High Priest in Japan

Chapter 871: over

"Since Owari has been taken, there is nothing to hesitate about the adult's next action, just go to Luo!" The general of the Imagawa family did not hesitate, and immediately said Imagawa Yoshimoto who was sitting on the main seat with a sonorous tone. .

"I have no objection to Shangluo, but should the time be delayed a bit?" Another general hesitated.

"Why postpone it?" The general who proposed Shangluo wondered.

"There are two main reasons. One is Owari's problem. Although Owari has become our territory because of Princess Nobuna's refuge, it will take some time to completely take over and manage it. Some people who were dissatisfied in Owari used the opportunity to let them launch a rebellion and affect our military. The second is the problem of Mino. Although we had a border with Mino before, we are not like Owari, almost on three sides. Surrounded by Mino, if you just let it go, it is very likely that the people of Mino will get an inch. What if they suddenly attack Owari while our army is out?"

"After all, it is no better than before. If Owari really has a problem, it will not only affect Shangluo, but may also affect other aspects."

Such as logistics supplies.

This is the real top priority.

"Then what do you say?" the proposer asked.

"It takes two steps. One is to use the army's suppression to deal with Owari's problem as soon as possible. The other is to send people to Mino to observe the situation of the new Mino guarding Saito Yoshiro, and see if he can be satisfied. People of the status quo. If we don’t have to worry too much about him coveting Owari, but if it’s the other way around, I suggest that the adults first pacify Mino before considering sending troops to Los Angeles."

"What about your opinions?" Imagawa Yoshimoto didn't immediately make a decision, but asked the Oda people who did not easily speak and integrate into the system.

"I agree to check Mino's intentions before making a decision." Representative Oda Shinna said.

"Then proceed according to this plan. But, who do you think is more appropriate to send to Mino?" After seeing no objection from others, Yoshimoto Imagawa was not verbose, closed the fan, and gently tapped it on the palm of his hand, looking towards The court officials asked.

Suddenly everyone was silent, whether it was Oda or the generals brought by Imagawa Yoshimoto, they all kept silent, and even looked down at the floor as if they hadn't heard it, making Imagawa Yoshimoto feel very dissatisfied— —

What do you mean? Do you pretend to be an ostrich?

"Since no one is willing to recommend himself, then I will appoint it." Imagawa Yoshimoto said, searching for the people he brought.

After all, the Oda family had just voted in, even if she was willing to trust, the others might not really have no idea at all. What if the Oda family made some moths?

For example, throwing away Saito Dosan, in exchange for Saito Yoshiryu's forces to revive the Oda family or something.

Although it is unlikely, but I have to guard against it?

So it is better to use your own person.

I can also take this opportunity to show Qin Heqing that not all of her and Imagawa Yoshimoto's subordinates are idiots.

So after a while, Imagawa Yoshimoto selected a representative from his generals to be responsible for the mission to Mino to observe the work of Yoshiyuki Saito. He immediately announced the dissolution and returned to Niwa Nagahide’s house to continue playing with her. The Cuju went...


"Mr. Dozo, what do you think Saito Yoshiyuki will do?" After the meeting, Oda Shinna and Oda Shinna, who were also attending the Imagawa family's meeting today as the retainers of the Oda family, called over.

"What else can I do? With that guy's arrogant character, he won't be hurt anymore. He will never be bound by the reputation of the so-called public family and famous people. He will definitely make excessive demands, and then cause a relationship between Imagawa and Mino. The war. If I had known this, I shouldn't have let him give birth." Saito Dozo replied with an angry face.

"What kind of request does Mr. Dosan think he will make to embarrass the people of Imagawa?" Oda Nobuna asked again.

"I don't know the others, but I can be sure of one." Saito Dozo frowned.

"What is it?"

"I guess he will ask for me directly from the Imagawa family." Saito Dozo said in a deep voice.

"I want you!" Oda Shinna's expression changed when he heard the words, and his face became calm and contemplated.

With Saito Yoshiyuki's defense and hatred for Saito Dozo, it is really possible for him to ask Imagawa Yoshimoto for him!

This will not only successfully solve the trouble of Saito Dozo, but also leave a large enough scar between Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda Nobuna——

If Imagawa Yoshimoto really agreed to his request and handed over Saito Mizo.

Oda Nobuna is likely to launch a rebellion desperately, with the help of Owari location to kill Imagawa Yoshimoto.

In this way, even if it is unsuccessful in the end-let Saito Dozo run away, it can also make Oda Shinna and others die in battle to relieve his hatred.

As for whether this will offend Imagawa Yoshimoto and let Imagawa Yoshimoto directly give up Shangluo's crusade against him, he Saito Yoshiyuki is destined to take the character of the world, and he cares about this?

"If Saito Yoshiyuki's condition is really this, Iagawa-sama would not agree?" Akechi Mitsuhide said with some uncertainty.

Just as Saito Yoshiyuki could think that Saito Dozo’s going or stay is related to the question of whether Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda’s family are in harmony, Imagawa Yoshimoto should also be able to think that he handed Saito Michizo out as long as he was not cerebral palsy. As a result, if Imagawa Yoshimoto still did this, it would be either he didn't take the Oda family into his heart, or he wanted to find excuses to play with the Oda family.

In addition, Mitsuhide Akechi could not think of more reasons.

"Probably not." Oda Shinna thought for a while and shook his head.

Not only because she believed in the political wisdom of Imagawa Yoshimoto, but also the influence of Qin Heqing. With that guy here, no matter how wicked things are, in the end it might become a situation that conforms to the wishes of the public, and it won't work if you don't admit it.

"Do you believe in Imagawa Yoshimoto that way?" Akechi Mitsuhide asked in surprise.

"It is not so much that I believe in Imagawa Yoshimoto, as I believe in the man that Wan Chiyo Kazuka looks after ~ www.ltnovel.com~ As long as he does not want Wan Chiyo Kazuka to be sad, and even Imagawa Yoshimoto If there is a conflict between Yuan, I would not agree with Yoshimoto Imagawa to do such a thing." Oda Nobuna shook his head.

"The guy named Qin Heqing..." Mingzhi Guangxiu frowned.

For such an existence that directly changed the outcome of a critical war, even if she didn't know it, she couldn't do it.

What's more, he is still the man of Imagawa Yoshimoto, Shibata Katsuji and Niwa Nagahide.


And what is Qin Heqing doing to the man who is being talked about by Mitsubishi Aichi at this time?

Watching Imagawa Yoshimoto’s Cumari show——

Kick the sepak takraw ball under your feet into the goal frame like the football of the next generation in various ways to win.

And the identity of the goalkeeper who cooperated with her was not simple. It was not someone else, but Mikawa's name, Motoyasu Matsudaira (Ieyasu Tokugawa).

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