High Priest in Japan

Chapter 959: Enter the old town

"What do you mean!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at Qin Heqing and questioned.

"With your cleverness, you shouldn't understand what I mean by this." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"You used to take me with you when you caught ghosts, why not this time? Just because the target is my father?!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said dissatisfied.

"It's not just your father's problem, but also where your father is. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a ghost domain, a special space constructed by ghosts with the power of ghosts. Nothing, but I'm bringing you... To be honest, I'm not sure I can guarantee your safety." Qin Heqing said frankly, looking at Xia Zhiqiu's gaze.

"Isn't there still a month?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu mumbled.

Attitude is obviously softened.

"But you also want to search for your father's whereabouts." Qin Heqing smiled.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu muttered silently, then took out the phone and called her mother, "Mom, it's me, Shiyu, you find the photo album at home, take a photo of her father with her mobile phone and send it to me , I'm useful. Well, I'm waiting."

After speaking, within two minutes, a photo message was sent to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mobile phone via LINE, and then forwarded to Qin Heqing's mobile phone.

"You must save my dad! No matter what the result is." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu watched Qin Heqing seriously.


Then the two of them were not talking, each eating the delicious food that was not in front of them with their own thoughts, until the moment of evil came quietly.

"Here," Qin Heqing whispered.

Then Shiyu Kasumigaoka turned her head and looked at the intersection of Kabuki Town——

Suddenly, an unfamiliar Kabuki Town scenery that was different from the usual sights greeted her and Qin Heqing.

Row houses full of Edo style lined up one after another. A well-dressed Japanese-style girl smiled and waved her handkerchief to the visitors from all directions, and pulled a well-known Edo-style civilian into the next row house. , Hidden out of the sight of the crowd.

It's really a lively and prosperous scene.

"I've passed, you are careful yourself." Qin Heqing stood up and said to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"I'm waiting for you outside." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said sternly.

"That's not enough. I don't know when I can come out. So if I can't come out tonight, you don't have to worry, at most three or five days, I will definitely be able to get out of it. Take your father with you." Qin Heqing Refused with a smile.

"Okay, I am waiting for your news."

Then Qin Heqing and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu parted in front of the shop, and under the gaze of the latter, they stepped into the old song and dance town that had been transformed into a ghost domain.


"No wonder it's so prosperous that the living people working in the modern Kabuki Town are directly disguised as dancers and civilians of the old era. The ghosts here are really interested." Entering the Kabuki Town of the old era, I can see it clearly. Qin Heqing said softly with a sigh of what happened to these old-time dancers and customers.

"But it also made it more difficult for us to trace the whereabouts of Xia Zhiqiu's father." Yue'er said interface.

After all, living people are different from dead people and ghosts, and they have obvious aura of life, so even if they are deep in the ghost domain, it will not be too troublesome to find them. At most, it will take a little time. If you are willing to spend time, you can be sure sooner or later. whereabouts.

The situation is different when all members are played by living people. It is completely extravagant to rely on the breath of life to distinguish living people from ghosts. It can only be possible by rushing and making troubles one by one. Really found the whereabouts of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's father.

That effort and difficulty...

Thinking about it makes people scratch their heads.

Not to mention, there are still so many ghosts hidden in this ghost realm. If it is really going to cause trouble, ghosts know what bad changes will be caused.

"What should I do now?" asked Ayukawa who was following Qin Heqing.

"Investigate one by one." Qin Heqing said in distress.

I didn’t hesitate to finish speaking, and as soon as I turned my footsteps, I entered the women’s room of the clubhouse club closest to him.

"Welcome!" A scented mother, Sang, greeted her warmly and said, "The guests look a little strange, are they new here?"

"Well, this is the first time."

"The guest, you have come to the right place. It's not me. The girls here may not be as beautiful as the oiran, but when it comes to the figure and bed skills, I promise to let the guests linger and want to live here!" Without waiting for Qin Heqing's answer, he turned his head and said inwardly, "Hey, where are all dead, don't hurry up for my mother to entertain the guests!"

So it's simply...

"Come on."

Following that, a voice of a woman rang, and the kimono shoulders of several women were half-dropped, and a pair of fragrant shoulders were exposed, and the women with light legs and feet walked out.

"Mom, where are the guests?"

"Niko, who has no eyesight, haven't you seen the young master next to me? Why don't you hurry up and take the guests in for a drink!" Mother Sang pinched the soft flesh of the woman's waist, and reprimanded her angrily.

"Hey, he is really a young and handsome young master. This is rare. The young master will go in with the slave's family and let the slave's family accompany you to drink and have fun." Then, the woman walked up and nestled her body on Qin Heqing. Pull him in.

"Sister Kyoko, how can such a good thing be without sister me?"

"That is, such a good thing, can't you let Kyoko monopolize you?"

"Go all, go all." Qin Heqing stretched out his hands and grabbed the waists of the women, smiling quite familiarly.

"The young master is really a greedy ghost. Isn't it enough to have a slave? Even the sisters don't let it go. Don't let the young master break his body. When something happens, it will be bad." The woman named Kyoko grumbled. .

"Don't worry, don't worry, your young master is very talented. The thing I'm not afraid of is the pleasure between the bedclothes. Just wait for you." Qin Heqing grabbed a handful of people with dishonest hands, hahada With a smile~www.ltnovel.com~ This is cheap in vain, it doesn't account for it!

"Then our sisters can wait and see."

"By the way, mother Sang, I have something to inquire with you." On the way to the private room for entertainment, Qin finally remembered the business and said mother Sang who was about to leave in the Qing Dynasty.

"You can ask what's the matter, young master, as long as I know my mother, I must tell the truth and it will never expire." Mom Sang promised, patting her chest.

"Then mother Sang Ke has ever seen this person?" Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone, called up the photo of Xia Zhiqiu's father, held it in front of his mother Sang, and asked.

"This is..." Mother Sang asked in confusion.

However, he was only puzzled about the identity and image of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s father. He did not respond at all to the mobile phone, as if he had been accustomed to such things, but once again proved from the side that this mother Sang is a modern This fact has been transformed by the practitioners of Kabuki Town.

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