High Priest in Japan

Chapter 873: Plan Mino

The outcome of the matter is not unexpected. Whether it is based on Qin Heqing’s face, political considerations, or Imagawa Yoshimoto’s own character, she cannot tolerate Saito’s provocation without reacting. , So just the day after the messenger returned, Imagawa Yoshimoto launched an attack on Mino!


   Beauty responds accordingly, and the battle unfolds on the side of the Nagara River that runs through Mino and Owari.


However, the results presented were far beyond the expectations of the members of the Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda families-the Imagawa army led by the Oda family general Shibata Katsuka unexpectedly failed and was directly stopped near the Nagara River. On the shallows, no advance!


And this is not because of Shibata’s selfishness, but because of the countermeasures launched by Mino, which directly placed the famous three kingdoms of Zhuge on the rocky shoal by the Nagara River. It’s amazing to obstruct the army's actions through fantasy means——


   Unexpectedly, there are such amazing and mysterious talents in Mino.


   "It seems that the man made the move." Saito Dozo exclaimed.


   "Who?" Oda Shinna curiously asked.


   "The military genius hidden in Mino, the last card that Mino people rely on—"


   "You mean Takenaka Hanbei Reharu, right?" Sagara Yoshiharu said with a smug expression.


   "How do you know." Akechi Mitsuhide was surprised.


   "I'm a person from the future, I know that some things that are secret to you are not taken for granted." Sagara Ryoharu said without restraint.


   "You are right, it is Hanbei." Saito Dozo nodded affirmatively without surprise.


   "Do you know her too?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked Qin Heqing, who looked at him.


   "I know." Qin Heqing nodded.


   "Then do you have a way to solve her?" Shibata Shengjia asked.


   "Which aspect do you mean?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.


   "Uh...could it be that you can kill her directly?" Shibata Seika hesitated.


   "There is a certain degree of difficulty, but personally, I do not recommend you to do so." Qin Heqing replied.


   "Why?" Niwa Nagahide wondered.


   "Such an excellent talent is killed directly, don't you think it's a pity?" Qin Heqing looked at Niwa Changxiu.


   "Because of this?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was surprised.


   "Yes. Otherwise, what do you think it is because of?" Qin Heqing asked with interest.


   "I thought that just like Nagahide and Shengjia, it was another roommate you had secretly collected into the house." Imagawa Yoshimoto said with a curled mouth.


   "I also have a bottom line as a human being! But not everyone can be selected by me as a target and included in the house. Not to mention that her age itself is not within my hunting range." Qin Heqing said silently.


   "So, have you met Takenaka Hanbei himself?" Oda Nobuna asked, grasping the key points.


   "I have seen it." Qin Heqing nodded.


   "Is it possible to persuade her to come to our side?" Oda Shinna said again.


   "It's unlikely."


   "Why?" Shibata Shengjia wondered.


"First of all, it is her origin, which is the branch of the Toki clan in front of Mino. For her, it is an innate responsibility to protect Mino. Therefore, even if Saito Yoshiyuki is not the master, as long as she does not touch her The bottom line is that Hanbei Takenaka will not betray him easily. Secondly, it is because of his personality. Although I have been in contact with her for a short time, I can generally feel that this is a person who is more affectionate and righteous. So as long as her relatives and friends are still in Mino and are still working for Mino, she cannot betray Mino and join the party that invaded Mino." After a pause, Qin Heqing said again.


   "Finally, it is also a bit more uncertain. Mino should still have changes. Saito's rule may not be as stable as we thought."


   "What do you mean by this?" Akechi Mitsuhide frowned and asked.


   Why didn't she notice that Mino still has unstable factors?


   Although in terms of temperament, Saito Yoshiyuki does not seem to be a monarch who can stabilize the situation...


   "Because I once saw a person at Hanbei Takenaka."


   "Who?" Akechi Mitsuhide asked.


   "Mino, the daughter of Toki Raiyi's former guardian, Toki Mei." Qin Heqingdao.


"Tuki beauty..." Oda Shinna frowned, thinking of the young lady from the Toki family that she had seen at home when she was a child. She really didn't see it. She looked ordinary on the surface, just like ordinary ladies. Even the little girl who is not good at martial arts, and does not know much about culture and politics, would have such a determination to return to Mino to do things on her own...


   How unwilling is this?


   "How sure are you?" Niwa Nagahide asked.


"Half and half. The key depends on her determination and influence, as well as Saito Yoshiryu's performance afterwards. If Saito Yoshiyuki is pretty good, I think even if Toki Mi is interested, it will not be easy to get things done. Get up." Qin Heqing thought about it.


   "Then what should I do now?" Shibata Katsura asked.


"What do you think of this?" Qin Heqing said, attracting everyone's attention to himself. "The soldiers were divided into two groups, and they continued to be led by the victor all the way. They attacked Mino from the Nagara River and attracted Mino's attention. , Give it to Yuan Kang all the way, let her lead the troops to attack directly from the Sanhe side, and oppress Saito Yoshiyuki's use space, and then I set out together with Shengjia to meet the legendary eight formation map."


   "You go to deal with Bajintu, can you do it?" Akechi Mitsuhide asked suspiciously.


   "Will it work, don't you have to try before you know." Qin Heqing smiled.


   "Yes. Just do what you said." Yoshimoto Imagawa thought for a while and agreed.


   "Of course, if it is to be on the safe side, we can actually arrange another hand." Qin Heqing glanced around the people in the field, and finally turned his gaze to the wise Guangxiu who had previously doubted him.


   "What are you looking at me doing." Mitsuhide Akechi said nervously.


It’s not that Qin Heqing’s conspiracy ~www.ltnovel.com~ but the fear of this mysterious man who quietly puts several women into the house. She is really worried about whether she will do it any time. Become the opponent's target and be taken away by the opponent...


   Even personally, she is more confident in her own force.


   "Because of the move I said, at present, it is more appropriate for you to be the only one present to perform it." Qin He smiled lightly.


   "What do you want me to do?" Akechi Mitsuhide asked in confusion.


   "Together with Ling Nu, go to Bodhi Mountain City to meet Toki Mei who stayed there and help her complete the rule of Mino." Qin Heqing said with a serious face.


   "In what capacity?" Akechi Mitsuhide frowned and muttered.


   "Imagawa Yoshimoto's messenger." Qin Heqing replied, "And you can bring Yoshimoto's special promise."


   "What?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was surprised.


   I don't know how it is good to implicate her again.

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