High Priest in Japan

Chapter 800: news

At night, around ten o'clock, accompanied by the appearance of a cold air, an ugly face, distorted facial features, but a special small mouth, it seems that only a big cherry-bellied male ghost appeared in Taitianfang. In his home, I looked around, and finally selected a house and floated over——

"Hungry, I'm so hungry!"

But the next moment, it seemed to be electrocuted, and the lasing arc bounced out.


"Ding!" Yue'er appeared, and used the Rooting Curse to immobilize the ugly ghost that seemed to be starving to death.

"Crack..." Then Qin Heqing opened the door and walked out into the courtyard.

"Fenghua, will you get rid of ghosts?" Qin Heqing asked Fenghua, who had followed him by turning his head.

"I don't know. But I can try." Yuqi Fenghua shook his head slightly.

"Try it." Qin Heqing thought about it.

Then the jade sign Fenghua stepped forward to the detained ghost. After a little brewing, a soft light burst out of her palm, accumulated and compressed, and condensed into a ball the size of a baseball. Fenghua lost to the starving ghost.

Then, the bright light bloomed, and the starving ghost let out a painful wailing—


Then the light dissipated, and the ball of light thrown by the starving ghost and Yuqi Fenghua turned into light chips in the sky, and gradually disappeared into the air.

"The power is good." Qin Heqing praised Fenghua, who looked at the jade sign Fenghua in a daze while staring at the stars.

"The power is indeed not small." Yue'er said sternly.

But it's just not small. As for hurting her, Rain Girl or Ayukawa? This power is far from enough.

"Okay, you can come out." Qin and Qing yelled from the surrounding rooms.

After that, the lights came on, and the family members of Tai Tian Fang opened the door carefully, and moved out of the room with a look of worry and fear.

"The ghosts have been solved by me. It is the scream you heard just now, the screams made by the ghosts when they are dying. In the future, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke this play, there is the talisman I gave you, ten You shouldn't encounter similar things again within this year." Qin Heqing declared while looking at the Taitianfang family.

"Really?! Thank you, thank you so much, Master Qin."


The next day, Qin Heqing, who received the gift from Tai Tianbo, took the people on the journey to Nara again.

By flying way.

So before noon, Qin Heqing and his entourage arrived in Nara, and then the prosperous scene different from Nirayama, Iga, and Castle County came into Qin Heqing's eyes——

Pedestrians and women can be seen everywhere on the street. Not to mention, the frames of the nobles can also be encountered every three times. Although the real image is blocked by the wooden boards of the carriages, compared with not seeing a frame in other places in a day, Nara's side is obviously more usual.

Various consumer facilities have also begun to appear. Taverns, inns, and multinational shops selling various valuables can not be said to be everywhere, but as long as you are a little bit resistant, you can still find four or five shops, selling from the other side of the Ming Dynasty and Nanyang. Various items of the country.

Of course, it is mainly porcelain, tea, silk and the like, followed by various books. Although there are not many classics, they are not all.

But more are Buddhist classics.

After all, Taoist stuff is too secret, and the island people don’t believe it. In addition, the island country is now in the period of Buddhism rule, so things like Buddhist scriptures are far more popular than Confucian classics, not to mention that almost no one will go. After seeing the Taoist scriptures, Qin Heqing was a little disappointed.

Unfortunately, he thought he could buy anything here.

Why is Nara so prosperous?

That’s entirely because Nara in this era belongs to the Kinki area of ​​Kyoto, with the emperor’s palace here, so even a large number of nobles and Chinese have mansions and offices here, and so on. The Yamashiro country where the Shogun’s shogunate is located, and Osaka Prefecture (Setzu country), where the natural port used to trade with Daming is located farther away, is more circulated, and there is no reason for it to sink.

"It seems we can live here for a while." Qin Heqing said.

After that, Qin Heqing really spent money to buy a house in Nara and moved in with everyone.


Only after staying for two days, a whirlpool suddenly appeared on the surface of the bronze mirror Qin Heqing placed in the room. The space was transparent, and the face of a girl in Ling appeared from it.

"Yo roar, Shinobu, I'm Ling girl, can you hear me over there?"

"I can hear it," Qin Heqing said as he walked to the bronze mirror.

"My lord, we have found Song Yongxiu's whereabouts." Ling Nu quickly replied.

"Where?" Qin Heqing asked.

"It's in Nara."

"Nara?!" Qin Heqing said in surprise.


"Where are you now?" Qin Heqing asked.

"In..." Ling Nu immediately said an address.

"Wait." After speaking, Qin Heqing told Ayuchuan to end the communication, then greeted Last Yue'er and Yunv, and said hello to Yuqi Fenghua, asking her to stay at home for the time being, and then quickly left the house. Moved towards the location of Ling woman.

Moreover, the distance was not very far. Soon, Qin Heqing saw Ling Nu and several members of her team in an ordinary house.

"My lord." Ling Nv and others greeted Qin Heqing.

"When did you arrive in Nara?" Qin Heqing waved to them to get up, walked aside and sat down and asked.

"Yesterday morning, it took a long time to get this place, and since then, I have been tracking the whereabouts of Song Yongxiu." Ling Nu replied instead of her subordinates.

"Are you the only one?" Qin Heqing asked knowingly.

"Yes. This is the result of my discussions with Zhu Juan and the criminal department. I brought them to Nara to arrange for Song Yongxiu. Zhu Juan went to Omi. The criminal department and the main force went to the mountain castle. I don't know that they are all now. How is it?" Ling Nu replied.

"Since I haven't contacted me and the distress signal has not been activated, it means that they are all safe now~www.ltnovel.com~Now let's talk about your side, what's the situation with Song Yongxiu." Qin Heqing casually said about the other two teams. After the situation of the people and horses, he entered the main topic and asked about Song Yongxiu.

"Yes." Suzuno replied. "Based on the information we have investigated, it seems that Matsujitsu Hideo is planning something because of Miyoshi Changqing's physical factors, so he focuses on the situation in Yamato country. Therefore, Ready to purge the forces in Yamato..."

"Don't you say it's only one day, how did you know this kind of news?" Qin Heqing asked in confusion after listening to the introduction by Ling Nu.

"This is where we are great at Iga. Even though we only had one day, we managed to break into the house of Song Yongxiu, and put our own people in it. So just use dim sum. It's not special. Confidential things can still be eavesdropped on." Ling Nui proudly said with a proud face.

"Then where is she now? In Nara's mansion?" Qin Heqing did not refute Ling Nu's words, but asked again.

"Yes." Ling Nu replied.

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