High Priest in Japan

Chapter 923: Go to war

It is estimated that someone should be asking at this time, since even if the heart cannot be retrieved, it will not affect anything, why bother to ask Naraku for the heart thanklessly?

The reason is simple, in order to avoid future troubles.

After all, Naraku’s hand is the original heart of Kagura, and it has an extraordinary relationship with Kagura. If it is in the hands of ordinary people, it may be nothing, but it can be placed in the hands of Naraku to figure out how to transform himself into a demon. In the monster's hands, there are so many capable things, curses, remote control, remote threats, anyway, there are ways to make Kagura bad.

So for safety reasons, it is better to get the heart back.

Then the question comes again. Since Contract Kagura will have so much trouble, why does Qin Heqing want to contract Kagura?


Qin Heqing is not an evil spirit in sex. When he sees a beautiful woman, he will get a person into his hands as a collection. Even if he can't live without a beautiful woman, why contract Kagura?

There are two main reasons. One is, as he said, he admires Kagura very much and likes her character, so coupled with Kagura's not bad appearance and figure, contracting her has become a matter of course. .

As for the second, it is because of Yaqi Orochi.

Yes, Yaqi Orochi.

As an agreement with Yuqi Fenghua, Qin Heqing did not forget what he would do after the world was unified, so he urgently needed all kinds of strength to strengthen himself. Naturally, he would not let go of the help of Kagura in front of him. .

This is why he wants to contract Kagura so simply and happily.

After all, compared to outsiders, that is, those priests, Onmyoji and mages, Kagura, who is contracted to become his own god, is more trustworthy and worthy of relying on.

"So it turns out that you are the helpers that Kagura got." Na Luo suddenly swept across Qin Heqing and the others with smiles on his face, and said quietly.

"It's just, why should I listen to you and give her heart to you? Do you rely on your multitude?"

"Yes, it's just that we are so many and powerful." Qin Heqing was also shameless, and directly clarified the cart in response.

"Kagura, is that what you meant?" Naraku chuckled lightly, then turned to look at the side Kagura and asked quietly.

"Yes, I don't want to accept your control anymore. I want to regain my heart and regain my freedom, and then live freely in this world and do what I want to do." Kagura also simply didn't leave myself the slightest escape route. Staring at Naraku's eyes, he said loudly.

"That's... it's really a headache choice." Naraku sighed.

Every move is full of gentleness, giving people the illusion that he has been restraining something, it looks very strange.

"But, I don't accept it!" Then Naraku's expression changed, and a majestic to terrifying miasma and demon gas erupted from his body, and he rushed towards Qin Heqing and the others.

"Get away!" Qin Heqing drank, reminding everyone to jump back.

"I gave you your life, and you got everything from me. As long as I am not dead, you can never get the so-called freedom from me, Kagura!" Standing in the miasma spirit, Naraku's voice, which exuded a terrifying and gloomy aura like a **** or devil, said in a frantic voice.

"I will personally use my power to show you what despair is!"

Then countless weird flying insects the size of sparrows emerged from the void, flapping their wings, and rushed towards Qin Heqing and the others.

"Be careful! It's the fiercest victory!" Kagura, who had completely stood opposite Naraku, reminded him.


The strong wind attacked the monsters that flew towards her into pieces, and the ones that fell to the ground.

"Don't worry, mere worms can't hurt us." Qin Heqing replied loudly after that.

Then, with the seal of the two hands, the majestic flame seemed to burn through the space barrier, violently surging out of the different dimension space, forming a violent flame tornado, and burning the flying insects in the opposite direction.

The result is conceivable. Under the effect of innate restraint and the power of subduing demons and demons contained in the Fire World Curse itself, the monster named the most fierce victor is also the same as ordinary insects. The moment it touches the flames , He fell all over his body on fire, and was burned to black ashes by the flame during the fall. In the steaming heat, there was no residue left.

Then the flame tornado continued to burn towards Naraku, who was wrapped in the miasma and demon gas.

However, Naraku was unmoved by this, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and a ball-shaped barrier full of monsters and different colors appeared outside his body, like a barrier, forcibly blocking the flames of the Fire Curse. Is outside.

"Enchantment?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and muttered without surprise.

Enchantment is not simply a product of Shinto, Yin-Yang Dao, but a general term for all the scoped defense spells formed by special forces, so as long as it meets this characteristic, then you can use electricity to deploy a power grid. To some extent, it is named enchantment.

Then Na Luo's clothes shattered, and five or six dark-colored tentacles that looked like old branches protruded from behind him, like flying arrows, grabbing at Kagura, Qin and Qing, and others.

Qin Heqing couldn’t move, and it’s not only Naraku who could use barriers to defend. No, it didn’t take Qin Heqing one after another. Ayukawa, who was increasingly turning to MT, opened his mind barrier first to help Qin Heqing. , Kagura, Yue'er, and Rain Girl blocked the attack that flew before her eyes.

Then Yunv and Yue'er shot, the saturated blow formed by the Wanye Feihualiu and the water walking dragon created by Yunv's wave came to Naraku one after another, launching the most powerful bombardment on the demon enchantment outside of him.


However, Naraku still didn't panic about this, and smiled coldly. The ground around Qin Heqing and the others quickly squirmed ~www.ltnovel.com~ and protruded from the ground with mud palms and grabbed several people.

Needless to say, it is clear that this is the special power given to him by a certain monster organ that Naraku controls.

"Is it possible..." Qin Heqing narrowed his eyes when he stepped on his feet and instilled the force of the earth to the ground under his feet.

Suddenly, a shock spread around Qin Heqing as the center, compacting and hardening all the land in a radius of about ten meters, and abruptly deduced the so-called method of turning the ground into steel, and Nairo’s attack was hit. Destroyed at the beginning.

Then Na Luo frowned and found that Qin Heqing and others were really not the monsters, priests, or monk mages he had encountered in the past. The simple and simple methods did not constitute a threat. They could be easily eliminated by various methods, and more complicated were needed. Calculate.

Then Naruto raised the corner of his mouth and took out a beating heart with his backhand.

"That is……"

"My heart." Kagura said with an ugly face.

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