High Priest in Japan

Chapter 823: Retrofit

"Tianxia, ​​do you want it?" Qin Heqing smiled at Hojo Soun who had a calm expression, and then asked Hojo Soun in a sales tone that seemed to be a market-selling toy.

"Tianxia? Can you give it to me?" Hojo Soyun was shocked, looking at Qin Heqing and asking.

"No." Qin Heqing shook his head and continued without waiting for Hojo Soun to say anything, "But I can get it for you."

"How to help?" Hojo Soun asked curiously.

Because with her wisdom, she can't think of a single person, at most there is a ghost around him, and Qin Heqing, who is followed by a monster, can help him gain the world.

Even though, her Hojo family has just obtained the apparent rule of Izu country.

"That's my secret. Zaoyun, just tell me, do you want this world?" Qin Heqing shook his head slightly, then looked back at the white house and dress in front of Beijo Soun and asked.

"What do you want, what do you don't want?" Hojo Soun still answered ambiguously.

"If you think about it, there is nothing to say, so you just have to cooperate with me to complete a certain ceremony. On the contrary, then I can only disregard Soyun's wishes and force you to cooperate with me." Qin Heqing's eyes had no meaning After watching her for a while, he said in a slow voice.

"What do you want to do?" Hojo Soun frowned.

"Don't worry, I won't give you anything." Qin Heqing smiled.

After speaking, without his instructions, Ayukawa’s thought momentum exploded quickly, and immediately stopped the ninja Jubei who felt wrong and wanted to act, and fainted him. Wrapped Hojo Soun who wanted to resist, took Qin Heqing and Yuqi Fenghua together to fly out of the castle tower where Hojo Soun lived, and disappeared into the vast night.

Of course, I didn’t go far, but it was still near Nirayama Castle. It just didn’t appear in the city or on the road leading to Nirayama Castle. Instead, I went straight into the nearby mountain forest and found a relatively flat place. Stopped.

Then Yue'er showed his figure, took the supplies Qin Heqing gave her, and arranged them on the ground.

"What do you want to do?!" Hojo Soun, who was restrained from moving, asked Qin Heqing, who was immobile like a wax figure of a doll.

"As you can see, I am about to use some method to turn you into my own." Qin Heqing explained calmly.

The bottom line should be like a spring. You don't need to press it hard. You never know how much your bottom line can be compressed.

For example, at the moment, there may be various discomforts and feelings of guilt at the beginning, but after the number of times, it will be like killing a chicken, killing too many, no matter how uncomfortable it is, it is not only I don’t feel sympathy, and it becomes a lot easier to kill, and gradually becomes a so-called killer...

"Do you want to use evil methods to control me?!" Hojo Soun looked at the pattern of the magic circle that Yue'er gradually made, and said sharply with an ugly expression.

Should it be said that it is the name that started the troubled times during this period? The knowledge is extensive.

"Evil method? No, no, no, this is not an evil method, but an orthodox onmyoji! It's just that there are some western, oh, that is the magical elements of the Nanbarians that you know. So control you. Not so, but it is not the slightest problem for you to change some thoughts and become compatible with me." Qin Heqing shook his head and explained with a smile.

"If you do this, won't you be afraid of being noticed afterwards?" Seeing that Qin Heqing seemed unmoved, Hojo Soun couldn't help but sink in his heart and changed his strategy.

"Who would notice? Nantiaolan? Or some other mage that I don't know?" Qin Heqing asked back.

Hojo Soun didn't answer, but looked at him silently, wanting to see if he could get some unexpected gains.

"Let’s not talk about whether the people you are looking for have the strength to see these things, even if they see them? Without the correct way to crack them, they can only watch you stay as you are. Unless, they I can tell Hojo's Kang to launch a coup, imprison you, and then pass you directly to seize the power of the house governor. It's just that time...it definitely won't be decided in a day or two. But what about me? This time difference raided Shi Kang or other Hojo's heirs and turned them into my people." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly and said indifferently.

"You! Demons!" Hojo Zaoyun was stagnant, looking at Qin Heqing completely speechless.

"So I advise you to cooperate with me. At least if you cooperate, your family and subordinates will not notice too many abnormalities, and will not come up with some unexpected thoughts, so that I can stop. Some, don't think about doing things to Shikang or other people. This is not for your Hojo clan. On the contrary, it may be a good choice." Qin Heqing said.

Hojo Soun was silent, looking at the quiet forest in front of him, and could no longer speak a word of reprimand.

Until a moment later.

"Alright." Yue'er came over to remind.

"Thank you." Qin Heqing said.

He didn't hesitate immediately, first let Yue'er use spiritual words to restrain Hojo Soun's mobility, and then lead Hojo Soun into the contract circle, in Yunv, Ayukawa, Yue'er and even Yuxian Fenghua Opened the circle under the guardianship, and began the contract transformation of Hojo Soun...


After one night, time came to the next day.

In the morning, as the sun rose, the birds and beasts woke up, and the magic circle that had been operating overnight also faintly extinguished the light, revealing Qin Heqing and Bei Tiao Zaoyun who had disappeared overnight.

"No wonder you are confident that others can't spot my anomaly~www.ltnovel.com~ I got up and grabbed Hojo Soun, who was dressed in a robe, and briefly checked his own state, and then I didn't know if it was a sneer or an angry Qin Heqing said coldly. .

"If I don't have this certainty, how dare I use it against you?" Qin Heqing smiled.

"Okay, now the transformation has also been transformed, and you have succeeded in people. You should be able to tell me now what is your purpose for doing this." Hojo Soyun did not entangle too much, and snorted, again. Chao Qin and Qing asked about the purpose of his action.

"Didn't I tell you, to help you unify the world."

"Are you so kind?" Hojo Soun refused to believe.

"How about it? If you have no power, no manpower, and no territory, even if I want to go out in person to compete with you for the world, who is willing to vote for a guy like me who doesn't even have a name? So instead of trying hard If you are not thankful to do this kind of thing, it is better to use your own advantages to secretly control a few forces, and then through me let you secretly unite, count other people with false enemies and true friends, speed up the process of unification of the world, and strive for Let the world become one in the shortest time." Qin Heqing spread his hands helplessly.

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