High Priest in Japan

Chapter 796: Information and visit

"Generally speaking, it is similar to the situation in official history, that is, the birth dates of many characters have been advanced, the relationship is a little messy, and there are two more inexplicable forces." In Igain's guest house, Yue'er looked at the shop. A summary of the content appeared on a scroll of information on the ground.

   "Which two forces?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"One is the Kyoto imperial palace, and the other is the shrine maiden institution." Yue'er said. "In the era when I lived, although there were no powers like the imperial palace, they were always controlled by the people of Ise Jingu. The imperial secretary is assumed by the inner prince who decides not to marry forever. It is used to connect the relationship between the imperial family and the shrine. It is not directly independent like the imperial palace of this era, not to mention, but also directly by the imperial princess. The maiden Ji, even in terms of rights, is a bit stronger than the emperor who inherited the imperial line, which is really weird."

   "In contrast, the shrine organization established to suppress Yaki Orochi is much more normal."

   After a meal, Yue'er looked up at the Yuqi Fenghua on the side and said again, "Yes, Fenghua, you said you are a witch, do you remember which shrine or group you are a witch?"

   "I don't remember." Yuqi Fenghua shook his head.

   "Are you suspicious?" Qin Heqing was shocked, looking at Yue'er hesitantly.

"You should know that the costumes of witches are all custom-made. There are detailed requirements for what level to wear, what kind of costume, what occasion to wear and what accessories. Even if this time and space situation is somewhat special, there should not be much similar inheritance. Fenghua’s changes, but this is not reflected in Fenghua's body, so if she is really a witch, then she can only be a witch from a strange institution." Yue'er said slowly while looking at Qin Heqing’s eyes. .

   "In other words, is the shrine maiden institution..." Qin Heqing took the conversation.

   "I can't think of other possibilities." After a pause, he added, "Especially the place where she appeared is so close to the Hida country where the Miko's mechanism is located."

"Then write it down first, and when we are done, we will go there, and then we will know if Fenghua is the maiden of the witch organization." Qin Heqing looked at his face blankly, as if the jade lottery Fenghua of an outsider, decided Tao.

   "Yes." Yueer said.

Then I no longer care about the problem of Yuqi Fenghua, and continue to browse the basic information of the guardian family of the nations, understand the power situation in this era of time and space, and think about what plan should be formulated to help Qin Heqing complete it in the shortest time. The great cause of world dominance, to become a real world man.

   Then just then, the door of the guest house rang.

   "empty empty empty."

   "Come in." Qin Heqing glanced at Yue'er and shouted at the door after signaling her to hide.

   "Squeak~" As the door opened, Ling Nu's figure immediately appeared in Qin Heqing's eyes.

   "Ling girl? Why are you here." Qin Heqing said in surprise.

   "I'm here to ask you, what specific requirements do you have for the ninja to be hired." Suzu girl walked into the room quite familiarly, glanced at the power information that was placed on the ground, and said casually.

"Naturally, the higher the strength, the better, and the better the quality, the better. Of course, in addition to this, it would be better if you can add many beautiful ninjas like you." Qin Heqing did not hide his thoughts. Said it.

   Even the deepest desire in my heart is the same.

   "You are quite honest." Ling Nui laughed.

   "It's not something worth concealing. What's more, this kind of thing will become clear after you follow me for a long time, so why should I keep it from you?" Qin Heqing asked with a sincere expression on my face.

   "Trusting strangers too easily is not something a mature monarch should do."

   "But are you a stranger?"

"Is not it?"

   "At least I don't think so." Qin Heqing smiled.

   "It's not that easy for a man of bluffing to get my loyalty using this method." Having said that, it is not difficult to tell from the look on Suzuno's face that she feels very satisfied.

   "Then how can I gain your loyalty?" Qin Heqing asked back.

   "Then it depends on your future performance."

   "Is this a test?"


   "Okay. I believe my performance will definitely not disappoint you in the future." Then stood up and walked to Suzu girl. "Mind you take me around Igain?"


   Then the two left the room in parallel, disappearing into Yuqi Fenghua's sight.

   "Really a laid-back guy." After the two left, Yue'er murmured a little uncomfortably on the face of Yue'er who had re-exited from the spirit state.

But she didn’t say much. After all, Qin Heqing’s virtues have been clearly observed in the past two years, and she would not complain too much about it. After muttering a word, she devoted herself to intelligence again. Finishing.

   As for the safety of Qin Heqing?

   There are Ayukawa and Yunv, but she doesn't need to care too much.


To be honest, if it weren’t for curiosity about Ninja Sato, Iga Yinri alone is nothing worth visiting. They are all ancient wooden buildings, and they are not magnificent at all, let alone the modern age of the Warring States Period. In later generations ~www.ltnovel.com~ I saw it in Tokyo and even in Niiza city, so except at the beginning, it quickly lost its freshness due to familiar reasons.

  In addition, Iga Yin belongs to a self-sufficient self-sufficient group, and it is obvious that there are few outsiders involved in it. It is not prosperous and lively at all, and it adds to the sense of boredom.

   So after a while, Qin Heqing lost interest in wandering.

   And Ling Nu, seems to have also noticed Qin Heqing's performance, and as soon as she turned her footsteps, she took Qin and Qing Dynasty Yiheyin to a place worth visiting.

   "The front is where we train for the Iga Ninja, remember to wait and don't talk indiscriminately, or you will be hunted down as a spy." Suzu girl reminded.

   "Can you see these too?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Ninja training is generally not allowed to be visited by outsiders, but you have reached a cooperation with Master Inukai now, how many are our partners, plus I will bring other people to you afterwards. It works in the forces, so you can be granted permission to visit these." Ling Nui explained.

   "Then I really have to take a good look, maybe I can learn some escape techniques." Qin Heqing smiled.

   "I'm looking forward to it." Ling Nui laughed.

   Obviously, it is not believed that Qin and Qing can learn Iga's secret skills by observing the training of ninjas.

   If it were that easy, what would they do for these ninjas year after year of training, medicated food, poisoning, and exposure to cold? It might as well become a farmer and continue to farm for the Baidijia.

   can at least mix basic food.


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