High Priest in Japan

Chapter 821: Deal with trivia

"By the way, did the people from Jiahe pass?" After briefly talking about the young target, Qin Heqing asked about the business of this contact, and questions about Jiahe's movement.

"Come here. At first I thought it was the people from Koga who made a mistake, but after knocking on the side, I determined that they were persuaded by you, my lord, so I was not skeptical. According to their Feature has arranged corresponding work for them. Now they have been on duty for several days." Song Yongxiu replied.

"It's fine when people arrive. As for the rest, you can do it yourself. After all, for the people in Koga, you are their allegiance to the monarch. I am just a messenger, so don't worry about my side. ."

"If you have an adult, I know what to do. Don't worry, I will arrange them so that they can agree with me." Song Jiu Xiu smiled.

"Is everything else okay?" Qin Heqing, who hadn't said much about Jiahe, nodded and changed the subject.

"Everything went well, now it’s a long time for Lord Changqing to make the final arrangements. If nothing else, Yamato and Shancheng can be brought under my control." After a meal, he said with some regret, "It's a pity that you didn't get it done. Ashikaga Yoshiaki, otherwise we can completely abolish Ashikaga Yoshiaki and promote Ashikaga Yoshiaki to the position of general and take control."

"Don't think about it. Just like that, girls under the age of 16, even if you send people in front of me, I won't touch them. Besides, my existence is only your support for the world hegemony, and It’s not relying on it. If you want to set the world and stabilize the people’s hearts, you ultimately rely on the army and forces in your hands, as well as your personal abilities, so it’s better not to put everything on me."

"I know."

After the two exchanged some information briefly, Qin Heqing ended the call with Song Yongxiu and contacted Ling Nu instead.

"Hey, my lord, you even thought of contacting me actively. This is really rare. There has been no news for such a long time. I thought you had forgotten us." The girl who was resting in a room looked at the screen and jumped. The image of Qin Heqing that came out was surprised.

Or to be more blunt. When she hasn't contacted her for so long, and she could not reach Qin Heqing actively, she thought that Qin Heqing had hung up, so she had to confirm the news at last, and then went back with the manpower...

Unexpectedly, he would receive a contact from Qin Heqing today, and I have to say that it was a surprise.

"Sorry, something happened in the middle, which affected the communication, but now the problem has been solved, you don't have to worry about similar things happening next." Qin Heqing explained.

"So that's it." Ling Nuo said suddenly, then went to the topic, and began to introduce "My lord, the Daming businessman you asked me to find has been found. It is the staff of a certain firm in Quanzhou, Daming, who stayed here. The firm's strength is said to be very strong. I have got a lot of goods that Ming Dynasty has banned from selling to the outside world, do you think you should contact him?"

"Is the strength very strong?" Qin Heqing asked uncertainly.

"Anyway, on Settsu's side, their firm's influence is not much worse than the influence of the firm set up here by the Kanae's house." Suzuno replied.

"Guard, are you talking about the guard in Qianjiu's house?" Qin Heqing confirmed.

Konbei, the current Minister of the Shogunate of the island country, is not as effective as Miyoshi Changqing when he was healthy in terms of rights, but it is a pity that he developed a little later, and his influence in Kyoto is not as good as that. Miyoshi Changqing, therefore, although it has the official position of Guan Bai, it is far inferior to Miyoshi Changqing, who has the special title of Guan Dai, in terms of major administration.

However, it was only before, replaced by the present, he has the official position of Guan Bai, but the status of Kyoto and the entire island country is only the emperor, and he can stand against the puppet general Ashikaga Yoshiki.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the Konoe trading firm with him as the backstage has a huge influence in the Settsu area. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the leading firm in the area.

From this we can know how powerful this firm Lingnu found is. Even if they are not as exaggerated as they brag, they should still be able to easily obtain some unspecial light forbidden items.

"It's the guard's house." Ling Nuo affirmed.

"That's really good. But it doesn't matter if you meet. As for the existence of the bronze mirror, I don't want to let people other than our forces know about it, so you should talk about the specific contacts and operations. I only want the final result. "Qin Heqing thought for a while and refused.

"It's okay. What do adults want to buy?" Ling Nui thought for a while, and nodded and agreed when she found there was nothing wrong.

"Then take your notes."


After a while, Ling Nu reappeared in front of the bronze mirror with a pen and paper.

"Sir, please tell me."

"First is the Yongle Grand Ceremony, but I am not sure if this thing has been circulated on the Daming market, so you just have to mention it. As for whether the other party can get it, don’t force it. Then it’s the Wanli Dao Zang, whether it’s possible or not. I got a full set of scriptures, but the part about Baopuzi's inner chapters must be obtained by them. Then there are all kinds of Taoist classics that can be collected on the market, and finally all kinds of vegetables and fruits. And the seeds of fruits and vegetables."

After that, Qin Heqing added the spellcasting items and mineral materials used to display the ritual contract magic circle, and ended the dialogue with Suzuno, and instead let Ayukawa confirm the whereabouts of other Iga ninjas.

"Most of them are still near Iga. As for the rest, I went to Shikoku, Kyushu, and Kanto regions as you ordered. Even if I haven't reached the corresponding location, they are not far from the target location." Ayukawa closed her eyes and felt the position of the letter mark she put on the bronze communication mirror, and then explained to Qin Heqing.

"It's good to be doing the task." Qin Heqing exhaled.

Then the next moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ the sound of the sliding door sounded, and Fenghua, who was still dressed in a special witch costume, returned to the house.

"When did you wake up?" Yuqi Fenghua was shocked, and then looked at Ayukawa sitting in the room with a little surprise and said.

"Just now." Qin Heqing replied. Then he patted his forehead and said, "I almost forgot if you didn't come back. Ayukawa, is there any way you can bring the dead back to life? Even if it's not like normal humans."

"Uh...who died?" Ayukawa was surprised.

Immediately Qin Heqing did not hesitate to tell Aykawa about the shrine maiden institution, the condition of the maidens in the shrine institution, and the current situation of the jade lottery Fenghua.

"In other words, do you want Fenghua to resurrect?" Ayukawa confirmed.

"Is there a way?" Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively. Looking at Ayukawa with a little expectation--

If even she can't help it, then maybe it's really helpless...

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