High Priest in Japan

Chapter 884: Changes in fighting style

Soon after, Qin Heqing walked out of Inaba Mountain City smoothly with Ms. Mitsuhide and Ling.

Just as Qin Heqing expected, after knowing that there were two other existences similar to the former ghosts next to Qin Heqing, Toki Mi really gave up the tentative thoughts of self-confidence in her heart due to the influence of demonization, calmly and quietly. The three of Qin and Qing were sent out to avoid conflict, and also cut off the possibility of sending Mino, who seemed to be saved, directly to Imagawa Yoshimoto because of his own impulse.

After all, if you really fight, even if you don't die, there is a high chance that you will lose. That is not the idea of ​​Tokimi who wants to revitalize the Toki clan and make Mino smoothly transition.

"Hey, I don't know how many more people will die next." On the way back, Mingzhi Guangxiu said with some helplessness and a sad sigh.

This is not how kind she is. As a descendant of the samurai family and a follower of Saito Dozo, who has experienced wars for a long time, she understands the cruelty of wars and is prepared enough for the life and death of people. She would sigh all kinds of sighs because of the death of ordinary soldiers at the bottom, but she was not reconciled to the loss of the plan's failure, as well as the original effectiveness, and even the construction process of Mino, which she participated in, will be attacked by the war.

So if you really think that she is a girl with a weak personality, someone who can use some related methods to use her, she may be killed by Ming-Zhou Guangxiu and don't know why.

"That is also the choice of the Meinong people. As long as we stay quiet, or try to help the Shengjia end the battle as soon as possible, and reduce the casualties that should have been expanded, this is the most we can do now." Qin Heqing received Excessively.

"I know. On the contrary, it's you, how could you be in the mountain city? Is it really like the girl Ling said, is here to pick us up?" Mingzhi Guangxiu looked at Qin Heqing who was half of her body in front of Qin Heqing questioned.

"Yeah, why? Unexpectedly?" Qin Heqing smiled and turned his head to look at her, then asked back.

"I really didn't expect it." Mitsuhide Mingzhi nodded affirmatively and honestly.

"That's just because you don't know enough about me. If you change to Ling Nu, she won't have any doubts about my arrival." Qin He said quietly.

"Is that so?" Akechi Mitsuhide didn't believe it, and looked at the girl Suzu with a suspicious look.

"Yes, since I used the bronze mirror to contact Qin Jun, I knew that Qin Jun would definitely come to save us." Ling Nu replied with a natural tone.

"Why?" Akechi Mitsuhide asked puzzledly.

"There are three main reasons. One is that you were introduced to implement this plan because of my recommendation. No matter what, I need to be responsible for your safety. The second is that the girl is very important to me. I know After she is in danger, I cannot be indifferent and do nothing. Third, and the most important point, using the bronze mirror to contact me in addition to normal communication also represents a call for help, so after receiving a call for help , I will definitely dispatch or send someone to rescue my opponents." Qin Heqing explained patiently.

"Is that so?" Akechi Mitsuhide hesitated.

Ling Nu did not speak, but showed a big smile to Qin Heqing, expressing that she was very satisfied with Qin Heqing's words.

"This is the unique welfare of my subordinates. Would you like to think about it, transfer from Mr. Dao San's door to my name, and advise me?" Qin Heqing looked at Mingzhi Guangxiu and asked with a smile.

"Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​betraying my first three sects and switching to others." Mitsuhide Aichi refused without hesitation.

And it seems to be to show his determination, even I took the initiative to distance himself from Qin Heqing after speaking to show his will.

"Well, anyway, it doesn’t make much difference whether you stay at the Oda’s or Imagawa’s." After a meal, he added with a smile, "However, as long as you are willing, my side The door will still be open for you, no matter when."

After that, Qin Heqing ignored Mingzhi Guangxiu and started chatting with Ling Nu.

Until the three returned to Shibata's home camp.


Then in the middle of the night, it was about three o'clock in the morning in the future generations, when ordinary people were the most sleepy of the day, but Inaba Mountain Castle, who had thought that they should be able to live together today, suddenly opened the gate and sent a force of hundreds of people. After going out, all the staff murmured stones, stepped on the grass, their eyes braved the gleam of animals, and quietly entered the woods, and came to the vicinity of the Imagawa Army led by Shibata Katsuji, without saying a word, yes. The army launched an attack.

And it’s very rhythmic. First, the ordinary arrow rain attack is used to kill the guards and suppress the army’s reaction and resistance. Then the rocket is in the air, the pursuit of material destruction and chaos on a large scale, and finally it is trivial. With the advance of the spearmen, it was easy to kill in the chaotic camp...

But he didn’t love fighting at all. Almost when the main force was about to be assembled, the troops belonging to Mino resolutely retreated under the leadership of the leader and under the control of the archers, and then went into the forest and disappeared. In the eyes of the chasers.

If it weren't for the fact that the so-called sixteen-character mantra was not spread in this era, Qin Heqing would have thought that the ancient version of the guerrillas had appeared.

"Turning in like the wind, aggression like fire, plus the secret like the yin, shouldn't it be called the handwriting of Mino's genius sergeant Hanbei Takenaka? It's really compatible with the changes in human nature, and it's extremely difficult." The soldier's report said with a solemn face.

The existence of genius soldiers is good for their own people and enemies. It is really a nightmare for them to play with their brains, and they feel nauseous.

"Damn it!" Shibata Shengjia said angrily.

"But how did they go through the forest and sneak into the vicinity of the barracks without the help of the firelight?" Michiko Mitsuhide frowned and said with puzzled confusion.

"If it weren't for those soldiers who had specialized training and training, then probably only spells can do this." Qin Heqing thought about it and replied.

The island country is not a domestic country~www.ltnovel.com~, unlike Daming, where there are so many nutrients such as vitamins that can be supplemented by ordinary soldiers to improve night blindness?

This is difficult for Daming himself to do.

So there is only one result that can be thought of, it should be some kind of onmyoji that can increase the soldiers' night vision ability, or the clam magic that Qin Heqing also understands.

"The effect of the spell?" Mitsuhide Akechi and Katsura Shibata moved their eyebrows, and became contemplative.

They will be able to fight ordinary soldiers and non-excessive wars. They can fight soldiers who have been blessed by spells, even if they are only soldiers who can allow ordinary people to see at night without other bonuses, the difficulty will be more difficult than ordinary soldiers. less.

At least what happened tonight is the most obvious proof!

If this is changed to every night...

"Hi..." Thinking of this, both Akechi Mitsuhide and Shibata's expressions changed, and they looked at each other and thought of the horror.

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