High Priest in Japan

Chapter 843: bad news

"Where is Aguo now?" Qin Heqing asked after listening to the introduction of Nunren.

"Subordinates don't know." The female ninja bowed her head apologized.

"I don't know? Why don't you know?" Qin Heqing frowned and asked in the same tone as before.

"Because my lord, the target you asked me to investigate did not have the name of A country, so the subordinates did not arrange for anyone to collect information about A country. Secondly, after A country resigned from the role of the maiden of Izumo Taisha, he was uncertain. I might still be in Izumo today, and I might return to Matsue tomorrow, so coupled with the hostility between the Nizi’s family and the Maori clan, as well as some of the thoughts of the country himself, it is very likely that he left Izumo early. Go to Beijing or Kanto for performances to promote her dance, so the subordinates can't determine where she is currently active." Ninhin explained.

I really didn't blame her, maybe she didn't expect that Qin Heqing would inexplicably ask about A country.

"Then Xingsheng in the mountains, shouldn't he also be in Izumo?" Qin Heqing clicked his mouth and changed the subject.

"Yes." However, Nun Shinobu's answer really confirmed his casual nonsense without expecting it. People are really not in Izumo...

"Huh?" Qin Heqing was shocked, and looked at the female ninja incredibly.

"The Nizi family is now at war with the Maori clan and has entered a very critical stage. Therefore, in order to ensure the territory of the Nizi family, Nizi Yoshihisa is taking the Nizi family's retainers in the area of ​​Sada-cho, Shenmen County and Maori. The family’s army has fought and has already lost two games. If the situation cannot be changed as soon as possible, it is estimated that it will not be long before the Maori’s army will enter and leave the country and completely destroy the Nizi family.” Nunren replied.

"In other words, Shanzhong Xingsheng is on the front line now?" Qin Heqing said suddenly.


"This is really..." Qin Heqing shook his head, "Okay, I know the situation here, you can go down first."


Then the female ninja got up and bowed out of the room.

"It's really an era of wars. There will be wars no matter where you go." After Nun Ren left, Qin Heqing sighed.

"This is the chaotic era of the Warring States Period, where the ethical guidelines are often completely broken. Although this has created many outstanding people and allusions and legends passed down to later generations, I have to admit that this is a terrible era. The situation in the interior is not like those of the later Warring States games The series of game houses are as beautiful as they imagined." Yue'er said with a stature interface.

"Indeed." Qin Heqing nodded.

Not to mention, the food problem alone is enough to make people headache and unbearable, let alone the more urgent problems like going to the toilet, even if there is already paper in this era, and there are many types of paper. , But compared with the toilet paper of later generations, it is still an existence that allows the chrysanthemum to see blood. Anyway, after Qin Heqing used it once at a convenient time, he used the toilet paper stored in the refining pot...

"Let's go, go and tell A Li, the news of A Country."

After speaking, Qin Heqing got up and went to the back bedroom.


"Isn't there? That's really a pity, it seems that I can only find a chance to watch it later." A Li said to Qin Heqing with some regrets.

"Don't worry, as long as people are not dead, we always have a chance to see." Qin Heqing comforted.

For this, he is still confident.

"Then I will lend you good words." A Li smiled.

Then the two talked and talked together, and each laid a bedding in the room to rest.

Well, in the same room, in the same room.

After all, Jinwu is not a single-family courtyard. Except for a large empty room, there are basically no other functional facilities. So in terms of nature, it is very similar to the small bungalows in the later cities. It is simple and simple, but it is private. It can also basically guarantee that it will not even be impossible to do some secret things.

Of course, the premise is that the movement and sound must be small enough, otherwise a wall built of wooden boards will really make people feel uneasy about its sound insulation effect.

Not to mention that Qin Heqing didn't have any idea to do something at this time.

It wasn't that he had no thoughts about A Li, but the recent actions made him a little tired and numb, so even if the beauty was in front of him and sleeping next to him, Qin Heqing couldn't produce too much impulse.

To put it in a common saying, eat too much.

Not to mention, the relationship between the two hasn't reached that point. Qin Heqing doesn't want to destroy the good foundation laid so far because of his own reasons.


"Because of certain factors, the next journey may no longer be carried out in the normal way." The next day, early in the morning, while having breakfast, Qin said to Shiranui Ali who was opposite the Qing Dynasty.

"Abnormal way? What is that way?" A Li was shocked, stopped eating rice, wondering.


"Huh?! Are you sure you are not joking?" A Li said in astonishment.

flight? Although she didn't know how to use it, she could only use it for short distances. Changing her growth time to hurry, she couldn't accept her demon power or habit. This was why she always endured traveling by car.

"Is the carriage comfortable?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Ali looked at Qin Heqing incomprehensibly, not quite sure what he was going to say in the sudden question.

"The reason why the carriage is so comfortable to sit on is entirely because Ayukawa helps to stabilize and support it when it is moving. Otherwise, you will understand why most people will say that driving is a very hard thing. "Qin Heqing explained.

"What does this have to do with flying?" Ali asked still puzzled.

"Similarly, flying is uncomfortable because of air resistance, wind pressure, and the presence of high-altitude cold air. With Ayukawa, these factors can also make the carriage comfortable, shielding it, and the process of flying does not require you. Using power, so for me, there is not much difference between flying and riding a carriage ~www.ltnovel.com~ The biggest difference is only the difference in speed and mood." Qin Heqing said.

"Since this is the case, why didn't you use flying in the first place?" A Li asked in confusion.

"Of course, this is because you are interested in the scenery on the road, and I also want you to have a good experience of traveling around the countries, and then use the traditional way to move, otherwise, I may have already gone to Kyushu. Now." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Really?" A Li frowned suspiciously.

"Of course." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"Well then, just believe what you said."

Afterwards, the two of them ate breakfast with peace of mind and rested for a while. Then they bid farewell to the master and daughter of Jinya, put away the carriage, and let Ayukawa release the power of thinking to wrap himself and Ali, his body moved like a rocket. It hit the sky, adjusted its direction, and hurriedly shot towards Sada Town in Shenmen County.


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