High Priest in Japan

Chapter 925: Abyss

"It's really scary. But, how many times can you use attacks like this?" After a moment of silence, Na Luo, who stopped the bleeding from the wound under the stimulation of the demon power, said quietly while looking at Yue'er and Qin Heqing.

Obviously, she didn't think that Yue'er could use this level of attack as a normal attack like the legendary big monster and the demon king.

If that's the case, he wouldn't continue fighting with this perversion without saying anything.

After all, compared with the so-called face, your own life is more important.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to live till now.

"You can try." Yue'er sneered.

As soon as her thoughts moved, the familiar light of thunder emerged from her palm again.

Obviously, I was going to give it to him again.

Suddenly, Naraku changed his expression, put out his nonsense mind, and stepped directly on his feet and changed his fighting method to melee. After all, his original body was a human, although he was transformed into a half-monster through a special method, and because he swallowed many monsters. Flesh has acquired several kinds of monsters' special abilities, but when it comes to the use of abilities, he is obviously inferior to Yue'er who specializes in spells.

So I still use what I am best at-killing the enemy in close combat is the right thing to do.

So in the next moment, Naraku, who has agility monster speed and strength monster muscle tissue, appeared like a gust of wind, suddenly appeared beside Yue'er, whistling with big hands, accompanied by a stench and unpleasant smell, with a strong corrosive miasma Xiang Yue'er. Covered the past.

"Don't think about it!" Qin Heqing yelled at the sight, Ayukawa's thought power was like an invisible demolition hammer, and it smashed the past for the first time.


There was a loud roar, but Naraku abruptly relied on his own demon power that was not more than the big monster to hold it down, his expression unchanged, and his attack hit Yue'er.


The miasma expanded, and Yue'er's figure disappeared into the air...

Then the water dragon roared, like a falling object from the sky, and blasted straight towards Naraku below.

"Fucked..." Na Luo frowned, flashed around, carrying a majestic and inaccessible miasma, demon, and rushed towards Qin Heqing—

However, as he walked halfway, a fatal sense of threat came out of his heart again, his expression changed, and he hid to the side without hesitation.


The pale thunder light exploded, and the entire battlefield was once again shrouded in white light.

It was the thunder technique that Yue'er had used before.

The line of sight was obstructed, and the sound in his ears was filled with the thunder that exploded. For a while, both Qin Heqing and Naraku lost the vision and movement perception of the other party, and couldn't help but tighten their hearts, and each became on guard.

But unlike Qin and Qing's side, Naraku, who has various abilities, has more choices to deal with the current situation.

No, I saw a clear whistling, and two huge tentacles with the thickness of the trunk of a century-old tree whizzed from the north and the south, like a giant clapping the palm of the hand, and converged towards one place.


When the tentacles collided, the shock wave formed was like a strong wind, blasting everything on the battlefield away, allowing each other's sight to re-notice the other's existence.

"It's risky." Qin Heqing said with lingering tremor at the huge tentacles that were isolated by Ayukawa's mind power.

Just before his voice completely fell, Qin Heqing, who looked like an oversized glass ball as a whole, was suddenly picked up from the ground by their tentacles due to the power of thought. The tentacles contracted, driving Qin Heqing quickly. Naraku's figure was revealed, or the energy big sword made with demon energy in his hand slammed into the past.

If this is hit, the ghost knows if it can resist it.

Therefore, Ayukawa did not insist anymore, and immediately shrank the barrier range and reduced the defense range to the minimum that could be maintained at present. Then, with the help of the changes brought about by the change, he forcibly led Qin Heqing and others from Naraku's capture. The next escaped.

Then Yunv fought back, and the boundless water rain arrows swarmed towards Naraku as if they didn't need money.

Then it was Yue'er, and the ground was surging, and countless branches and vines were like sandworms coming out of the desert, swiftly entwining Na Luo who resisted the arrows of water and rain.

For a while, Naraku really fell into an embarrassing situation of nowhere to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth.

But Naraku is still not flustered about this. With a majestic demon spirit, he doesn't think that this level of attack can break his defenses. It is almost the same when replaced with the previous Thunder Lightsaber, so he is not moved at all. , With a sneer, raised his hand to oppose Qin Heqing’s location. The coquettish purple light gathered, and a demon-powered cannon flew through numerous obstacles and flew in front of Qin Heqing. After a stop, it broke through Ayukawa’s mind-movement barrier and killed Qin Heqing's approach.

Qin Heqing's face changed, and he leaned back-making a motion similar to a iron bridge, only to escape the headshot impact at the very moment of his death, his face became cold, and he sternly said "Ayukawa, fit together!"

"Yes." Ayu Chuan did not hesitate, and agreed, and did not enter Qin Heqing's body.

Then Huanghuang's divine might erupted, and when Naraku noticed the abnormality and felt dangerous, Qin Heqing also stepped on the waves created by the rain girl, like a traveling water god, and rushed in front of Naraku.

"Come to die?" Naraku sneered.

At the same time, the tentacles waved and pierced Qin Heqing.

"Dawei Tianlong!" Unmoved, Qin Heqing snorted, and a golden light burst out of his palm, and then the light of the sword appeared, and the tentacles that Nalu stabbed in front of him were dazzling light. Zhong was immediately disintegrated, and then continued to rush towards Naraku without losing power.

Naruo's face changed, and he dodged the attack.

But he also completely missed the opportunity to stop Qin Heqing, and was rushed in front of him——


The majestic power of thought roared, acting like a mountain on Naraku's body.


Following Qin Heqing's bayonet~www.ltnovel.com~, the Omomaru in his hand was fiercely inserted into Naraku's head...

"Burn it!"


The crimson flame rose, and Naraku's head was instantly enveloped in the fire, burning violently.


With extremely tenacious vitality, Naraku struggled and snarled, but there was no way to escape from the suppression of Ayukawa, which was in full state. He could only endure miserably the suffering of the burning fire, and begged hard, expecting Qin Heqing to make a big deal. Kindness, let him go.

Unfortunately, that was completely wishful thinking. Qin Heqing, who had already known his essence, did not pay attention to it. Instead, he changed his mind directly after seeing the burning fire that it was difficult to kill him. He was collected into the demon refining pot, and the demon refining pot could refine the world's monsters. With divine power, he will be refined into the spiritual pill he needs to supplement the consumption and fill the deficit, so as to cope with the battle of Eight Qi that is not known when it will start.

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