High Priest in Japan

Chapter 802: Song Yongxiu's suggestion

"What is she doing?" On the way home, Ling-nv, who already knew who Yue'er, Ayukawa, and Yunv were, looked at the busy Yue'er and asked curiously.

"The arrangement can help me persuade Jiang Song to make a permanent show." Qin Heqing glanced at her and replied.

"Persuade you to surrender? You want to recruit Jiangsong permanent show?! Can it succeed?" Ling Nu asked in surprise.

"As long as the circle is okay, it will succeed."

"Then can I watch it by the side?"

"It's okay, it's okay, but the process may be a little different from what you imagined. You have to prepare yourself in advance." Qin Heqing thought about it, looked at Ling Nu and answered.

"It's okay, I'm just curious about what you will do later." After a while, he continued curiously. "But then again, where did you hide the people? Just so much, the people disappeared. Was it you swallowed it?"

"Yeah, are you afraid of being swallowed?" Qin Heqing asked interestingly.

"Then you will swallow me?" Ling Nu asked back.

"probably not."

"Then what am I afraid of?" Ling Nu replied with a grin.

"Hehe, I just like your optimistic and cheerful confidence." Qin Heqing pinched her cheek with his hand and smiled.

After a short while, all the equipment needed for the entire circle and ceremony were arranged, and the subsequent contract transformation steps could be entered.

"Yue'er, help."

"To understanding."

After that, Qin Heqing moved his heart and released Song Yongjiuxiu who was not restrained.

Song Yongxiu was dumbfounded, and subconsciously blocked her eyes with her hands-because the sudden change in light and shade made her a little uncomfortable with the light in the room for a while, but before she could even think about it, the invisible power would come again. The effect on her body made Song Yongxiu stiff and could no longer move.

Then Yue'erfei drew up Song Yongxiu's protection in front of Qin Heqing and Lingnv, and restrained Song Yongxiu's power of action with the method of spirit and words.

"Alright." After a while, Yue'er who threw Song Yongxiu into the center of the circle said.

"What do you want to do?!" Feeling her special state like fish meat, Song Yongxiu, who has always been full of confidence, couldn't help but change her face, and asked with an ugly expression in a deep voice.

"Turn you into our own person." Qin Heqing smiled.

At the same time, he took off his arms...

"Just use this method?" Song Yongxiu said sarcastically.

"Because only this way can I achieve my goal in the shortest time. So, I'm sorry." After speaking, Qin Heqing stepped into the circle after he was relieved of his protection.

"Don't think that you can get my loyalty by getting my body! My Song Yongxiu is not an ordinary woman, but she will not give up her bottom line and principles because of this kind of thing, betray Miyoshi Master and turn to yours." Jiu Xiu made the last struggle.

"It's okay, I believe you will change your mind soon."

After Qin Heqing thought, the entire circle quickly glowed, swallowing the sacrificial objects and spiritual objects placed around the circle, releasing a stronger gloom, and wrapping Qin Heqing and Song Yongxiu. Up.

"This method is really peculiar." Ling Nu murmured a little dumbfounded.

"What's more amazing is yet to come." Yue'er glanced at her mouth.

"Okay, just keep guard at the door. They won't come out of the circle until the daylight is bright."



And the progress of the matter was exactly as Yue'er said. It was not until about nine o'clock in the morning that Qin Heqing and his re-armed Song Yongxiu walked out of the room.

"It's really a unique way of soliciting. Even if I still know what I thought before, but now I can't afford to want to cheat you." Song Yongxiu looked at Qin Heqing next to him and sighed slowly. Said.

"If it's not a last resort, I don't want to use this method to treat women with unfamiliar and invincible relationships." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"So, what do you want to do to rebel against me?" Song Yongxiu asked.

"Help me fight for the hegemony of the world." Qin Heqing answered calmly.

Just like Song Yongxiu said, because of the power of the contract, she couldn't think of harming Qin Heqing. With the existence of a contract, Qin Heqing didn't think there was anything worth concealing.

Not to mention, this matter itself has something to do with Song Yongxiu.

"Striving for hegemony... really an exaggerated task." Song Yongxiu sighed. After a meal, he asked again, "Can I wait until Miyoshi-san returns to heaven? I think the loyalty between myself and him is all over."

"Yes." Qin Heqing agreed without thinking.

"Thank you."

"In addition, I would take the liberty to ask, how much time does Miyoshi Changqing have to live?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"According to his current physical condition, if there is no accident, there will be results within three months." Song Yongxiu replied after thinking about it.

"Three months...Soon, it will be convenient for me to do other things." Qin Heqing said.

"Is it something like what happened to me?"

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"May I know who the target is?"

"Oda Shinna, Uesugi Kenshin, Hojo Soun."

"Oh, that's a lot. If that's the case, then I'll recommend a few more."

"You said."

"Hime Miko, Adachi Yoshiaki, Adachi's younger sister, Nagamune Motobu, Shimazu Yoshihisa, Otomo Sorin, and Kanto's Imagawa Yoshimoto, Date Masamune, and Takeda Shingen." Matsushige Hideo said unceremoniously.

"Uh... are you sure these people are all women?" Qin Heqing said in amazement.

"At least the information I got from Miyoshi-sama shows that these people are all women."

"..." Qin He Qing silently replied after a long while, "I can only say that I do my best~www.ltnovel.com~ As for whether I can succeed, it depends on their guards."

"Just do it, if you succeed, I have full confidence in pushing you to the position of General Zhengyi, even if it is impossible to sit on the throne. After all, you are from the Qin family." Song Yongjiu smiled Don't have a deep meaning.

"Never mind those, my goal of contending for world hegemony is not for power and throne." Qin Heqing waved his hand.

"Then what are you doing?" Song Yongxiu asked strangely.

"For this power to mobilize the world. I need them to search for something for me throughout the island nation."

"What is it?" Song Yongxiu asked.

"Millennium Sakura, a cherry tree that has grown for a thousand years and has awakened into a monster."

"Youkai...If it's about youkai, I think it's better for you to ask the shrine maiden agency. After all, in this respect, they are the real professionals." Song Jiu said.

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