High Priest in Japan

Chapter 949: writing a novel

Qin Heqing is not an idiot, how could he really let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu leave like this?

Not to mention, during his 13 years in the Warring States period, he eliminated the hunting of monsters, repaired and strengthened the world in the pot, and replaced Inuyasha and Kagome, who were destined to destroy the trajectory of his fate, to reduce the number of monsters, and to restore the peace of mankind. The most common thing is to coax women. Although the emotional intelligence has not grown to the point of innocent innocence, it is not a problem when it is used for people who are intimate.

So Qin Heqing didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately took out a thousand-yuan banknote and put it on the table. After beckoning the waiter to pick it up by himself, he ran out of the cafe quickly and caught up with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who had no time to go far. With her arm, she forcibly took her to a nearby hotel——

As a university neighborhood, there is no shortage of such places.

Then opened the room, regardless of whether Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wanted to refuse or greeted her, or how slight resistance, she directly rectified the Fa on the spot, completing the physical suppression.

"Is this what you learned in the 13th year of the Warring States Period? It's really abnormal." After a long time, Qin Heqing said with a flushed face and white eyes with a muddy Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"Why else? You can't do nothing and stay in the Warring States for thirteen years, right?" Qin Heqing was not angry either, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in his arms and said amused.

"Didn’t you say that the Qin clan was a big family during the Warring States period? You can fully recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, and then find a way to become the Qin clan’s family superintendent, and learn from those great names in the Warring States period to fight for supremacy in the world! With your means, I believe in unity It must be no problem."

"Then the Warring States period that I live in is the Warring States in the history we studied." Qin Heqing said with emotion.

"What? Is it different in the Warring States you live in?"

"There are so many different places. Don't say far, do you dare to believe that Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Imagawa Yoshimoto, Uesugi Kenshin are all female pictures?" Qin Heqing laughed and said helplessly.

"Huh? Woman? How could this be possible!?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu repeated incredible.

"However, this is the case. Even if it weren't, I wouldn't even dare to do activities in the Warring States Period."


"Because I am worried that my behavior will affect history and even the development of things. In the end, I will not even affect you. Then I will find someone to make sense." Qin Heqing pinched Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face. A word.

"The butterfly effect... If you think so, the non-historical Warring States time and space is really suitable for you to be active. It's no wonder you dare to play so openly, even women sleep two or three hundred." Following the meal, Xia Zhi Qiu Shiyu suddenly came over again, her expression changed and said, "No."

"what happened?"

"Don't tell me, among those women you sleep with, there is no historical celebrity who has left a big name in history. I don't believe it. Come on, who is it?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu leaned back on Qin Heqing's chest and stared. Asked Qin Heqing's eyes.

"That's a lot." Qin Heqing said with a strange smile.

Then, without being verbose, I explained the identities of the female names who had had a relationship with me, or the feminine figures who were sure to find their names in history...

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to do it so thoroughly and excessively. Not only did you slept with all the people with names and surnames, but also put the guy Imagawa Yoshimoto on the throne of the general, you This is destroying history, do you know!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pinched Qin Heqing's waist fiercely, scolding with displeased eyes full of heart.

"It's not what you said, don't always spend your mind on women's bodies, what? Now that I did it the way you said, you are still unhappy? It is really you that is the Buddha, and you are the devil." Qin Heqing aggrieved. .

"Uh...I'm just not satisfied, what's the matter! If you can, you bite me." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu paused, and then sullenly and unreasonably.

"You are what you said."


Before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu could react again, Qin Heqing bit Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's lips again and suppressed her.


Then it was a long time later.

"Okay, don't do it, I'm not your pervert. If you continue, the ghost knows if I can survive. I don't want to die because of this kind of thing at such a young age. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's family has no face to see people anymore.

"So you know what an extraordinary talent is," Qin Heqing said proudly.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was too lazy to pay attention to him, and rolled his eyes in response.

"By the way, do you still have works in your hands?" Qin Heqing smiled, and asked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was about to sleep, again.

"No, how?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu murmured, resting her head on Qin Heqing's chest.

"How about your previous work? Is it over?"


"What about the new work?"

"Still looking for inspiration. If you have any questions, just tell me, and always ask me what I do about the work? Knowing that you have just returned from the Warring States Period. I am not very clear about my situation. I don't know. I thought you accepted it. Please, editor Machida, came to remind me of the draft." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu slapped Xia Qin Heqing with her hand, muttering uncomfortably.

"Ha, it's actually like this, you see, it's a rare time for me to travel through time and space, go to a strange Warring States period, experience so many things, and forget it afterwards. Is it a bit too ruthless and boring? So I was thinking, can it be written like a story?" Qin Heqing said slowly, looking at the blurred figure reflected on the ceiling.

"Ha, did you write?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu laughed strangely.

She doesn’t know how Qin Heqing’s writing style is, she really doesn’t just write it...

At least he once gave her the impression.

As for now...

"Didn't I have you~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing laughed.

"You mean, let me write the script?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned, dissatisfied.

"I want that kind of reputation and it's useless. So naturally it is your sole responsibility."

"I don't write about the lightness of the harem." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu refused very simply.


"But if you really want to join the ranks of creators and become a writer, I don't mind teaching how to write as a guide. Of course, you can also ask the editor of Machida for help in this regard. With her channel, I think it’s fine for you to pass the review and go public."

"Do it yourself... Then I'm thinking about it." Qin Heqing sighed.

However, it is always a choice to pass the time.

Anyway, he has nothing to deal with right now.

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