But no matter what, things have reached this point. The only thing that Shibata Katsuka, Akechi Mitsuhide, and the generals of the Imagawa family can do is to defend against Inabayama Castle, while waiting for Imagawa Yoshimoto and her Imagawa Yuori. The arrival of the Tian family's army.

As for the other side, the Songping Yuan Kangjun of Sanhe...

It depends on whether Matsuhira Motoyasu is involved in this decisive battle, or her speed.

"Okay, don't think about it, rest now. Otherwise, you might not have enough energy to deal with the decisive battle tomorrow." Qin Heqing stopped and circled around the Mino map, thinking about Mino, Asai and Asakura. Said Shibata Katsuya and others who arranged the house.

"Yes, it's really not suitable for thinking too much now, and there is no need to think too much. Let's stop here today, everyone will be disbanded, and the soldiers will be organized to carry out shift repairs to deal with the battle that may start tomorrow." Shibata nodded in agreement. , Said to the other generals.

"Yes!" Then the other generals responded, leaving the meeting hall of the mountain city one after another, and set up their own soldiers.


Then the next day, at four or five o’clock in the afternoon, when the sky was about to enter the night, accompanied by a fierce dust flying, Imagawa Yoshimoto led to destroy Owari, taking care of Shangluo’s 25,000 soldiers and horses, and the Oda family’s organization. The 3,000 people away came to the foot of Inaba Mountain Castle, and then, greeted by Shibata Katsuya and others, moved into the mountain for repairs.

"Isn't Yuanyao here yet?" Yoshimoto Imakawa frowned as he looked at Matsuhira Motoyasu who hadn't appeared in the palace.

"The spies haven't found traces of Yuan Kang's department nearby. It is estimated that they may still be on the way here." Shibata Shengjia replied.

"It's too slow." Imagawa Yoshimoto said dissatisfied.

After all, she already knew at this time what kind of enemies she was about to face, and the approximate number of enemies. If she didn't know how to concentrate her strength and use it, then she would be the best bow in Tokaido.

Although as far as she is concerned, her bow shooting skills are not so superb, on the contrary, she plays Cuju in a decent way, which can be called murderous football...

But why did she say that the image of her ruling territory on the map is a long bow without strings, so it is not incomprehensible to be named this name.

"In that case, it's better to just ask Yuankang not to come over." Thinking, Mitsuhide Akechi said to the somewhat angry Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Oh? I remember you, you are Saito Dozo's little surname, Mitsuhide from the Akechi family, right?" Yoshimoto Imagawa was shocked, and suddenly realized after taking a closer look at Akechi Mitsuhide.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Mitsuhide's origin is not simple. Not only is he the son of the Mino family, but also the blood source can be related to the Toki family. Like Takenaka Hanbei, he comes from the Toki family. The branch is a descendant of the Takeda family, so if you really want to talk about the inheritance qualifications of Mino, she can actually take the position.

Although she might have to change her name to something like Toki Mitsuhide...

"Yes." Akechi Mitsuhide was not surprised that Imagawa Yoshimoto knew his name and origin. After all, she had been ordered by Imagawa Yoshimoto before. The executive who came to Mino to implement the anti-Takimi plan!

Although she failed later, the impression of her appearance has been left. If Imagawa Yoshimoto still doesn’t recognize her, it can only be said that she doesn’t pay enough attention to her, and she needs to reconsider whether she should stay at Oda’s or not. Hanging under the name of Mr. Dosan, made suggestions for Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Tell me what you think." Imagawa Yoshimoto shook his hand, opened the fan in his hand, and blocked the lower half of his face, leaving only a pair of eyes watching her quietly.

"Yes." Akechi Mitsuhide answered and said his own thoughts. "Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that based on the current military strength of the Imagawa Army, it may not be an opponent of the three coalition forces that far exceeds ours. So even if we call Matsuhira Motoyasu back at this time, it will not help us too much. Instead, let her stay outside, head towards Diyuan City, and then directly enter the Hida country from there, and then turn to kill. Before entering Etsu, it restrained the attention of the Asakura army and let them fight with us unintentionally, thereby reducing the pressure on this side."

"The method is good, but do we still have that time?" The general of Imagawa's family frowned.

After all, no matter how fast the marching speed of Mitsuhira Motoyasu is, it will take about three days to achieve this goal, and it is still necessary for Mitsuhira Motoyasu to have no other ideas and act wholeheartedly, if there is dissent...

At that time, the time is uncertain, and it is likely that they will wait until they have a victory or defeat, and they may just run away.

You know, Sanhe's Matsudaira Yuanyao is not as weak and bullying as it seems.

"In a big battle of nearly 100,000 people, even if it is a simple frontal fight, it takes three or four days to tell the victory or defeat. Moreover, we will do other things in the process. It will really be delayed. There is no problem with the last five, six, seven or eight days, not to mention that the actions of Matsuhira Motoyasu are not secret, as long as she reveals that intention, it will be enough to shake the generals of the Asakura army and make them The threat of the situation is greatly reduced." Wise Guangxiu responded with confidence.

"Of course, just in case, and the smooth implementation of the plan, there is no problem in sending a supervising army in the past to supervise the action." Following that, Mitsuhide Mingshou added.

"What do you mean?" Imagawa Yoshimoto saw the scene calm down and asked his men again.

As for the Oda family, without the existence of the wise general Niwa Nagahide, as far as strategy alone is concerned, no one can think of a reason, so if you ask, it's a question of nothing. It's better to let them listen. Up.



"There is no more way anyway."

The generals of Imagawa looked at each other and answered one after another.

"Who should I send?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked again.

Everyone is silent-they don't want to do something that doesn't have much oil and water~www.ltnovel.com~Yes, oil and water.

After all, stay here to participate in the decisive battle, you can go to battle, you can kill the enemy, you can change your military merits, but when you go to the Sanhe Army, even if you execute the strategy, you can count on the credit, but obviously there is no such thing as the joy, simplicity and quantity of the frontal fight It's huge, so as long as it's not someone who wants to eat and wait for death, no one will be willing to do this kind of thing that doesn't benefit much and may offend people.

"Forget it, let the girl under my subordinates pass." Qin Heqing saw this, and before the thoughtful Sagara Ryoharu spoke, he spoke first.

Anyway, there is nothing to do for Ling Nu to stay by her side. Instead, let her move to show her existence and give some credit to her, so that when she wants to arrange her in the future, she won't even have an excuse.

With such a decision on the topic, Imagawa Yoshimoto and others discussed the battlefield afterwards.

It wasn't until an hour later that all the things were arranged. The crowd dispersed and began to arrange various things and let the subordinates eat to cope with the frontal battle starting tomorrow.

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