High Priest in Japan

Chapter 814: Toki beauty

   "It can be inferred from Torujiro's statement that the reason why Tokimi took the risk to return to Mino country should be to deal with the demon sword." In the middle of the night, Yueerchao Qin Heqing, who had sent Torujiro away, said.

   After all, Mino country has now been ruled by Saito to the three schools. Although Saito was originally a retainer of the Toki family at the beginning, and the reason why he was able to take Mino country so smoothly was because Toki Raiyi was too weak, it did not mean that he could continue to tolerate the Toki family. When he ruled Mino, he continued to engage in trouble.

   Otherwise, why does he exile Toki Raiyi?

  Is it true that she can't kill Saito Dozo?

   "I know." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

   "Just who will she find to deal with? There doesn't seem to be a well-known onmyoji or group of onmyojis in Mino country."

   "Then I don't know." Yue'er shrugged, "But I still know one thing."

   "What?" Qin Heqing asked in confusion.

   "The genius military master Takenaka Shigeharu is the descendant of the Toki family's Takenaka branch. If you want to find Takenaka Shigeharu, you may be able to get some news from that Toki Mei." Yue'er reminded.

   "Will she tell us?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

   "Then it depends on your ability." Yue'er smiled.

   "Forget it, let this matter take its course, it's too deliberate, but it's not beautiful."


   There was no words for the night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

   "My lord, our eldest lady wants to see you." At breakfast, the middle-aged man Torujiro came to the fire where Qin Heqing and others were once again, and said to Qin Heqing with a respectful look.

   "Now?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

It's not his sinister mind, but the medical environment of this era. Qin Heqing can hardly believe that Toki Mei, who has broken an arm and has a lot of dust, can survive the high fever and other reactions afterwards, and it will be smooth after one night. Wake up...

   I should say, is it a woman who has been demonized? The vitality is really strong and extraordinary.

"if it is convenient to you."

"okay then."

   After all, Qin Heqing stood up, led by Torujiro to Tokimi's broken convoy, and saw Tokimi in a well-kept carriage.

  'S face was pale and bloodless, but she was still clean and her clothes had been obviously changed. She didn't know if she did it herself or other people helped her. In short, it didn't affect her impression.

   "Little girl Tokimei, I have seen an adult." Seeing Qin Heqing, Tokimei straightened her posture without introducing Torujiro, bowed, and greeted Qin Heqing.

"Quickly don't give salutes, you don't look at your own state. You are seriously injured and you are so tossing, how you don't want to live anymore." Qin Heqing quickly got up and held it up, reprimanding in a reproachful tone. Tao.

   "My lord, you bother." Tokimi got up and sat down in the carriage.

   "Let's talk about it, what's the matter if you want to see me." Qin Heqing ignored that much, looking straight at Toki Mei's tired eyes and asked bluntly.

"I asked Torujiro to invite you to come over. First, I want to thank you, Sir, if it weren't for you and your companions, our group of people might have become lone ghosts and ghosts, and we don’t know who or what animal. Give it as food and distribute it cleanly. Second, I hope you can return the ghost sword that was taken away by your companion to me, of course, not for nothing. My identity must be known to you, so You can use this to put forward some conditions. As long as I and the Toki family behind me can do it, we will definitely not refuse." Toki Mei said with a strong spirit.

   "Ghost, is that the name of the knife?" Qin Heqing looked at Toki Mei with interest for a while, and then asked slowly.

I don’t know if it’s this time and space, or the genes of the island aristocratic women in this world are indeed good. Although Tokimi is about the same height as the island women of later generations, they are all 1.5 meters and less than 1.6 meters, but in terms of appearance But it's not too bad, at least it can get him Qin He Qingyan, so that he won't even have the idea of ​​contacting her.


"I'm very curious, as a daughter of the original guardian, why did she bring such a knife on her way back to the clan land, can Miss Toki tell me?" Qin Heqing turned his hand into a demon sword named Ghost Toru. In his hand, while gently stroking the blade, while looking at Toki Mei who subconsciously fell on the demon sword, asked.

   "As for what happened to my family, adults must also know it." Toki Mei was silent, and after a long silence, she raised her head with a wry smile.

   "Have heard of some."

"Although a large part of the reason for all this is because my father is not a qualified house governor, in terms of political means and mentality, he is far inferior to the current Mino guardian Saito Dozo, but I am not reconciled to this. Recognition of fate, especially after the family was exiled from Mino and took refuge in the Oda family. After meeting Oda Nobuna, I discovered that even as a woman, I can also become a house governor and lead the family revival!"

   "So I want to retaliate against Saito Michizo~www.ltnovel.com~ to retake Mino country." Toki Mi said with a look of resentment.

"But I know that I have not received much martial arts training. Except for the female infrared, a woman who can be said to be useless in terms of military force can't realize this wish. So I thought of a family legend, a legend about Ghost Toru. So I found this knife from the family's secret storehouse, and prepared to take it back to Mino to find Hanbei of the Takenaka clan who was closely related to my Toki family, and wanted her to help me control this legendary knife. , And gain its power to become a demon sword girl..."

   "Hanbei Takenaka...you mean Reharu Takenaka? She is capable of sealing this knife?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

First, he did not expect to hear from Toki Mi’s side about the warring states genius and military commander Takenaka Shigeharu. Second, he did not expect that Hanbei Takenaka in this era seems to be very difficult, not only has a high IQ but also It seems to hold extraordinary power!

   This is very different from his historical records.

   "Yes, she is an onmyoji, and she is still a very genius kind." Tokimi nodded and replied very positively.


   "So your next goal is to find Hanbei Takenaka?" Qin Heqing asked again after a while.


   "I can pay you back the knife, but I have one condition."

   "What?" Toki Mi asked.

   "I want to see Takenaka Hanbei, so I will act with you on the next trip until I see Takenaka Hanbei." Qin Heqing said simply.


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