High Priest in Japan

Chapter 841: Xingbu Ji's ability

Thanks to Qin’s fame and background, Xing Buji finally no longer entangled in Shishen matters. After Qin Heqing and Yue’er's continuous lobbying, he concluded a formal Shishen contract with Qin Heqing and became another member of Qin Heqing’s name. God formula.

"Since you have become a shikigami, let's talk about your abilities." After concluding the shikigami contract, I remembered that Qin Heqing, who seemed to know nothing about Xing Buji's abilities, asked.

"My ability? It seems that most of it can be developed by relying on Himeji Castle, and in most cases, it is only within Himeji Castle that 100% ability can be exerted, outside of Himeji Castle. Although it's not impossible to fight in the region, but it seems that there are only two abilities that can be used normally." Xing Bu Ji tilted her head to reflect on her abilities, and replied with some distress.

"So, your essence is an earth-bound spirit." Yue'er on the side couldn't help but sneered at the words.

Only the Earthbound Spirit can only start fighting in the place where he is stationed.

"You are the Earthbound Spirit! I am a god, a god!" Xing Bu Ji jumped and said, who paid much attention to his identity.

"Okay, let's talk about your abilities first, so I can arrange your duties and positions according to your abilities." Qin Heqing calmed down the angry Xing Bu Ji and said with a serious face.

"Okay." Then after a pause, Xing Bu Ji described the abilities she mastered one by one.

In summary, there are about four. One is the formation of positions, that is, the ability that can only be used inside Himeji Castle. After activation, you can turn Himeji Castle into your own domain and borrow the geomantic energy within the radiation range of Himeji Castle. The strength strengthens one's own ability, makes oneself burst out of strength of 120%.

But outside of Himeji Castle? Although it's not that you can't make positions and borrow Feng Shui, the effect is greatly reduced. It is estimated that 70% of its usual level can be played even if it is an excellent performance, otherwise it will only be lower...

The second is a special skill called Chiyo Paper Manga. In terms of effect, it is similar to Xiaonan’s paper escape in Naruto, but it is more powerful and changeable, and it is the important role of reading or death-reading Lidman and the three detective sisters have similar paper-handling abilities, and they can make all kinds of exaggerated operations to create pseudo-creatures-paper puppets.

Therefore, if he really wants to fight, he himself is not at all lack of combat power. After leaving Himeji Castle, he can only exist as a vase.

Then there is the third ability, animal manipulation-mainly bats, which can summon bats as their own creatures and control them on various levels.

And according to Xingbu Ji, this is still a shrinking situation. In the past, when she was in perfect body (professed to be), even a fox could be summoned to be her dependent...but later it seemed to be warned by a big figure of the fox clan. , So I had to give up the use of foxes and turned the bats into their own creatures.

It is pitiful enough.

Then there is the fourth type, also her hole card ability, Himeji Castle Summon! That is, at the cost of sacrificing the power for a period of time in the future-about three to five days after being unable to use the summoning again, summoning the projection of Himeji Castle outside of Himeji Castle, realizing the displacement of the land space and turning other land In his own domain, he was blessed by the position of Himeji Castle, thus exerting a desperate skill of 100% or even 120% of the power.

Therefore, Xingbu Hime will never do such adventurous things outside of Himeji Castle when it is not absolutely necessary.

In her words, she didn't want to die so early.

Coupled with the passive effect of part of the spell immunity given by her own divinity, if she really wants to fight, the average onmyoji and mage really won't be able to give her anything, even Qin and Qing's gang , If you don't open up the deification state, it may not really be able to suppress Xing Bu Ji.

To be worthy of her claim to be a god.

"The ability is very strong, but the restrictions are also big, plus you don't seem to have combat experience?" Qin Heqing nodded and said to Xing Bu Ji who was looking forward to his face.

"Well... it seems that it has been a long time since I have fought with any people or monsters." Xing Bu Ji thought for a moment. It seems that except for when he was not Xing Bu Ji more than a hundred years ago, he had been with certain people or wizards, Apart from fighting with monsters and the like, he has been living in Himeji Castle since he became the Tokubu Hime, so I really have to talk about fighting experience, not at all, but I want to talk to Tsukiji and Ayukawa. For this kind of monster that has basically never stopped fighting in the past year, the difference is really not even a little bit!

"That's it." Qin Heqing thought for a while.

"What?" Xingbu Ji Mulu looked at him with concern.

"It just so happens that Guanbingwei has joined my force now. It is your own person. Then you happen to stay here at Himeji Castle. As Guanbingwei's bodyguard, how about helping me protect her safety?" Qin Heqing looked at the black Tian Guanbing asked and Xingbu Ji in front of him.

"Okay, okay, I have no problem at all." Xing Bu Ji said happily.

"If this is an order from an adult." Kanbei Kuroda also replied nonchalantly.

"Then it's so decided."

In this way, the Xingbu Ji's affairs have been arranged, and Qin Heqing's mission on Himeji Castle is also completed, and he can set off for Izumo or Ishimi, An Yun and other places to find the trouble of Nizi and the Mori family at any time.

If both the Nizi family in Izumo and the Maori family in An Yun meet the requirements...


"I didn't expect you to be of such a peculiar origin. You are of the blood of a goddess. No wonder you are so strong. There will be elves and super ghosts around you. At first, even if I resisted desperately, I would definitely not be able to escape your arrest. Catch it.” After staying at Himeji Castle for another two days, I exchanged the so-called Nanban culture with Kanbei Kuroda, exchanged feelings with Xingbu Ji, and tested her actual combat ability before taking it again. As Ali embarked on the journey to Izumo country~www.ltnovel.com~ Ali suddenly said with some emotion.

"What?" Qin Heqing asked inexplicably.

I don't know where A Li is here again?

"It's nothing, it's just that I was suddenly very lucky that it was you who met at that time." A Li shook his head.

"I'm also very fortunate to have a beauty like you running around with me without complaint and without complaint. This kind of beautiful thing can only be encountered in a dream on weekdays." Qin Heqing smiled.

"A liar, obviously as long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy a maid at will." Ali cast his eyes and revealed.

"Can the maid be the same as you?" Qin Heqing retorted.

"Is it different?" A Li asked rhetorically.

"Of course it's not the same." Qin Heqing affirmed, "At the very least, the maid has to take care of me in this process, do you have it?"

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