High Priest in Japan

Chapter 907: Interview

Led by the guard at the door, it didn't take long for Qin Heqing to arrive at Yin Yangtou's office in Yinyang Liao—in a large empty house of almost forty square meters.

The floor is covered with tatami mats, the walls are hanging with paintings and calligraphy works of Yin and Yang, and some fine debris-cultural items such as incense, books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone are neatly placed in a corner of the room. On the cabinet, on the opposite side is a round prismatic window, which introduces the outdoor sunlight into the room and provides lighting for the cool Japanese room.

"Okay, you can go down." Qin Heqing nodded and walked to sit on the only cushioned futon in the room, and said to the guard who was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"It's an adult."

Then the soldiers left, leaving room for Qin Heqing, Kanbei Kuroda, and Matsushige Hideo.

As for the other soldiers?

Naturally, he was left outside by Song Yongxiu at the same moment he entered the Yin-Yang Lao.

After all, this is a bureaucracy, not a place where people without official status can enter.

"Suke, Quansuke, and Dayun are not there. Is this trying to disarm you?" Kuroda Kanbei, who saw no outsiders around, couldn't help but reminded him.

"It's also possible that something else has delayed it. After all, Ping An Jing has not been peaceful for a while." Qin Heqing glanced at her and replied with a smile.

"My lord is complaining about me, shouldn't the soldiers of the Miyoshi family invade Kyoto?" As one of the sources and creators of Heiankyo's chaos, Hideo Matsuji took the conversation with an ambiguous smile.

"No. This disaster is not a person's problem." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"But I didn't expect that Qin-kun would be assigned to this position by Imagawa Yoshimoto. If I had known this, I would not allow Miyoshi Nagai and Miyoshi Masasu to rob Kyoto and destroy Kyoto. Fengshui and public security in Kyoto have changed." Song Yongxiu said regretfully.

"What's the use of talking about this now? The matter is over, just let the flow go. After all, the Yin Yang Liao is the site of the Yin and Yang Dao. Although it has been controlled by the Fujiwara family for a long time, it is still the private land of the Tu Yumen family, so it only needs time. When it arrives, even if the influence of the Fujiwara family cannot be completely ruled out, it will be enough for me to sit firmly on the position of the Yin and Yang head and let the Yin and Yang Dao be temporarily used by me." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"You said, I told Himeji Castle in the name of Yinyangliu to let the people of Ukita contribute money to build the sacrificial shrine of Xingbu Ji. Will they object?" Then Qin Heqing looked at the Kuroda Kanbei again and asked Tao.

This is probably one of the few rights in Yinyangliao that can influence the place, but it is just convenient for him.

"It won't be opposed to opposing, but it is more likely to be a violation of positivity, ostensibly approving your order, but secretly, it can be delayed."

After all, no one’s money came from the strong wind, so why should Ping contribute money to repair inexplicable shrines?

Is it not fragrant to buy food from strong soldiers?

"Well, that's too..." Qin Heqing sighed.


After a while, with the sound of footsteps, two middle-aged men, both in their forties, appeared in the office of Yin Yang Head, looked at each other, and bowed to each other. Tochiyuki Huayuan, Dr. Yone Musashi missed the engraving to meet the chieftain."

"Huayuan, Mijia..." Qin Heqing's eyes flashed after hearing this, but his expression remained calm, and he still said with a smile on his face, "Please, please."

The Flowering House, or the Flowering House, one of the four great yin and yang families in Kyoto. According to legend, it is the descendant of Ashiya Doman of Harima family. Because of Ashiya Doman’s reputation, it was gradually recognized by Kyoto nobles and royal family members. It will be planted up to balance the earth imperial gate forces that gradually control the Yin and Yang Lio.

Although the Mi family is not well-known among the people, it is the clan of Oukadao in the Yin Yang Lao. It has always held the position of Doctor of Ouka Dao in Yin Yang Lao, so it is not silent among the nobles. It’s just that the things he was proficient in were different from what the nobles pursued, so they were not paid too much attention. They could not directly influence an era or change yin and yang like famous onmyojis such as Ampere Qingming and He Maozhongxing. The power system of Liao is nothing more.

"I Qin Heqing, thanks to His Highness Imagawa Yoshimoto, was appointed as the new yin and yang head. To be honest, I am very worried, because I have never been in contact with related affairs before, so if there is something wrong in the future, I also hope that the two of you will not hesitate to enlighten me." Qin Heqing said politely.

"The adults are polite. As our subordinates, we should assist the adults in governing and office. The adults do not need to be like that."

"Since both of you say so, then I'm no longer hypocritical. I don't know if you two can solve my doubts for me?" Qin Heqing smiled and said slowly and calmly with a relaxed expression.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Tomoyuki Hakakaiin and Yone Musashi looked at each other, and finally asked Chiyuki carefully.

"As far as I know, today shouldn't be a normal day off?"


"If this is the case, why are there only two adults in the Lao who are on duty in the headquarters, and the others? Where are they all?" Qin Heqing asked with confusion.

Suddenly, the expressions of the Huakaiyuan and Mijia people changed, and their hearts became serious.

Sure enough, the newly appointed yin and yang head is not a good companion, and he played routines with them as soon as he came up, but he could drive away Lord Fujiwara Yoshimitsu and become the new yin and yang boss.

And Qin's surname... is it from that Qin family...

"Returning Sir, Yin Yang Suke and Kwon Suke are currently leading the people of Yin Yang Dao to inspect the Feng Shui of Kyoto and calm the ground veins to reduce the Feng Shui chaos caused by Miyoshi's rebellion, so they did not stay in the hut at this time. The adult was also rushed into the frame due to the military accident ~www.ltnovel.com~. He suffered some injuries, so he was temporarily recuperating at home. It is estimated that it will take two days to fully recover." Huakaiyuan Zhixing replied .

"Where were the doctors of Wen Dao and Li Dao that day?" Qin Heqing nodded suddenly, then changed the conversation and asked about the whereabouts of the other two doctors.

"My lord, the main work of the Astronomical Path is basically at night. Only a few hours will be taught during the day. Therefore, in order to adjust the energy, in general, the Astronomical Path’s Dr. Tomimon stays at home during the day to sleep until I won’t come to Lao Li until dusk."

"Most of Lidao's work is the compilation and determination of the calendar. Although there are teaching tasks, it happens to be Dr. Lidao's day off today, so Dr. Kotokui did not come to work in Laozhong today."

"That's the case. I thought they were dissatisfied with our yin and yang from the sky, so they didn't come to work in Lao Li. Since it is not like this, then I can rest assured, tell me about the things in Lao, let me Fortunately, I have an understanding of the work in Lao Li." Qin Heqing asked suddenly and smiled towards Huakaiyuan Zhixing.


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