High Priest in Japan

Chapter 851: contract

"What?" Shimadzu Yoshihisa looked at Qin Heqing, who had stopped, questioning.

"Since it was an verbal agreement, it is natural to have a ritual to prove that we have indeed reached an agreement, so..." Qin Heqing turned around and said to Shimadzu Yoshihisa who was standing above the main seat.

"So?" Shimadzu Yoshihisa still asked puzzledly.

"So, let us complete the verbal confirmation ceremony." As he said, Qin Heqing took a step forward and walked towards Shimazu Yoshihisa step by step.

"You guy..." Shimadzu Yoshihiro pressed the knife with his hand when he saw this, with a vigilant expression on his face.

"Don't worry, let's see what he is going to do first." The relatively calm Shimadzu Kajiu pressed Shimazu Yoshihiro's wrist with his hand, and said in a low voice to stop her violent movement.

Although Shimadzu Suijiu didn't say anything at this time, his eyes were also fixed on Qin Heqing, observing his every move, trying to judge what he wanted to do.

But there is not much worry about Yoshijiu Shimazu’s safety. It’s not that she doesn’t care about her elder sister, but now that she has reached an agreement. She doesn’t think Qin Heqing will be so boring to do some possible damage, or even directly invalidate the agreement. Things come out.

In that case, what else would he spend so much time talking about with the Shimadzu family?

It's not enough to open the game directly, it's simple and straightforward.

Shimazu Yoshihisa is the same, quietly watching Qin Heqing walking in, without making any defensive gestures...

Then Qin Heqing came to Shimazu Yoshihisa, stretched out his hands and said, "Give me your hand."

"?" Shimazu Yoshihisa was a little inexplicable, but out of curiosity about Qin Heqing's actions, and the non-dangerous nature of the action, he stretched out his hands in accordance with the words, and put them on the palms of Qin Heqing's hands that extended in front of her.

Then Shimazu Yoshihisa felt her palm tighten, and a strong force was exerted on her.

Immediately, Shimazu Yoshihisa was pulled up from the cushion uncontrollably, and then the whole person fell into Qin Heqing’s arms. Before she understood what was happening and reacted, Qin Heqing’s face instantly flooded in. Her eyes were blocked, her mouth was blocked, her eyes wide open and she couldn't say a word.



"How dare he!" Shimazu Suijiu, Jiajiu and Shimazu Yoshihiro changed their expressions, and exclaimed in an unbelievable and unbelievable appearance.

Until Shimazu Yoshihisa came back to his senses and burst out with all his strength, he pushed Qin Heqing away from him...


"Asshole, I dared to bully my eldest sister, I'll kill you!" Before Shimazu Yoshihisa could finish speaking, Shimazu Yoshihiro, who had no longer been suppressed by his family for a long time, immediately said nothing, and drew a knife to Qin Heqing.


Xuanguang emerged, Shimazu Yoshihiro's attack was blocked by Ayukawa's invisible and colorless mind shield.

"With this ceremony, from now on we will be the true self, in various senses." Qin Heqing glanced at the blade beside him, and then focused his eyes on Shimadzu Yoshihisa who was shocked and angry with his face. Said to her with a smile.

"I have never heard anyone say that there is such a ritual between verbal agreements." Shimazu Yoshihisa took a long breath and forced himself to calm down, while wiping his lips with the back of his hand, as if to wipe something off. Normally, he stared at Qin Heqing expressionlessly.

"I know. But it's someone else, I'm different. For women, especially beautiful women, I still think this way is more suitable as a contract between us." Qin Heqingtan smiled with his palms.

"In that case, I still feel honored?" Shimazu Yoshihisa said coldly.

Obviously, he was a little angry.

As for Shimazu Yoshihiro, he changed his tricks and slashed twice again. After seeing that he still couldn't hurt Qin Heqing, he took the knife and walked aside furiously, looking at him defensively, preventing him from using the topic again. In the same way to hurt the other sisters present.

After all, apart from Qin Heqing, no one was male.

"That's not enough. You just need to treat it with a normal heart. After all, only in this way can I truly recognize that you have joined my forces and that you are my own person." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly.

"In other words, other people have been treated like this by you, right?" Shimadzu Suijiu's eyes flashed after hearing this, and he asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why would they be willing to support me to be promoted to the high position." Qin Heqing asked Shimazu Suijiu.

"A beautiful man... really a despicable way. It's just that I still don't understand how to make them change their minds and choose to support your plan. I don't think those who have inherited the position of the governor of each family. And women who have shown great talents will love you because of a kiss, and even change some deep-rooted thoughts." Shimadzu Suijiu asked.

"That's not a secret to tell you." Qin Heqing shook his head.

No way, Jiujiu is too young. Both his age and the feeling it gives people are around 14 years old, and no more than 15 years old. There is a clear gap with Qin Heqing's 16-year-old bottom line, so even if Qin Heqing has ideas, he must bear it.

Besides, he has no idea now.

So Qin Heqing stayed in Kyushu less than Kyushu after he settled the Shimadzu house. After taking Ari for a walk around Osumi country next to Satsuma, he took a boat there to the Shikoku area next to Kyushu to deal with The last target that can be started in this era-the Qin clan is divided into the parents of the clan and my clan to complete the final finishing work.


"It's desolate." A Li couldn't help but muttered while looking at the streets in towns where the official offices of the other countries that he had visited were different from before.

"Indeed, I don't know if it is the reason for the governance or other reasons." Qin Heqing frowned.

Just in front of this scene that resembles the passing of soldiers and bandits just now, it is really hard not to make people wonder if there was just a big stick hit here.

"Forget it, I think these are useless now. When I get to the place, I just asked the ninja here and I understand." Qin Heqing retracted his gaze and concluded.

Then the carriage increased its speed slightly, and finally stopped in front of a residential house.

"My lord~www.ltnovel.com~ The ninja stationed here to investigate came out to greet him.

"Let's go in first." Qin Heqing gave A Li a hand, and after she stood firmly on the ground, he rushed to the ninja next to her.


Then several people entered the house and sat down in the arranged room.

"What's going on here, why does it look so desolate?" Qin Heqing didn't bother, and directly asked the ninja stationed to investigate.

"This, it really has nothing to do with the Lord Changzong." The ninja couldn't help but smile.

"That's because of what? The war?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"It can also be said to be war. It's just different from the war between people as we ordinary people understand. The reason why Kochi is now like this is entirely because the monsters in Kochi Mountain and those who wanted to land on land not long ago There was a war among the Aquarium monsters, which caused many problems with the surrounding economy and water transportation routes, which caused Kochi’s prosperity to drop drastically and become where it is today."

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