High Priest in Japan

Chapter 856: Shinna

"Thousands of generations, you don't look very good. Didn't you take a rest yesterday?" The green kimono half fell, exposing half of his shoulders and body directly to the air, looking wild and heroic Oda Shinna Sitting cross-legged on the main hall, looking at Niwa Nagahide who was sitting at the top of her right hand side, caring.

After that, Sagara Ryoharu, sitting next to Niwa Nagahide, second from the right, opposite him, Maeda Inu Chiyo sitting in the second left position, and next to him is the Shibata Katsumi who is opposite Niwa Nagahide.

As for the others, they are not needed to appear because it is not a matter of family discussion.

It can be seen that the four talents present are the core team of Oda Shinna, and the family she trusts most will rely on.

"It's really ugly to be disrespectful in front of the princess, 40 points." Niwa Nagahide first tapped the palm of his left hand with the small fan in his hand, then lowered his head slightly and replied apologetically, "I'm very sorry. Yesterday, some things made me sleep less, but the problem is not big and will not affect my next judgment, princess, just continue."

"Don't force it."


"Then let's start." Oda Shinna looked back and said to the others.

Afterwards, the routine meeting began, discussing some trivial matters of Owari and future arrangements.


The process didn't take much time, only about an hour, and today's discussion ended and entered the stage of chatting and tea-talking.

"By the way, did you talk to that Qin Jun what I said yesterday?" Oda Shinna turned to look at Niwa Nagahide, who has been more or less free from the influence of sleeping less after an hour of brainstorming.

"I've already said it, and people are in the Piandian now, princess, if you want to see him, just ask someone to go to the Piandian and give a notice." Niwa Nagahide replied.

"Is it already here? That's right. I'm going to see what kind of man it is that can impress your heart and make my thousand generations fall unconsciously." Oda Shinna's face was full of expression. The statement of interest.

"Come on!"

"My lord." A woman who appeared to be a ninja appeared at the door of the main hall and replied.

"Go to the side hall and bring the man there." Oda Shinna ordered.


Then the female ninja disappeared and came to the room where Qin Heqing was.

"Sir, Lord Xinnai told you to go there." Qin Heqing said as the female ninja rushed into the room with her eyes closed.

"Oh, I see, you can lead the way." Qin Heqing returned to his senses, looked at Nunren and stood up and said.


Then Nuren stood up and took Qin Heqing back to the main hall where Oda Shinna and others were.

"Qin Heqing has seen Oda guardian, this is my little heart, and I hope Oda guardian will not dislike it." Qin Heqing learned the etiquette of the people of this era and saluted Oda Shinna, then straightened up and obeyed the kimono. In the sleeves of the robe, the mechanical watch that was prepared before and whose value in later generations is unknown, but which is absolutely invaluable in this era, was taken out and put in front of it and pushed forward.

"Oh? You brought me a gift? Monkey, bring it up for me!" Oda Shinna was very interested and ordered.

"Yes." Sagarara was helpless, so he got up from his seat, walked to Qin Heqing's side, bent down to pick up a mechanical watch of a certain brand, and delivered it to Oda Shinna.

"Is this a watch?" Oda Nobuna looked at the watch in his hand, somewhat uncertain.

She has seen Western Watches, and even in her private bedroom there is a clock sent by a missionary who taught her Western knowledge. But it is a pedestal-style watch. No matter how light it is, the height is almost the same as hers. I have never seen a peculiar watch like the one in my hand that can condense the time scale into a small side.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

"How do I use this?" Oda Nobuna asked curiously.

"Did the princess see the small bump next to the watch dial? There is the mechanism, which can be used to wind the watch. If it is fully rotated, it can provide the watch with about 36 hours of operating energy, and it can also be pulled out. , Used to adjust the time scale on the surface to determine the accurate time standard." Qin Heqing explained.

"That's it. Thank you. I like this gift very much." Yiyan tried it and found that Oda Shinna was satisfied as Qin Heqing said.

In other words, as long as it is a Nanban product that she has not seen, whether it is valuable or not, it can make her feel satisfied in her heart.

"By the way, do you know why I called you here?" Oda Shinna, who had played with the watch, finally remembered the business, and asked Qin Heqing who was sitting down below.

"Probably guessed some." Qin Heqing replied.

"Oh? Then tell me, why did I call you here." Oda Shinna said.

"Probably want to meet me, and see what is so peculiar about me, who can impress thousands of generations without making a sound, let her recognize that I am her man."

"You're right, that's what I called you for." Oda Shinna did not deny it, nodding very simply to admit.

"So what does Master Oda think of me?" Qin Heqingrao asked with interest.

"It's very ordinary, and there are not many things that make people's eyes shine, so I am curious, how did you impress thousands of generations and get her recognition?" Oda Nobuna showed the appearance of an ordinary girl Gossip Road.

"That's probably fate..." Qin Heqing glanced at the Niwa Changxiu who secretly glared at him, and said with a smile.

As for the Shibata Katsuya on the other side, since Qin Heqing came in, he has consciously launched the sword meditation, playing the trick of observing the nose and caring for the nose. When Qin Heqing does not exist, so as not to expose himself and him because of his excessive emotional expression. Knowing facts or other key information was captured by Maeda Inu Chiyo and Shinna.

"Then what do you do?" Oda Shinna asked again ~www.ltnovel.com~spell. "Qin Heqing replied.

"Huh? Spell? Isn't it a trick designed to deceive people like Nanban tricks?" Oda Shinna said dissatisfied.

Just as she dared to say that she was the sixth day demon king in history, she was also insensitive to those **** who showed off spells and tricks. Otherwise, she wouldn't mind showing her cruel side, catch these slanderous existences, and throw them into the cage to experience the prison life.

"It's a real spell." Qin Heqing shook his head and said, "So here I will introduce myself again. My name is Qin Heqing. I am a priest who specializes in serving Qin's Bacchus."

"Qin's Bacchus...Qin...you shouldn't be a descendant of the first Qin family who was active in Kyoto and the political arena in Prince Shotoku and before." Oda Shinnaichi Suddenly, he continued to understand what was so strange, and said to Qin Heqing with a strange expression.

"Yes, it's the Qin family." Qin Heqing admitted with a smile.

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