High Priest in Japan

Chapter 929: Discussion and negotiation

The Knights of St. John, as the name suggests, is a knights organized by a ‘saint’ named John. The specific establishment time is unknown. After all, Qin and Qing are not religious, and they don't have any research on Western religious culture, so they don't care about this kind of things that Western literature and history researchers would study.

However, it is not difficult to guess from its name. Anyone who can enter this knight order, even a female knight like Jepana Lulutes, should have superhuman qualities, otherwise there will be absolutely no way to pass the audit. , Become an official knight.

Therefore, the battle between the two is worth watching, as it can let Qin Heqing know some fighting information about the cross religion to the maximum.

So the next moment, with Lulutes' reminder, she was like a luminous plant, and her body was lit up with a hazy white light, and when the armor was wrong, she rushed to Kagura like a gust of wind.

Kagura was a little surprised at this, but he didn't expect this woman named Lulutes to be so simple.

But I didn't panic. After all, when it comes to dynamic vision alone, the most indispensable thing for a half-demon who turns a man into a demon is a variety of physical qualities. Therefore, as soon as his arm is raised, a wind barrier suddenly appears in front of Kagura.

Lulutes saw this, with a look of excitement on her face, and with a roar, she slammed her sword at the opponent.

The dazzling white light lit up, and even if there was no serious murderous intent, it made Kagura perceive the existence of danger. He could not help but jump back and retreat. With a wave of his arm, a dozen or so lines were visible as if half a month. The wind blade reflected towards Lulutes.

Lulutess turned around to complete the unfinished attack, and then cut it again, the same ray of light bloomed in the manner of blade light-it looked very flat, only one finger was thick and thin, but it looked like a barrier. All the wind blades flying in front of her fell apart.

Obviously, there are special fighting skills included.

Kagura frowned when she saw it, and with a fan, a strong whirlwind suddenly appeared under Lulutes' feet, wrapping her in the middle.

Lulutes frowned, and the light on her body became more dazzling.

It’s just a pity that the vindictiveness she has mastered from the cross sect is far too poor in terms of explosive power compared to the vindictive qi mastered by members of the martial arts such as Shibata Katsuka, so even though it has shown an explosive state , But it was completely unlike the martial arts fighting Qi, full of expansion and impact, and failed to collapse the whirlwind outside.

But it is full of flexibility and a little magic-breaking effect, so after the eruption, although the whirlwind was not broken directly, it seemed to have lost its follow-up power, suddenly became gentle, and was white in a short time. The vindictive light was gone, allowing Lulutes to regain her freedom.

Then Lulutes looked up...

But what greeted her was another blow from Kagura.

Kagura is not an NPC, so she wouldn't watch her break the attack and still not fight back.

Lulutes had no choice but to give up the initial plan and once again used a special defensive technique to wipe out the wind blade in front of her, but she also lost the opportunity to counterattack and fell into the rhythm of Kagura again.

Even because this battle is not a fight, but a relationship of learning, Kagura’s attacks are all compressing their power to the utmost, without using certain lethal ultimatums, and their attacks are targeted to hurt people but not. A deadly place, otherwise, a tenth level tornado level attack would be enough to end this battle and take Lulutes into the sea.

But it was also annoying and irritating, unable to move forward, unable to retreat, completely like a target, could only stand in place and be beaten. This was not Lulutess wanting to fight, so the next moment, Lulutess looked on. Changed, his face was ruthless, he drove his vindictive protection directly, swung his big sword, and rushed towards Kagura in a unique explosive method of Western combat skills.

Even if he had to lose, he had to let Kagura see how she was.

Seeing Lulutes' desperately trying to raise an eyebrow, Kagura was not polite. When the folding fan in her hand was unfolded, the violent wind exploded violently, turning into an air rushing into the wall and rushing hard. Lulutes, who rushed her out.




The tables and chairs were shattered and scattered, and Lulutes slammed into the wall of the conference hall. It was only after the wall was cracked, that it could not stop.

"Lulutes!" The Nine Ghosts Jialong exclaimed with a change of expression.


"Cough cough, don't worry, I'm fine." Lulutess, who slipped from the wall a moment later, coughed with a pale face, and then responded to the Nine Ghosts Jialong who looked at her caringly.

After a while, he stood up and said to Kagura, "Your Excellency is really strong. I lost."

Shenle glanced at her when he heard the words, did not say much, turned back and stood still behind Qin Heqing.

"We have also discussed and discussed, now, we should be able to continue the previous negotiations." Qin Heqing laughed at Lulutes, then turned to look at the ugly Nine Ghosts Jialong and asked.

"Let's talk. It's just that I still said that, if we want to pay nothing, let us betray Takikawa-sama. That's wishful thinking!" Kalong Kuki waved his hand a little irritably.

"In other words, you want benefits. Okay, what do you want?" Qin Heqing didn't have the condition of accidental Nine Ghosts Jialong, because normal confrontation negotiations are not just about the distribution of benefits and promises? On the contrary, as he did at the beginning, it is very rare to negotiate directly with power, and it is usually under the absolute advantage...

But obviously, the plan to follow the previous words of the Nine Ghosts Jialong has been lost, and I want to achieve my goal again...

It is estimated that when I will wait.

"What can you give me?" Nine Ghosts Jialong asked with pirate shrewdness.

"Official body." Qin Heqing replied.

"Official body? Can the masters of Kyoto agree?" Nine Ghosts Jialong asked in surprise.

You know she is a thief~www.ltnovel.com~ and she is also the kind of thief who has no background at all. Isn't it an official for her untouchables to draw the faces of those in Kyoto who only recognize blood origin?

Those nobles in Kyoto would only agree with it after they got their brains.

"I said, I'm here to negotiate with you on behalf of Niwa Nagahide and General Imagawa Yoshimoto, so it is not too difficult for General Imagawa Yoshimoto, who is the apex of warriors, as long as you can show. Give enough value, and enough achievements." Qin Heqing calmly said.

Don’t you just close your official position? You can’t get a civil service, can you still get a military service?

If it doesn't work, you can let someone be attached to someone's name as a minister, and then find an excuse to seal it up again.

It's not too difficult.

"The official position alone is not enough."

"The pirate regiment under your name is still under your command, but out of necessity, we will place a few deputies in your regiment. You should be able to understand why."

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