High Priest in Japan

Chapter 804: General House

Latest URL: "What about people?"

"did not find."

"Trash! Go and invite Master Onmyoji."


Soon afterwards, a Onmyoji in a white hunting suit rushed over, accompanied by a human shikigami.

"I have seen Master Dongzheng." The head guard said respectfully.

"Have you not found anyone yet?" The Onmyoji named Dongzheng responded with a faint expression, looking at the many guards present and asked.

"This is the purpose I asked you to come. I hope you can cast spells to help me lock the whereabouts of the little thief so that we can hunt down." The foreman said with embarrassment and resentment.

"Yes." Dongzheng agreed.

Then, as soon as he stretched his arms, the human shikigami next to him took out a crystal ball the size of a baby's head from the kit he was carrying, and put it respectfully into the hands of Dongzheng Onmyoji.

The latter took it in front of him, and wiped the surface of the crystal ball with his other hand for a while, then put his finger up, chanted the mantra, and after a while pointed the sword again at the surface of the crystal ball. Crystal ball.

In an instant, the surface of the crystal ball in the hands of Onmyoji was illuminated, and a small picture like a bird's-eye view from above appeared in the crystal ball. A modernly dressed Qin Heqing appeared in the picture, and the thieves moved in the general's mansion. .

"No, he is going to the General's bedroom soon." Seeing this, the foreman's expression changed greatly and shouted, "Everyone follow me to the General's."


Then all the guards ran and hurried to the room where Ashikaga Yoshiki was located.

After that is the Onmyoji and his Shiki...

And because of his unscrupulousness and a sufficient understanding of the courtyard, almost when Qin Heqing arrived at the general's palace and was hiding aside and wondering how to do it, these guards and Onmyoji rushed to the place.

"It's there!" Onmyoji Dongzheng pointed to Qin Heqing's hiding place.

"Go!" The foreman shouted at the surrounding samurai without hesitation.

The samurai did the same, drew out their knives and forced them towards Qin Heqing's position.

"It was discovered." Qin Heqing muttered unluckyly, and without hesitation, immediately released Yue'er, Yunv, and Ayukawa out of his mind.

"What's the situation?" Yue'er was stunned, looking at the general mansion warriors who were surrounding him.

"It was discovered." Qin Heqing replied.

"I knew it." Yue'er mumbled.

But he didn't complain about anything, and directly asked "how to say?"

"Suppress first, as for the rest, you can wait until the guards are suppressed before thinking about it." Qin Heqing said simply.


Then Yue'er came out, and did not remember the golden binding method.

Suddenly, the majestic invisible pressure descended from the void, acting like a mountain on everyone in the field.


"Thump, thump..."

However, only ordinary people fell, that is, the basic soldiers. Those warriors did not kneel down or were directly suppressed to the ground. Even though most of them were the same as those suppressed soldiers, they were full of pain. , A state of being under heavy pressure.

But what was unexpected was that the onmyoji, the guard's foreman, and the other two warriors did not show much performance. They still remained standing and stayed in place, their complexion was serious, and the light shone similar to vindictiveness.

Dou Qi, a practice technique known to Qin Heqing in this era that was spread among military commanders and warriors. The nature is similar to the breathing technique Qin Heqing knew. It was only compared with breathing techniques that purely strengthen body functions and organs. The fighting spirit of the martial arts is a tangible and qualitative force, so it looks similar to the legendary internal alchemy and internal strength. I don't know whether it is unique to the island country or a technique brought by the monks of Datang Dongdu.

Similarly, there are the ninja breathing methods practiced by ninjas such as Ling Nu, the yin and yang spell power and spiritual power of the onmyoji...

Anyway, Qin Heqing understood that this world really does not lack extraordinary power, and it can be said to be completely different from the society where the extraordinary and hidden in later generations, and needs to adapt well.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of sneaking into my general's mansion late at night!" At this moment, the head of the guard, who finally saw the master, asked Chao Yueer loudly.

"Hehe, there are still people standing. It seems that I need to add more strength." Yue'er didn't answer, but looked at the four people who were still standing in surprise, and said with a strange smile.

Following the curse power, even more majestic power once again descended on everyone in the field. Suddenly, the first batch of fallen soldiers had their eyes unsurprisingly, and they passed out very simply. , The samurai knelt and propped on the ground, the big beads of sweat fell straight down, but it didn't last long, but after five or six seconds, they all softened and fell on the ground.

After that, the four people who remained standing before, their bodies flashed, but they were also unsustainable, each showing painful expressions.

"The western white tiger star shines, and casts the white evil spirits to break the evil spirits, the white tiger is majestic, and breaks the law!" At this moment, the Onmyoji Dong Zheng, who finally completed the spell he prepared, bit his tongue fiercely and spit out a mouthful of blood. Shouted.


Suddenly, a bright white light was released, and the Onmyoji Dongzheng, the guard foreman, the two warriors, and other guards who were forced to lie on the ground, but had not completely fainted, felt that their whole body was loose, from the top of Mount Tai. Got out of it.

"Baihu Zhuxie... is really a nostalgic spell, but unfortunately, you ran into me." Seeing that the spell was broken, Yue'er squinted his eyes and said slowly, "With me here, even if you put the four spirits It is useless to use all the worldly control techniques."

The words are full of self-confidence, as if the existence of Onmyoji Dongzheng is completely an apprentice, making Dongzheng's face very ugly.

"Then I have to have a good understanding of what kind of strength you have the confidence to say this kind of thing." Dongzheng grabbed a handful of talisman paper from his arms and said coldly.


The foreman of the guard was shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ and then reacted--well, it turns out that the mage didn't plan to compete with this inexplicable woman with spells, playing alone, but was ready to gather all of them from the start. The power launched a siege on the enemy, but he thought he had nothing to do on the scene...

"What are you waiting for? Don't rush with me!" The foreman shouted at the other guards and samurai who had slowed down.

It's just a good idea, but when they really waited for them to execute it, they ushered in a headache again!

In an instant, only a shock came, and the guards and samurai who had just recovered felt their heads dizzy, as if they were drunk, their eyes were black, and they instantly lost all consciousness, falling down like a dead body. On the ground.

This naturally also includes the foreman.

"Okay, now you and me are left. If you have any means to use it, you don't have to say that after failure you said I never gave you a chance to perform." Yue'er sneered at the ugly Onmyoji Tao.

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