High Priest in Japan

Chapter 904: simple

For Yukiduo, whose overall power is composed of ordinary people, the combination of Qin Heqing and Ayukawa, who masters spells, can be invisible, and understands consciousness control, is completely BUG, ​​so it didn’t take much time for Qin Heqing to find someone being held in custody. Kuroda Kanbei in this room.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that you have not received any reproach." Qin Heqing watched his body curled up into a ball, and Kuroda Guanbing, who was sitting in the corner of the room with his knees, showed his figure.

"It's you? Is it Xingbu Ji who told you that I was taken away? Unexpectedly, you would really come to save people. I was a little surprised at you." Hearing the voice, Kuroda Kanbei immediately raised his head. Leng, followed with some surprise.

"Why? Is it hard to imagine that I'll save you?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"But no power leader will save his subordinates by personally committing risks." After a meal, he added, "Even if your situation is somewhat special."

"Then let me be the first one. How about, are you grateful to Lalin who have been touched, and can't wait to repay my kindness with death." Qin Heqing joked.

"You think too much." Officer Kuroda rolled his eyes and said calmly.

"Is there any strength? Let's leave here if we have." Qin Heqing laughed for a while, and looked at the officer and soldier.

"Fortunately, Ukita's house governor Nao's family seems to have plans to recruit me, so even though they captured me by conspiracy, they didn't embarrass me. They eat well and use them to escape. There is no problem at all. "Kuroda Kanbei stood up and said.

"That's OK, then let's go." After saying that, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, and directly greeted the officer Shang Kuroda to leave the room where she was detained, and quietly left Ako City with her...

"What are your plans next?" Qin Heqing asked her on the way to the direction of Himeji Castle with Kuroda Guanbing.

"You want to know if I have any plans to retake Himeji Castle." Kuroda Kanbei didn't have the novelty and excitement flying into the sky on his face. He still asked in a plain, commonplace appearance.

Apart from this, Kuroda Guanbing really couldn't think of any other purpose Qin Heqing asked.

"Well, are you planning to take it back?" Qin Heqing nodded and asked curiously.

"Then do you want me to retake Himeji Castle, or not?" Kuroda Kanbei asked again.

"It's up to you, I don't insist on it. Anyway, judging from the current situation, even without the power of Himeji Castle, it will not prevent Yoshimoto from assuming the throne of the general and uniting the world." Qin He said quietly.

"Sure enough, the reason why you recruited me in the first place was entirely because I was the lord of Himeji Castle. Without this identity, even if you knew it was me, you wouldn't have too many ideas. I was right. Right." Hearing this, Kuroda Kanbei said with such an appearance.

Of course, the Himeji Castle here is not the Great Castle Himeji, but the Himeji Castle Tenshukaku known as the White Castle in later generations!

Because only the owner of this castle tower is related to Xingbu Ji, not Himeji Castle and Xingbu Ji.

"Recruitment will still be recruited. But just like Takenaka Hanbei, if you choose to refuse, I will not force you to act freely until our respective forces decide the outcome."

"Hanbei Takenaka... So she was captured by you?"

"How did you know I captured her?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Although I don't pay much attention to outside affairs, it doesn't mean that I don't know anything about major events happening outside. What's more, Imagawa Yoshimoto's trip to Shangluo can be said to be the most eye-catching except for the Miyoshi turmoil today. It's up. So if you speculate a little, you can understand that Takenaka Hanbei's identity and origins, combined with recent information, her fate is already obvious."

"Therefore, Guanbingwei is worthy of being Guanbingwei. In terms of insight, it is worthy of the legend of Liangbingwei in later generations." Qin Heqing said with emotion.

"Later..." Guan Bingwei glanced at him, did not question, but pressed this doubt to the bottom of his heart, prepared for a chance in the future, and then figured out the information revealed by this word.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic, what do you plan for Himeji Castle?" Qin Heqing smiled and changed the subject.

"There is no plan." Kuroda officer guard replied blankly.

"That is, did you give up?" Qin Heqing glanced at her, and it was not that he could not understand her thoughts. After all, for Kuroda Kanbei, Himeji Castle had no value in its existence, even if it were not for Ji If Lucheng inherited from her father, she would not even be the lord of the city!

Otherwise, after becoming the lord of the city, he would not be obsessed with the study of Nanban culture unconsciously, even political affairs would be fooled casually.

Although in terms of her talents, even if she fooled things around, it greatly improved the environment and business development of Himeji Castle, making Himeji Castle's development stronger than when the previous lord ruled.

However, it was too self-relationship to be liked by the people of Himeji Castle. Otherwise, how could this kind of combination of inside and outside, uniting Ukita to betray her?

So I really don't blame her for not having much affection for Himeji Castle.

"That's OK, when we meet Xing Bu Ji, and after asking her opinion, we will leave Harima and go to Yoshimoto." Qin Heqing did not persuade, but responded directly.

And Guanbingwei did not refute, and the silent tunnel moved towards Himeji Castle with Qin and Qing.


So only one day later, Qin Heqing returned to Mino country with the dreadful Kuroda Kanbei, and appeared in the city of Tokami Hachiman where Yoshimoto Imagawa is now stationed.

Yes, there is only Kanbei Kuroda. As for the other Xing Bu Ji who should have been in the team?

I don’t know if it’s too much love for the family, or I really want to make up for it and help Qin Heqing and Kanbei watch Himeji Castle's movements~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn’t choose to leave with Kuroda Kanbei, but continued. Staying in Himeji Castle, guarding her shelter-Himeji Castle, this is where she is now.

Then Qin Heqing did not hesitate, and took Kuroda Kanbei to see the owner of this place, Imagawa Yoshimoto, and introduced her to Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Is she the lord of Himeji Castle? I didn’t expect that she was actually a little girl who likes Nanban culture. Then stay, take a position to pursue, and wait until I become a general and take Himeji Castle. Give her another job.” Imagawa Yoshimoto used a fan to block his face and his expression, leaving only a pair of eyes to watch Kuroda Kanbei, who is not pleasing to her.

"The official position is no longer necessary. I will continue to stay under Qin Jun as his retainer to serve the adults." Kuroda Kanbei seems to have also noticed the dislike of Imagawa Yoshimoto's polite appearance, his expression remained unchanged, and his attitude was cold. Responded.

"Is that so, it's okay, then stay at Qin Jun's door." Yoshimoto Imakawa frowned when he heard the words, and replied in a mild manner.

At this point, Kuroda Guanbing officially appeared in Qin Heqing's team as a retainer.

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