High Priest in Japan

Chapter 933: Pot fairy

Fortunately, the current time of this space-time is May and June of the middle of the year, which happens to be the rainy season in the southern coastal areas, so there may not be many other days, but rainy days, it can definitely be seen every three to five, so what is the thunderstorm day? Yes, it's really not hard to come across.


   No, not two days after Qin Heqing had just made preparations, a thunderstorm suddenly fell over the Hida country.


   The thunder roared, and the heavy rain fell down like money-free.


   "Come on." Qin Heqing came to the top of the mountain he had found beforehand, and stood beside the metal pole he prepared for thunderstorms-the lightning rod...


   What else can I do? Is it possible that you really want to fly into the sky into the clouds and get chopped?


   Let alone the question of whether he can resist it, this process alone is dangerous.


   He can't fly. So if you want to go to heaven, you can only ask Ayukawa to lift him to fly with the power of mind, or trouble Kagura to send him up with a feather boat.


   But it is more troublesome.




the reason is simple. Because compared to Qin Heqing, who is already inhuman, Ayukawa and Kagura are far more vulnerable to thunder than him. The former is evil spirit in nature, and the power of thunder and sun There is conflict, so when on the earth there is nothing, God?


   That is purely taking the initiative to die, actively looking for thunder and thunder to strike her!


   As for the latter? Although not as conspicuous as Ayukawa-negative energy attraction, she is also no better than Ayukawa as a monster.


Not to mention that her flying method is still relying on the feather boat under her feet. This game should not look like a thunder-resistant player. Don't let people be killed by thunder when the feather boat is damaged. I fell to death.


   So after thinking about it, I still used the lightning protection knowledge of later generations-avoid appearing on the open ground in rainy days, avoid standing under tall trees, high-rise buildings should install lightning rods, and lead the lightning voltage into the ground. These defense measures have found a suitable method.


   is the situation right now.


   Then Qin Heqing grabbed the all-metal lightning rod, looked up at the sky, and waited for the thunder that did not know the upper limit of volts to fall.


   "There will be nothing wrong with Heqing." Just in case, Ayukawa, who was guarding in the low area nearby, looked at Qin Heqing on the top of the mountain with concern.


   "Should..." Yue'er muttered not quite surely.


   After all, she has never been struck by lightning. The ghost knows what will happen to people after being hit like this, so she can only pray secretly like other people, and comfort other people around her with an uncertain tone.


   "Really, good, why do you want to do such a thing? I really don't know what he thinks." Shiranui Ari stirred the handkerchief in his hand, and complained with worry in his eyes.


   "The adults should have their own plans." Kagura said inexplicably.


   Rain Girl silently, her hands folded on her chest, learning the appearance of ordinary mortals, praying for the gods and Buddhas in the sky...


   I don't know if the gods and Buddha will take care of her.


Then it went on for a while. After a period of gestation, the thunder in the clouds was finally full of raging power. Along with the "bang" that shook the world and the dazzling white light, a strong lightning was very unreliable. It was accidentally picked up by a lightning rod and hit the metal rod accurately.


   Suddenly, Qin Heqing's scalp exploded, and without his control, the power of the Demon Refining Pot spontaneously exploded, like a long-hungry glutton, unceremoniously swallowing up the thunder that fell from the sky.


   "Heqing!" Yue'er exclaimed.


Then, without waiting for her or Ayukawa or others to act, a dim light suddenly emerged from Qin Heqing's body, and then swelled violently, turning into a blazing light comparable to the sun, as if it was going to This kind of existence conveys the news, and quickly rises into the sky, penetrates the dark clouds, swallows thunder, and explodes in the suddenly clear sky.


   "What's that?!" The Yin Yang Liao Astronomical Road and the students who were in charge of observing the celestial phenomena were surprised.


   "God and Buddha?" A certain idle mage looked at the sky and wondered.


   "Amitabha." The monk closed his eyes and chanted the Buddhist scriptures.


   The witch is silent, wondering what this majestic vision is showing.


   "That's the direction of Hida country over there..." Imagawa Yoshimoto frowned when he got the notice and walked out to observe the astronomical phenomenon.


   In short, whether it is officials or people, or mages, monks, monsters and ghosts, they all put aside their affairs because of the vision, and raised their heads to pay attention to strange events that have not been encountered in the past hundreds of years, even thousands of years.




   Then I will return to both ends, and now I will return to Qin Heqing's side.


After the initial release, the white light, which had not received a response for a long time, seemed disappointed, and then slowly shrunk back, forming a substance that resembled an egg shell and a cicada cocoon, enveloping Qin Heqing, floating in the air. But it is so that no one can touch or get close.


   "What should I do now?" Ayukawa looked at Yue'er who was in charge of taking the head and asked.


"Cold salad." Yue'er said in a bad manner. "Stay here until Heqing walks out of this light cocoon by himself. In addition, anyone who is not close to anyone who wants to get close will be expelled. Just kill him. I don’t want anyone or monster to disturb him until he wakes up."




Afterwards, in addition to Ayukawa staying near the light cocoon to guard, Yue'er, Kagura, Yunv, and even Alidu, who has no combat experience, dispersed separately, guarding the four main points of the east, west, south and north, which are almost 100 meters away from the light cocoon. Above, guarding his safety for Qin Heqing.


   Qin Heqing in the light cocoon did not respond, as if he was dead, silent, and did not know what changes were being made.




   "Sure enough, I am not a human..." At the same time, inside the demon refining pot, Qin Heqing, who didn't know how long it had been, slowly opened his eyes and muttered with a bitter smile on his face.


  There is no other reason, just because the information he received from the Demon Refining Pot in his coma was feedback to him-he actually replaced the previous generation of Hu Zhongxian and became the new generation of master and spirit of the Demon Refining Pot! Or the human body that refines the demon pot.


   Therefore, years from now on can no longer erode him~www.ltnovel.com~, and he can no longer be born, old, sick and die like humans.


   Of course, if he wants to pass on from generation to generation, it is not impossible. As long as he is willing to pay a certain price, and can bear the mother with the power of refining the demon pot, the child can still be born.


   Just for now, it seems that there is no such woman.


   So I said it was just saying it for nothing, I still don't want to.


Then there are some from the demon refining pot, or the many pieces of information left after the death of the last generation of the demon refining pot, and the power and functions of the repaired demon refining pot after the death. The data is huge, even if Qin Heqing did it for a while. Some can't digest it, this is the reason why he would pass out in a coma and only now wake up quietly.


   But it's just accepting the information. As for a thorough grasp, I don't know how long it will take.


   Then Qin Heqing sat up and looked at the world in the pot that was opened up by the power of the five elements of the innate, plus the two qi of the innate yin and yang, under the cleave of the thunder of good fortune from heaven and earth...

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