High Priest in Japan

Chapter 798: Choices and tasks

   "If you choose, which one would you choose?" Qin Heqing carefully read the basic information about Song Yongxiu and Oda's family thrown by Yue'er, looked up and asked Yue'er.

   "From a long-term perspective, the Oda family is more suitable." Yue'er didn't even want to answer.

   "Because she was a general in the future?"

   "There is this reason." Yue'er nodded. "But more often than not, Oda Nobunaga..."

   "It's Xinnai." Qin Heqing reminded.

"Well, Oda Nobuna, it's true. Why are the other characters just changed their genders, and their names haven't changed. When they get to her, their names and genders have changed together? It's not necessary even to avoid the sixth day demon king. Let's do this." Yue'er muttered uncomfortably.

   But he didn't entangle this question all the time, and returned to the subject in a flash.

"But it is more that she has the ambition and ability to unify the world, so coupled with her power and wisdom, if you can only choose one power to conquer, the Oda family is more suitable for you to attack than the Hojo family. "

   "However, the current situation is that more than one family can take control of it by trickery." Qin Heqing added.

   "So I recommend you to get the Song Yongjiu show first." Yueer said.

   "Reason." Qin Heqing asked.

"First of all, as you said, because there is more than one force that can be attacked by clever ways, it is okay for the Oda clan to deal with it later. But Matsushige Hidetoshi is different. She is not an independent name now. He is the retainer of Miyoshi Changkei, and he leads Yamato Kingdom and Yamashiro's actual position. In terms of relationship and strength, he is not weaker than the Oda family who is now working to conquer the entire Owari family. Not to mention, even in terms of convenience. Better than the Oda family."

"Secondly, it is because the internal relations of the Oda family are too complicated. Although Oda Nobuna has inherited the position of home governor on the bright side, there is his mother Tsuchida Mizen who is unwilling to be lonely, and later has his brother Oda Nobuaki. , Even if you get Oda Shinna in the past, there is no way to take over the entire Oda family in a short time."

   "Unless, you even do it with Mizen Tsuchida."

   "Uh... forget it..." Qin Heqing hesitated.

Not to mention that Gozen Tsuchida himself has no reputation for being beautiful in history. Even if he did, he would be thirty or forty years old by now. If nothing else, he would be sixty years old like Hojo Soun. Qin Heqing really didn't think he could get rid of that kind of person if he still looked like a thirty-year-old woman.

   Even if he can use his special massage method to help Tsuchida Gomae to regain his youth and become a mature state similar to Hojo Soun...

   "The last and most important point, we need a military instructor." Yue'er glanced at him, glanced at his mouth, and continued.

   "Military teacher...so you chose Song Yongxiu?" Qin Heqing confirmed.

"Yes." Yue'er said affirmatively. "Because as far as the current situation is concerned, except for Soun Hojo and Michizou Saito, Hideo Matsushige can be called a hero in politics and strategy. Compared with the three of them, they are all It's one level worse."

   "Akechi Mitsuhide, Takenaka Shigeharu, etc. are not okay?"

   "The resourcefulness is not defeated, but other aspects are a little worse, and the most important thing is, do you know where they are now?" Yue'er asked.

   "..." Qin He Qing silently, he really didn't know where these outstanding counselors of the Warring States Period were.

  Although in history, they all voted for Oda Nobunaga one after another, and then it seems that they got together from Toyotomi Hideyoshi?

   "Let's show it off forever." After a moment of silence, Qin Heqing decided.

   There was no words for the night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

   At about ten in the morning, Qin Heqing, who was invited to the dog feeding place, met 30 ninjas selected by Igain for his own use——

And I don’t know if it was Qin Heqing’s words that played the role, or for other reasons. Among the 30 ninjas this time, the female ninja accounted for nearly one-third. Apart from the Ling females that Qin Heqing knew, there were eight other ninjas. Female ninjas exist, and the rest are male ninjas.

"Needless to say Ling Nu, you know, these two are the upper ninja Zhu Juan and the penalty department carefully trained by Yinli, who are specifically responsible for managing your male ninja and female ninja." Inumai pointed to Ling Nu's side The long-haired woman in a red kimono and the whole body were wrapped in a black night walker. Except for the fact that there is no mask, the bald man who is exactly the same as the legendary ninja in both temperament and figure.

   "I have seen an adult." The two saluted Qin Heqing and completed the preliminary identification.

   "This is the roster of the remaining personnel, I will give it to you, I hope you can take them well." Then, Inujii took out an adult palm-sized scroll from his arms and handed it to Qin Heqing.

   "Don't worry, I won't let them die casually." Qin Heqing took the scroll.


   After that, Kenshi didn't say much, and sent Qin Heqing and 30 ninjas including Ling Nui.

   "Do you have anything else to pack?" Qin Heqing asked when he looked at the group of ninjas who would be his own.

   "My lord, we have packed our bags before we come, and are ready to leave at any time." Everyone looked at each other, and finally the head of the male torture department reported.

   "Well, let me go to the guest house first, and then we leave here." Qin Heqing looked at the crowd and said noncommittal when he saw that no one seemed to be leaving.

   Then everyone left and returned to the guest house.

   "Each one side ~ www.ltnovel.com~ come up and take it away." Qin Heqing changed a bunch of the bronze mirror version of the Resentment mobile phone that Ayukawa had obtained overnight before going to bed yesterday, and said to the ninja present.

   "Bronze mirror?" And because it was an acquaintance, Ling Nu, who was not nervous and restrained, took the lead to take a bronze mirror and asked in confusion.

   "Let others take the things first, and I will explain it to you later." Qin Heqing.

   Then the others didn't hesitate, and they stepped forward one by one, and while reporting their names for Qin Heqing to remember and confirm, they took away the bronze mirror of the resentful spirit.

"Now let me explain the role of the bronze mirror in your hands. It is not for you to take photos, but to communicate with me." Then, Qin Heqing explained the role and use of the bronze mirror in detail. Came out and demonstrated it personally to eliminate the doubts in the hearts of the ninjas.

   "Now, I have a task for you."

   "My lord, please show me." All the ninjas, including Suzuno, knelt down on one knee immediately, showing a respectful attitude.

"The thirty of you are divided into three teams, each led by Lingnv, Zhu Juan, and Xingbu Shangren to Yamato Country, Yamashiro Country, and Omi Country to help me investigate the relationship between the whereabouts of Matsujiu Hideo and the Koga and Rokkaku family. , As soon as there is news, immediately report to me through the bronze mirror, is there a problem?" Qin Heqing declared as he looked at the ninjas in front of him.


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