High Priest in Japan

Chapter 863: Disappointed performance

Under the guidance of the contract, it didn't take long before Qin Heqing flew to the sky above Ozazama where Yoshimoto Imagawa was stationed, and saw Yoshimoto Imagawa's main formation.

It’s just an eye-catching situation...

"Are you sure Imagawa Yoshimoto has no problem with his mind?" Yue'er, who was next to him, twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at the drunken and cheerful Imagawa Yoshimoto and her immediate guard.

Anyone who has a bit of military literacy should know that during the march and war, the army prohibits food and drinks and prohibits women from entering the barracks, right?

But Yoshimoto Imagawa was fine, not only let the woman in, but also opened up directly to let the guards of the main line drink. This is not to worry about being assassinated or being attacked.

"This...Hi." Qin Heqing also twitched his mouth, trying to explain for her, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any suitable reason, so he sighed and greeted people and landed.

Unfortunately, he was also planning to let Imagawa Yoshimoto change history, directly defeating the Oda clan and bringing it back to his family. Given this state and military discipline, it is no wonder that he would lose to Oda Nobunaga in history, and finally died as a leader.

"Yoshimoto!" Qin Heqing Chong, who landed in the formation, slumped and stepped on the line, shouting Imagawa Yoshimoto who looked carefree and confused.

"Ah, it's you, Heqing, who came just right, come and have a drink with me." Yoshimoto Imakawa was taken aback, and then woke up, inviting with a glass full of surprises.

"It's this time, still drinking." Qin Heqing said angrily.

At the same time, he quickly stepped forward and took away the wine saucer from Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"What's the matter?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was puzzled.

"What do you mean." Qin He Qinghu asked back with a face. Then without hesitation, he reached out his hand and pointed it on Imagawa Yoshimoto's forehead——

As a direct descendant of the island nation’s Bacchus **** and priests, he may not be able to deal with other troubles, but the content related to wine, whether it is to turn ordinary wine into holy water with magical effects, or to make ordinary people who should drink and get drunk. It is easy for him to get rid of the trouble of drinking.

So the next moment, Imagawa Yoshimoto felt his head cleared, and his whole body awoke from his drunken state.

"Heqing, why are you here?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked Qin Heqing who appeared in front of him with some surprise.

"It happens to be near here, so I came to see you, but I didn't expect that you would do this kind of thing at this time. You really disappointed me." Qin Heqing stared at Imagawa Yoshimoto in an angry voice.

"What's the matter?" Imagawa Yoshimoto still had some doubts.

"Do you remember the first commandment in military training?" Qin Heqing asked in a deep voice.

"Oh, you said this. I don't think everyone has anything to do. It happened that someone took the initiative to deliver drinks, so I let everyone relax." Imagawa Yoshimoto suddenly said without any worry.

"Then look at what they are now, do you feel a little relaxed? Don't look at when it is now. You are not afraid, at this time the Oda family suddenly found here and launched a sneak attack on you?" Qin Heqing hates the iron Continuously questioned the steel.

"How is it possible? Let’s not say that this is the place I specially selected. The non-nearby long-ju villagers don’t even know that there is such a flat land for stationing on Touzazama. It is the current situation of the Oda family. Where did the army come out to attack my main formation? Didn't defend the city? Or do you think the Oda family have the courage to make a desperate move, abandon their main city, and come to change home with me?" Imagawa Yoshimoto said with disdain.

I really didn't take the Oda family into consideration.

But it’s not all to blame her. After all, the strength of both sides is there. Suruga has not only Suruga and One in his hands, but also the Mikawa of Matsuhira Motoyasu (Tokugawa Ieyasu) under the influence of her Imagawa clan. So in terms of national power alone, the Imagawa clan is more than three times that of the Oda clan with only one Owari in his hands!

Not to mention that the Imagawa clan is still an alliance with Kai’s Takeda, so coupled with the Hojo clan who belongs to her in name, if it really breaks out, tens of thousands of troops can be sent out to push forward. Owari!

And Owari? It’s a lot of money-if you gather all the soldiers from the city, there is only a 10,000-year-old army. Even if Oda Nobuna is involved, there are about 3,000 soldiers who use muskets, but they really have to fight with real swords and guns. If it is, it is definitely not the opponent of Imagawa.

This coupled with the difference in bloodlines-Imagawa is a famous shogun of the source line, and the current shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki is of the same clan, and the righteousness, which is innately famous, can directly inherit the shogun after the fall of Ashikaga Yoshiki The existence of the bit.

What is Oda? It’s just a local rich man in the countryside. It was only after he developed that he gradually replaced the original Owari guardian Spok’s existence and became Owari’s new name. His reputation is not so good. What can you do with her? Imagawa who are all outstanding and unusual come to fight?

"You said it's remote and ordinary people can't find a place here. What's the matter with those people? Did the blind cat and the dead mouse find it? And they brought a lot of drinks, which is still ordinary people's words. , I will take your head down and give you a kick kick!" Qin Heqing pointed to the fact that since he found out that he existed, he gradually converged his movements, said the group of female relatives who were about to run away and their leader Shinsumi Tsuda.

"Well, I was really negligent." Yoshimoto Imakawa frowned when he heard the words, and said with a fan on half of his face, with a deep expression.

Although she was a little arrogant and treated the army more casually, it didn't mean she was really a fool! The reason why I didn’t expect this before was just because I imagined that the Oda family was about to be disillusioned, and Shinsumi’s excuses--want to seek refuge in Imagawa Yoshimoto, and let Imagawa Yoshimoto support him to become the head of the Oda family. Be vigilant, but now after Qin Heqing's reminder, and looking back, he suddenly discovered that all this seemed a bit weird and strange.

"Okay, don't drink it!" Yoshimoto Imagawa then shouted out his daimyo's courage ~www.ltnovel.com~ to the subordinates in the Honjin formation.

Fortunately, it’s not too late at this time, and there are indeed a few more deliberate presences in her camp, so as soon as her voice fell, those deliberate officers immediately dropped the wine bowls in their hands and drank the surrounding wine. The furious soldiers rallied.

"Take them for me!" A cold light flashed in Yoshimoto Iagawa's eyes, and he fanned at the waitresses and shouted.

"Run!" Tsuda Shinsumi immediately shouted without hesitation when he saw this.

Immediately, the girls didn't hesitate, and immediately dropped what they were holding and turned into female guards, rushing out of the formation surrounded by Tsuda Shinsumi.

"Chasing!" shouted the soldier who was not completely drunk.

Then everyone rushed out and caught up with Tsuda Shinsumi's team.

It's a pity that it was not in perfect condition after all, so even if it reacted immediately, due to the influence of the drink, each of them reacted slowly for half a beat, their feet were soft, and they couldn't catch up...

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