High Priest in Japan

Chapter 917: Move

the next day.

"Back?" Qin Heqing said, looking at Shiranui Ali in the room.

"Yeah." A Lidan replied.

"I don't seem to be very interested. Did something happen?" Qin Heqing was a little surprised when he saw A Li's indifferent look, and asked in a puzzled manner.

"I chatted with A Guo for a night and had a deep exchange about dance. We admired each other's talents and skills, so in the end, A Guo invited me." A Li turned around. Facing Qin He and said quietly.

"Invite? What do you do?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Aguo invited me to join her team to conduct a national tour with her to promote her new style of dance." Ali replied.

"You agree?" Qin Heqing frowned and asked in a heavy voice.

"No." A Li looked at Hui Qin Heqing deeply and shook his head.

"Why?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Although in his heart, he doesn't want Ali to leave him...

Because that means leaving forever, maybe there is no chance to see you again in this life.

He is not in this time and space.

"Although I am very excited, I can feel that A country has spiritual power in her body. She is a witch who has studied carefully. Normally, there may be nothing, but if there is an unexpected emergency, she may not be able to accept it. Got another identity for me." A Li sighed.

Although I am very reluctant to admit it, there is no way to deny that, apart from Qin Heqing and the mother-in-law who raised him, few human beings who know their identity as monsters can treat themselves as they did in the past.

Anyway, she had never met a few such people.

So instead of taking the risk and wandering around with A country, and then being chased by A country or some other onmyoji, priest, or mage because of accidentally revealing his identity, it is better to stay on Qin Heqing's side-freedom and stability.

More importantly, I don't hate it either.

Even if his performance at certain times is indeed quite frustrating and angry.

"It's not as good as our contract." Qin Heqing looked at her and suddenly proposed.


"Make a bond with me and become my shikigami, so that even if you really reveal your identity someday in the future, you can use my mark to prove your identity and avoid being troubled by irrelevant priests and onmyojis." Qin He Qingzheng said.

"I can't fight." Ali blinked and said slowly.

"I don't lack your strength." Qin Heqing laughed.

"Then what is the point of contracting me to become your shikigami? Do you simply want to turn me into yours?" A Li asked.

"Yes, I want to keep you by my side forever, are you willing?" Qin Heqing's expression remained unchanged, and he lighted his head very simply, and asked calmly.

"..." Suddenly, A Li was silent, looking at Qin Heqing's seemingly non-joking eyes, and could not speak for a long time.

"You already have so many women, isn't that enough?" After a long while, A Li turned his head, looked at the courtyard, and said softly.

"This is probably my inferiority. I am not willing to give up on beautiful things, and want to keep them by my side forever." Qin Heqing sighed.

"You are totally greedy. There are so many beautiful things in the world, you can't make every one of your things? Then what is the difference between you and the evil spirit?" A Li retorted with an unhappy face.

"Yes. At least I have a bottom line. I will not arbitrarily attack someone who already has a love, nor will I attack a minor who is younger than 16 years old and has not yet grown up."


"So you are willing to conclude a contract with me and become my family?" Qin Heqing looked at Ali and invited again.

"I need to think about it." A Li was silent for a moment, and replied with a somewhat complicated tone.

"Yes. You are welcome to join me at any time." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.


On the other hand, after three consecutive days of discussions, the guardians who responded to the call to Kyoto to participate in the meeting finally reached an agreement, agreed to Imagawa Yoshimoto's sports meeting proposal, and helped her complete the reunification of the island nation.

Therefore, after the meeting, sites like Shimazu Yoshihiro, Shimazu Suikyu, Sagara Yoshihiro, Otomo Sorin, Nagamune Motoki and Takeda Shingen, Hojo Soun, and Uesugi Kenshin, etc., were far away from Kyoto. He led the team to leave Kyoto and embarked on a journey back to Kyushu, Shikoku, and Kanto, preparing to consolidate the team to collect non-ruling or responding forces around the country.

Of course, I did not forget to invite Qin Heqing to leave with them.

It’s just that Qin Heqing has just entered the Yin-Yang Lao, and there are still many things to do as an excuse to push away, so he did not fall into the problem of choosing whether to swim west or east, and was able to temporarily idle and continue to study. Various materials and spell documents obtained from Yinyangliao.

Oh, yes, and deal with the former Qin clan's forces that gradually emerged because of his appearance.

For example, the visits by the shrine masters of several shrines hosted by the Takao clan in the Yin Yang Lao and the Kyoto Qin clan.

Then the forces of Imagawa Yoshimoto, Matsujihide, Niwa Nagahide, Shibata Katsuya, and the new Hosokawa clan also moved forward, respectively, toward Ise, Kii, Harima, Tamba and other countries near Gyeonggi to conquer these. The powerful rebellious army in the power country that did not respect her (Imagawa Yoshimoto) has completed the suppression of these powers.

"Iga's forces persuade you, so I beg you, Suzuno." Imagawa Yoshimoto said while looking at Suzuno standing in the temple.

"Even if you say that, I am not sure I can persuade everyone to give up resistance, and all the staff will come over and say. After all, Iga is not the Iga of one person, but the Iga of the Sanki family, even if I am a dog breeder. The successor of, there is no way to deal with the people of the Baidi family and the Fujilin family." Ling Nuo smiled wryly with an Alexander expression.

"Just do your best~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing took the conversation.

"If you really can't convince, what will you do?" Ling Nu turned her head to look at Qin Heqing and asked.

"As the Kinki region, it is impossible for us to let a dangerous force that is disobedient, capable of assassination, sabotage, and capable of execution continue to exist. Therefore, for security reasons, we do not rule out using the army to completely destroy Igone. The opposing forces of China can eliminate the possibility." Qin Heqing greeted Ling Nu's eyes and replied Su Rong.

"I knew it would be like this." Ling Nuo smiled bitterly.

"Now, I have some people who are starting to envy Koga."

Then Suzuno adjusted her mood and said sternly, "I will do my best to persuade Inugai, Hyakuchi, and the Fujibayashi family to let them give up their illusions and lead all Iga people to loyal to Lord Imagawa."

"Then please."

Then Ling Nu no longer hesitated, her figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

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