High Priest in Japan

Chapter 886: Fail again



At this time, before the wise Mitsuhide leading the soldiers could fully react, countless traps formed by wooden guns cut out of the original materials, that is, the trees owned by the forest itself, shot the team from all directions.

"Disperse!" Akechi Mitsuhide called out anxiously.

At the same time, he quickly jumped to the side and rolled around, avoiding all kinds of attacks that followed.

"There are even traps here. Shouldn't it be you, Hanbei." Achieved Mitsuhide, who temporarily avoided the attack, said with a heavy heart.

What does this show? Explain that the other party's thoughts about her, or the arrangement of the march, would have been so accurate to lay enough traps on her marching path so that they would appear wounded in a non-combat state.

Even if there are not many people, there are only 7 or 8 people, but for a team of 200 people, it is equivalent to close to one-tenth of attrition.

If this is repeated several times, doesn't it mean that they have come out for nothing this time?

This can't work!

As a confident and proud Wise Mitsuhide, she can't repeatedly lose in the land of Mino, which is simply a shame to her face.

Just before she could think about it, noisy footsteps and human voices rang in the forest.

"It's there!"


"Destroy them!"

After hearing this, Mitsuhide Mingzhi's face changed again, and he did not dare to hesitate, and immediately reorganized the team.

"Everyone, stand up for me immediately. The enemy is coming. If you don't want to die like this, you will pick up a weapon and rush up. Only if you solve them, we can survive!" Mitsuhide Akechi drew out his knife height Shouted.

Obviously, she has understood that the appearance of these people is not a coincidence, but just like traps, they were all set here in advance by Takenaka Hanbei, in order to prevent someone from the Imagawa Army from planning to bypass here and attack Inaba. Mountain city.

Following this, the soldiers of the Imagawa Army quickly climbed up from the ground, took up their weapons and stood on guard.

In just a few moments, I met with the soldiers of Mino.

The two sides did not talk nonsense, and went straight to fight in the mountains and forests.


Fortunately, there were not many soldiers deployed here by Mino, and at last it was about 300. After all, compared to the Imagawa Army who only needs to choose one path to break through, there are more than one sneak paths around Inaba Mountain Castle, and there are three or four such mountain paths that need to be defended except for a few that are impossible to pass. ! If each of them had sent hundreds of people there to guard, even if Inabayama Castle occupied the ground, it would not need to invest too much defense force, and it would be in danger of being breached under the massive attack of the Imagawa Army.

Therefore, it is the limit to arrange one hundred to three hundred people for each trail according to the situation. No matter how many people are, even if the mountain city can be divided into troops, the half guard will not do that.

Therefore, in addition to the task of blocking each team, the members of each team also have another task-that is, when the enemy is discovered, the alarm will be sounded and the message will be passed to the mountain side so that the mountain side can respond.

In this way, even if the number of people is small, and it can't beat the Imagawa Army's detachment, it will not be unprepared at all, and it will be attacked by the opponent.

What's more, it may not be impossible to wipe out the Jinchuan army in the mountains and forests.

Otherwise, the traps that were laid out overnight were in vain?

Therefore, under this kind of thinking, although the soldiers of the Mino Army are fighting bravely, they always lack a feeling of being at home. Coupled with the existence of Mitsuhide Wise, even if there are almost a hundred people missing, they finally killed nearly half of them. After hours, victory was won at a painful price...

In addition to Mitsuhide Mitsuhide, there are fewer than 20 survivors...

"My lord, do you want to continue?" The soldier who survived but with various wounds on his face looked at Akechi Mitsuhide with lingering fear and asked.

Obviously, he didn't want to continue.

Similarly, although the others did not speak, they all had similar meanings from the look in their eyes. Therefore, Mitsuhide Akechi gritted his teeth and ordered "Let's go."

After speaking, without looking at the faces of the other soldiers, he turned around and walked back first.


Soon after, the members of the Akechi Mitsuhide team returned to the team.

"Sorry, the action failed." Akechi Mitsuhide reported to Shibata Katsura with shame.

"Has it been calculated?" Qin Heqing said thoughtfully.

"Yes, our action plan was all anticipated by the other party, so if you don't expect it, other small roads that can detour to the mountain city should also have similar defenses. It is difficult to break through without a large army." Mitsuhide Achieved affirmed. .

This is also the current dilemma. The division of troops means that the offensive on the front line is weakened. Although the effect of containment can still be achieved, it is certainly not as strong as the current effect. It is easy to let the mountain city free up to deal with other things. thing. No division? Then one, two hundred, three to four hundred people's breakout didn't have much effect at all. Maybe they didn't complete the breakout, and the assigned troops were first eliminated by Mino's arrangement.

So the only way to solve the problem that can be thought of now is to ask Owari for help, and let Owari send more troops to support them and help them break the city.

"What do you mean?" Shibata Shengjia asked Qin Heqing, who looked at him.

Mingzhi Guangxiu didn't know Qin Heqing's power, but she knew that Qin Heqing had the ability to stand alone! If he was willing to help with the attack, even if he didn't ask Owari for help, they would still be able to win Inabayama Castle and open the door to Mino.

"Seek help from Owari." Qin Heqing thought for a while.

Didn't he never thought about the possibility of his own shot~www.ltnovel.com~ But when I thought about Hanbei Takenaka and the former ghost, and the now monster-like Toki Mei, Qin Heqing dispelled this plan.

Without him, the success rate is too low.

And it is easy to leave criticism to the outside world. After all, it’s not just Imagawa Yoshimoto’s family who can invite the mage. If all the families raise the war to the level of magic, the death and injury caused...

Thinking about Qin Heqing, it feels terrible--

I'm afraid that after a Warring States period, one third of the island nation's population will disappear.

"I'll contact Yoshimoto." After thinking about it, Qin Heqing took out the bronze mirror in front of Shibata and Mitsuhide, contacted Imagawa Yoshimoto, who was enjoying himself in the back, and told him about the problem.

"Ask for help... Okay, then I will send another 3,000 troops to support you. Really, a little girl has caused me such a big trouble. It seems necessary to take her down. , Give her some lessons and let her and other family superintendents understand that I, Imagawa Yoshimoto, is not that easy to provoke." Imagawa Yoshimoto said in a bulging voice.

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