High Priest in Japan

Chapter 826: Kinoshita Mikami

But thinking about it again, it is normal that there are so many longevity cherry trees in Izu. After all, this is not a later generation, the use and development of land are not sufficient, and the population is not as rich as it was in later generations. Although there are extraordinary characters like onmyoji and monsters, it is really necessary to say that it is like the later generations for a piece of land to survive. It is very rare for a project to open mountains and break rocks in a large area, so it is normal for a large number of natural vegetation and animals to survive and survive for a long time.

Although this seems to increase the difficulty of his search, on the other hand, it also increases the possibility of him finding the Millennium Sakura in this era. So after the initial astonishment, Qin Heqing browsed it qualitatively.

After all, Thousand-Year Sakura has a special state of existence. It is a monster or a tree, and it seems to be a kind of independent existence. If there is no wisdom, it can only be determined by its special performance of longevity and permanent flowering.

But if it’s the opposite, Millennium Sakura has no weak wisdom, even because of the relationship between plants, the sense of time and the acuity of consciousness are different from human understanding-if it is quite slow, it does not rule out the possibility of deliberately hiding itself for survival-

That is, take the initiative to bloom and fade, hiding oneself among other cherry trees.

Coupled with the uniqueness of converging oneself-the light effect, even if Qin Heqing is face to face, he may not be able to distinguish the body of the Millennium Sakura.

Fortunately, that refers to the fact that Qin Heqing has not been given the power of time by Thousand-Year Sakura. For Qin Heqing, who has experienced the reversal of time and space, and even the world jump, he must be able to be like being He grabbed it into the demon refining pot. At this moment, there was still no canine demon dog that had been refined into a yuan spirit pill and other items. He immediately noticed the existence of the thousand-year cherry tree.

This is why he is confident and daring to look for Millennium Sakura.

What's more, even if he can’t, aren’t there Yue’er, Ayukawa, and Yunv still present? With their abilities, even if they can’t distinguish the body of the Millennium Sakura, they should be able to determine whether the Millennium Sakura is in the cherry blossom forest so that he can determine his own. Action arrangements.

"Okay, go ahead, I don't have anything to do with you here." After watching for a while, Qin Heqing felt a little sore and swollen back.

"Yes." Shi Bingwei responded, and left the consecration room where Qin Heqing was.


"By the way, when are we leaving?" After a while, Yue'er asked with a puzzled face, seeing that Qin Heqing still hadn't sent out to search for signs of the thousand-year cherry blossom.

"Wait two more days." Qin Heqing replied.

"What are you waiting for?" Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"Wait for Hojo Soun's action."

"You mean...she will continue to find someone to check her body secretly?" Yue'er said in a daze.

"Of course. Anyway, she is also a leader of the forces. She has seen big winds and waves and knows many people. How can she be willing to be controlled by others?" Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Not to mention the distance, similar to Beijian Lihua, only Song Yongxiu, as a recognized hero in later generations, Qin Heqing did not believe that she had not found anyone to check her body after she was free.

Not to mention, Hojo, whose degree of freedom is still above her, is Zaoyun. It's really strange not to check.

"If that's the case, shouldn't you even leave Nirayama Castle and give her a chance to call people into the mansion?" Yue'er asked in confusion.

"Although I believe in the magic circle you designed, and I believe that the effects of the magic are not identifiable by anyone, but just in case, Hojo Soun really found the existence of her body abnormality, I think I should keep it more. For two days, it would be better to consolidate the effects of the spell and let her dispel that thought on her own. After all, the cherry blossom trees and the cherry blossom forest are there, even if we are two days late, no one will destroy them." Qin Heqing explained.

"All right, it's not me who is anxious anyway." Yue'er glanced at her mouth.

Although for now, she also misses future online games, netizens, and various comics...


Then after another two days, Qin Heqing, who felt that the magical effect was almost consolidated, said goodbye to Hojo Soun, leaving Yuqi Fenghua to watch the house on the Hojo clan, and he took Ayukawa, Yue'er, and Yunv with them. The team embarked on a journey to confirm the whereabouts of the Millennium Sakura in the whole Izu country.

Or to put it bluntly, it's the flying around Izu country!

Therefore, the speed of action can be said to be very fast, but for a long time, some of the cherry trees and cherry trees that are in the deep mountains and old forests with suspected monsters were visited by Qin Heqing and the others to confirm the situation there-

That is, no Millennium Sakura was found.

Then he diverted to the target near the village, town, and city to confirm the situation there.

Of course, by the way, look for the whereabouts of Inuyasha.

After all, Qin Heqing remembered clearly that not far from where Inuyasha was sealed, a small village existed.

So within two days, Thousand-Year Sakura was not found, but the place where Inuyasha was sealed was confirmed by him——

No way, who said the manipulation of the individual nailed to the big tree is too conspicuous, plus Inuyasha wears fiery red clothing, even if you don’t pay attention, you may be attracted by his presence, let alone deliberate In the case of searching around?

"What's that? Youkai?" Yue'er looked at the so-called Mikami, motionless, like a sleeping Inuyasha.

"It's a monster. It's only half a monster." Qin Heqing replied.

"How do you know?" Yue'er asked unexpectedly.

"Remember the Inuyasha I mentioned the other day, he is." Qin Heqing explained.

"The monster that has something to do with the jade of the four souls?" Yue'er asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

"That's not right, even if it's a half-demon, there should be a demon aura on his body. Why doesn't his body have any unusual aura? There is also that arrow, which obviously looks quite ordinary, why did it give me a special Feeling dangerous? Is it possible to say something?" Yue'er asked in confusion.

"That should be a sealed relationship~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing replied after thinking about it.


"Well, it's the legendary maiden mentioned in the original information, Kikyo. The seal here was placed by her hand, with the arrow. The reason you feel dangerous is probably because of the Kikyo on the arrow. The power of it."

"Decades have passed, and the remaining power can still make me feel dangerous. It seems that the power of this legendary witch is really powerful..." Yue'er sighed.

Then the next moment, an arrow flew over and directed at the only male present, Qin Heqing.

"call out!"

Qin Heqing didn't move, and the arrow was like a picture of the pause button being pressed. It stopped in mid-air out of thin air. It didn't advance or retreat, and it never fell. It seemed very strange and mysterious.

Then Qin and Qing turned around and looked at the initiator of the attack.

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