High Priest in Japan

Chapter 858: Nagamasa's Plan

"My lord..." The waitress looked at Oda Shinna with a look of embarrassment, as if she was saying: Look, it's really not that I don't stop him, I really can't stop it!

Oda Shinna was also enlightened. He waved his hand to signal the waitress to leave, and then raised his head to stare at Asai Nagamasa who appeared in the middle of the hall instead of Qin Heqing, "How do you solve it."

The others did not speak, but they also turned their eyes to Asai Nagamasa, waiting for his reply.

"My Asai family can send troops to Wufeng City instead of the Oda family to help Saito Dozo resist the attacks of Saito Yoshiryu and others, and then rescue Saito Dozo from Wufeng City and transfer it to you at the right time. , Although this will still make the Oda family lose Mino, it can smoothly save Saito Dozo's life. Presumably this is more satisfying to your wish for the princess than keeping Mino." Zheng said in a slow voice with a confident face and a little smug.

"Of course, if Princess Oda does not approve of my plan, I can also choose another way to help the Oda family solve Mino's troubles."

"What method?" Niwa Nagahide took out the attitude of Oda Katomo and asked sternly.

"Using Wufeng City, where Saito Dosan is located, as a bait to attract the attention of Yoshiyuki Saito’s army, I then led people to attack from Daleng City, grabbing Mino’s territory at the fastest speed, and forcing Yoshiyuki Saito’s The army made a choice-whether to continue attacking Saito Dozo, or immediately return to the army to fight with our army. Although this may not be 100% to save Saito to San, it can also greatly weaken Saito Yoshiyuki The advantage of the military leaves a foreshadowing for the subsequent collection of the entire Mino."

"Then turn the entire Mino into the Asai family's domain?" Niwa Nagahide sneered.

"If the Oda family has no spare capacity to take over, I don't mind using this to expand the Asai family's influence." Asai Nagamasa smiled.

"So what about you, what do you want from this incident?" Oda Nobuna said blankly, as if this was not the Oda family site, but his home court, Nagamasa Asai said quietly .

"What do you want to get...there is really the same." Asai Nagamasa said with a smile.

"What is it?" Sagara Ryoharu asked.

"You're a monkey. I've heard of you. It is said that the princess of Owari picked it up from the battlefield. She often speaks cynicism that ordinary people don't understand." Nagamasa Asai turned his head and looked at Sagara Yoshiharu with a smile. .

"Have you heard of me?!" Sagara Ryoharu said in shock.

"As a strange man who suddenly appeared in Oda's family, where the important figures are all women, I think anyone who cares about Oda's family will pay attention to it." Asai Nagamasadao.

At the same time, his eyes turned inadvertently, and he swept over Qin Heqing, who was sitting beside Maeda Inu Chiyo, before he fell back to Oda Shinna and continued, "Now let’s get back to the subject, let’s continue to say what I want. Something."

"It's very simple. I hope Princess Oda can agree to my marriage proposal and marry me to deal with all future affairs together." Asai Nagamasa said and finally sat down on his knees, then bowed down and bowed down. The way of the seat stated.

"Huh!? Propose!?"


Others were also taken aback by Asai Nagamasa's words, and they exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, as long as Princess Oda is willing to agree to my marriage proposal, whether it is to save Saito Dozo or to attack Mino, I, Asai Nagamasa, can lead the Asai family to go all out, and after the strategic goal is completed , Gave Mino the whole to the Oda family as a testimony and proof of the marriage relationship between our two families." Asai Nagamasa.

"Uh... your proposal was too sudden. I didn't know how to respond for a while, so can I put this matter down first, and wait for me to settle the Mino matter before I come to discuss with you? About the marriage contract?" Oda Nobuna did not expect Asai Nagamasa to play such a big game, and could not help but delay in embarrassment.

"Does the Oda family have other ways to solve Mino's problem other than the one I said?" Nagamasa Asai didn't want to let Oda Nobana just like that, straightened up, looked at Oda Nobuna and asked. Tao.

"Aren't we discussing this." Oda Shinna said helplessly.

"But the reality is there. Unless there are other powers in the hands of the Oda family that I don't know about, I really can't think of any other way to solve Mino's problem except with the help of external forces. Unless the princess is willing Let Owari fall into the flames of war for Saito Dozo." Asai Nagamasa.

"That's what I want to consider. If Asai-kun has nothing else to say, let's leave first. We are going to discuss matters." Oda Shinna sent off.

"Alright, then I won't bother everyone in the Oda family's discussions, and leave first. However, I have to explain in advance that I will only stay at Owari for one day. If you do not receive your answer from the princess after one day, Then I can only go back to Omi to take care of the housework." Then Nagamasa Asai bowed from Oda Nobuna and got up and left the meeting hall.

"What does he mean by this, threatening?" Sagara Yoshiharu asked Niwa Nagahide next to him with some uncertainty.

"Even if it's not a threat, it's no different from threats when you say it at this time. A bad man, 0 points." Niwa Nagahide opened the fan to block his lips and frowned slightly.

"Then what should we do?" Sagara Ryoharu said anxiously.

Probably because he had communicated with Saito Dozo and recognized the charm of Saito Dozo. Therefore, Sagara Yoshiharu showed rare enthusiasm and concern, rather than Qin Heqing, because of the irrelevant relationship. It's not about being at ease.

But reality is reality, and it will not be changed because of cruelty, nor will it be slowed down because of the two-dimensional factor in this world, so even after discussing for a long time, Oda Shinna and others still failed to come up with A way to get the best of both worlds, in the end Oda Shinna had to shout irritably ~www.ltnovel.com~ and stood up from the cushion, "I've decided, don't move!"

After speaking, without waiting for others to refute, he strode towards the door.

"Nobuna, wait, are you really going to watch the man you call your foster father die in Mino?" Sagara Yoshiharu, who was still unwilling, yelled toward Oda Shinna's back.

"Then tell me, what should I do!" Oda Shina turned around, asking rhetorically with a cold and unfamiliar face.

"..." Sagara Ryoharu was silent.

"You don't know, do you." After saying that, without stopping, he completely disappeared in the hall and disappeared into everyone's sight.

Then the others, even though helpless, left the hall one after another, and walked back towards their own residence.

"Actually, if you speak, I can contact Yoshimoto and ask her to sit back and watch Owari's changes, and let you send out to rescue Saito Dozo." On the way, Qin Heqing frowned and thought to Niwa Nagahide.

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