High Priest in Japan

Chapter 861: Chase

"Boy, what are you doing here!?" Unexpectedly, at this time and at this place, Saito Michizo who saw Sagara Ryoharu again asked angrily.

"Father, hurry up with me." Sagara Yoshiharu did not explain, but directly explained the request.

"I refuse!" Saito Dozo was also very temperamental, and refused very simply.

"You are old and stubborn!" Sagarara cursed angrily when he heard the words, "Do you know, how sad Shinna would be if you died?!"

"You stupid!" However, Saito Dozo did not appreciate, but yelled in anger.

This surprised Sagara Ryoharu and became at a loss.

"What, what's wrong."

"What if even you die?..." After that was a preaching full of friendship and facts, I don't know whether to say that they don't understand the occasion, or that they have enough pain...

After listening to Qin Heqing for a while, he couldn't listen anymore.

"I said that two people, on a battlefield where there is a possibility of fighting at this moment, is it really good to tell about the love of these children? If the enemy knows, it will laugh to death!" Qin Heqing stepped forward to interrupt Tao.

"Who are you." Saito Dosan frowned, took out the majesty of a country, and looked at Qin Heqing as he approached.

"He is Qin Heqing, a man of Niwa Nagasu." Sagara Yoshiharu introduced.

"A man of Niwa Nagahide... really an amazing identity." Saito said in surprise.

"Are you surprised? Then you can continue to be surprised. I still said that. Now it’s not the time to talk about these messy things, hurry down and leave here with us. I don’t want to run all the way from Owari to see people. After that, even no one can go back." Qin Heqing said indifferently.

"Yes, old man, leave with us soon." Sagara Ryoharu persuaded.

Saito Dosan silently looked at Qin Heqing, and then at Sagara Ryoharu. In the end, he didn’t know whether he was moved by Sagara Ryoharu or for other reasons. He finally gave up his original death ambition, got off a horse, and was determined. After he went to his death and explained his loyalty and the subordinates who covered his whereabouts, he took a short ride and took the number of guards to leave the forest with Qin Heqing and Sagara Ryoharu, and merged with the people who were waiting at the bottom of the mountain. , Once again transformed into a group of thieves and rushed towards the location where the bamboo raft was anchored.

But this time, their actions were a lot easier, not only because of the experience they had come from, but also because the troops belonging to Saito Dozo officially launched an attack on the Yilong Army who was pursuing them!

This greatly diverted the attention of the Yilong Army, which made them loose the blockade around them a lot, and their vigilance was greatly reduced, and then combined with the assassination raids of Qin Heqing, Chuan Ninzhong, and Goemon, so only It took more than half of the time when they entered the mountain, and everyone returned to the stream smoothly.

Then everyone quickly boarded the bamboo raft and, under the control of the boatman, drove back towards Owari along the current.

"Let your people pay attention." At this moment, Qin Heqing turned his head and said to Sagara Yoshiharu.

"What?" Sagara Yoshiharu asked in confusion.

"I want to speed up." Qin Heqing said.

Then I won’t say more, I just closed the seal with both hands, and used the magic technique to protect sailing-God of your ship, please protect me!

Suddenly, a light that was indistinguishable to the naked eye under the sky light spread out around Qin Heqing, covering everything, and enclosing the bamboo raft carrying Chuan Minzhong and Saito Dosan.

"The **** of Kibune? Which **** is it?" Sagara Ryoharu doubted.

"It should refer to the God of Dragon God," Saito said.

Shouldn't it be said that he started as a businessman? Sure enough, he has a lot of knowledge and knows a lot of information that ordinary people don't understand.

It is true that the so-called **** of Kibune is the dragon **** Goryu God enshrined in Kyoto Kifune Shrine. The **** of water is the orthodox **** of water that has been worshipped since ancient times.

What does it have to do with the ship?

That’s because before the God of High Dragon became the **** of rain and stop rain, his main corresponding affairs were the mountains and forests and Mizusawa. In other words, the Mizusawa under their feet is the territory of the God of Gaolong, so just don’t want to paddle. Suddenly there is a problem with the bamboo raft and sailing, then there is no problem at all to ask for the guardianship of the dragon god.

As for other things, such as protecting ships, you can naturally find the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman, or their Qin family's worship **** Daeshishenghe Shenggong for blessing.

After all, in addition to maritime navigation, the scope of the Great Evasion's authority is guarded by ships, which corresponds to the transportation they use now!

It’s not too late to seek protection from Xu Fu’s **** of marine navigation...

Although the trip of a stream rafting to find the guardian of ocean navigation and the guardian of sailors came over, it was somewhat of a sledgehammer.

Then, sure enough, under the blessing of Qin Heqing's series of magical techniques, although the bamboo raft did not turn into a divine boat, the speed of the later generations of large iron boats was not changed, but the stability of the control and the speed of sailing were better than the normal countercurrent speed It was much faster, almost the same speed as when they came, so that the Chuan and the crowd became awed by the admiring colleagues of Qin Heqing.

"It should be said that it was the number one in the past, and now the most well-known Qin family in the Shinto family. Sure enough, it is not comparable to me and other ordinary people." Saito Dosan sighed with emotion.


However, before he waited for a long time, Yilong's chasing soldiers appeared on the roads on both sides of the waterway. While chasing, they attacked the bamboo raft with arrows.

"How can it be so fast?" Sagara Ryōharu said in surprise.

"It's probably because I didn't see me in the formation, so I quickly noticed the abnormality of the army, and then chased up... I really refused to let the old man go." Saito Mizuo's mind turned around. After understanding the reason, he replied.

"Goemon!" Sagara Yoshiharu was not entangled with this, and immediately turned his head and shouted at Goemon.

"Working hard!" Goemon replied ~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Jun! "Sagara Yoshiharu finally looked at Qin Heqing, wanting to see if he, with magical methods, can still turn the tide, and come up with some different methods.

"I'm doing it." Qin Heqing formed a seal with his hands and shouted in a low voice, "Return to the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman, please protect me, avoid arrows and defend targets, and achieve good luck! Open!"

Then, the golden ripples visible to the naked eye swayed from him, covering the bamboo raft that was riding on the river and everyone.

"Yue'er!" After that, Qin Heqing finally stopped hiding his cards and shouted towards the void.

"I see." Yue'er replied.

Then suddenly his figure appeared in mid-air, and with a thought, the majestic leaf tide emerged out of thin air, like two green-leafed dragons, crashing into the righteous dragon army chasing the shore.


"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

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