure," Qin Heqing said politely.

   then turned on the off-road vehicle again and started the engine.

"Do you want to sit on the bell girl too? Don’t think my mount is not a horse, but it can’t run much faster than the Chollima, and it’s more relaxed and stable, and it will also allow us to reach Igain faster. "Qin Heqing invited, looking at the curious girl Ling in her eyes.

   "Aren't you afraid of me?" Ling Nu asked, somewhat surprised.

You must know ~www.ltnovel.com~ She is a ninja, or a ninja who is considered a powerful figure among ninjas. Under normal circumstances, even companions of the same force are not willing to let people like her approach or even stay. By his side, Qin Heqing was so good that he dared to extend this kind of invitation to her right after they met. Isn't he afraid that she suddenly took out a knife and cut his head during the contact?

"Why are you afraid? We don't have any grievances. I came to Iga to talk about cooperation. Even if we are hostile, it should be after the cooperation has collapsed, right? Not to mention, you are so cute In terms of appearance alone, you don't look like that kind of hard-faced person. Why should I worry that you will be disadvantageous to me? Just because you are a ninja?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

   "You are really funny." Ling Nu looked at him carefully, smiled, and praised.

   Then he didn't hesitate. With a flash, he appeared in front of Qin Heqing, stood at the front of the off-road vehicle, and then fell back and sat in Qin Heqing's arms.

   "Go forward." Ling woman said.


   Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, started the car, bypassed the shuriken obstacles inserted on the ground, and continued to move along the road.

   And soon, I ran into a team of wild men who came to check the situation and rescue Ling woman.


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