High Priest in Japan

Chapter 965: engineering

"Very good, it seems that the foundation is almost finished." On the street near the shrine, Qin Heqing, who looked at the vast area like a construction site, protected by warning banners and color steel plates, said with satisfaction.

"It's been half a month, if you haven't even started to build the foundation, then you can change to a construction company to start work." Yue'er picks and stabs.

It doesn’t take much time to demolish the building. You can use the large-scale demolition equipment to destroy all the houses in this area for up to three days. After that, nothing more than the cleaning of construction waste is needed. Toss, why should it be cleaned up in a week?

Then dig the ground and build the foundation. Anyway, the total construction time of twenty days is definitely enough.

Can't? That can only show that the staff of this company are passively sabotaged, and if you drive them directly, you won’t be wronged.

This is not a world-class construction project. Every detail needs to be carefully crafted.

"If it hadn't been for the construction company on the mainland that didn't know much about the shrine construction business, I had really thought of looking for a mainland construction company to accept this business." Qin Heqing shook his head.

As an infrastructure rabbit at the soul level, Qin Heqing really doesn't believe that there are projects in the world that the mainland can't handle!

It’s just a pity that the national conditions are different, and the construction of the shrine is really not what domestic workers are good at, and for other reasons, Qin Heqing finally gave up the idea of ​​increasing expenses and asking the domestic team to continue to find Mr. Xicheng to take over his own. task.

"Mainland's construction team?" Yue'er wondered, who didn't understand this situation.

She really didn't know that Qin Heqing would have such thoughts.

Is it possible that mainland construction companies are very powerful?


Then Qin Heqing, who appeared to be only alone, was not staying, and entered the construction site from the only exposed entrance and exit on the other side of the construction site.

"Long time no see, Jun Qin, is there anything going on here this time?" The person in charge of this construction site took the initiative to entertain him.

"Well, there are some things to deal with. But it has nothing to do with your work, it is the business of the shrine and spiritual garden, so come and check in advance, you don't have to worry." Qin Heqing explained with a smile, who knew what the other party was worried about.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured." The person in charge who received Qin Heqing's reply relaxed.

He was really worried that Qin Heqing had any new instructions to give this time.

"By the way, where is the progress of the project now?" Qin Heqing, who was not going to get too entangled on this topic, changed the subject directly.

"The foundation has already been laid, and then we can move in to raise the terrain, create artificial hills, and start building the shrine buildings you require on it." The person in charge introduced.

"How long will it take to finish?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Foundation is fast, and it can be completed in three or five days at most, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of time for mountain building. After all, it will take more than half a month to start construction. With the current manpower, the handover will not be completed until the end of January or early February next year at the earliest.” The person in charge thought about the progress, as well as past construction experience, and gave a relatively accurate Finished scale.

"February... it's okay. Then I'll leave it to you. If you have anything to do, please call me directly." Qin Heqing nodded and ended the conversation.


After the two separated, the person in charge continued to supervise the construction operations of the staff, and Qin Heqing led Yue'er and Ayukawa towards the only undisturbed spiritual garden in the entire area.


In a short while, Qin Heqing appeared in front of the Lingyuan.

"It seems that we are lucky. There is no problem here because of the impact of the environment." Qin Heqing watched his eyes still maintain their original form, that is, there is no yin entanglement, no toppling, collapsed tombstones and flat land. A long, relaxed airway.

"That's also thanks to the enchantment I set up here at the beginning." Yue'er took the conversation and said unceremoniously, "If it weren't for the enchantment I set up, I wouldn't know what it would become."

"Really." Qin Heqing carefully checked the various nodes of the enchantment around the spirit garden according to Yue'er's reminder, and couldn't help but admit it when he looked at the yin and wear on it.

Then, without talking nonsense, he directly erased the enchantment, leaving a blank spiritual garden.

"What method are you going to use to reinforce the spiritual garden this time?" Yue'er curiously asked without expressing any opinion on Qin Heqing's actions.

"Do you know the formation?" Qin Heqing walked around the Spirit Garden twice, observing the location and Feng Shui of the Spirit Garden, and asked casually.

"Formation? Qimen Dunjia?" Yue'er said in surprise.

"You can also say the same." After a while, stood still, looked at the spiritual garden in front of him and said, "How about I set up a formation around the spiritual garden?"

"Yes, yes. But do you know how to form?" Yue'er said with a weird expression.

"I didn’t do it before, but I will do it after the pot world was opened. Not to mention, I didn’t do anything serious during the 13 years of the Warring States Period. Don’t forget, I’ve taken all the history of the Yin-Yang Lao. The literature and teaching materials have all been read and copied. So I may not be able to use astronomy and calendar methods, but I have learned a lot about Fengshui and Qi Qi of the Yin and Yang Dao." Qin Heqing has a face. Said confidently.

"Then it's up to you. I just want to see how much knowledge I don't know you have mastered from the inheritance." Yue'er expected.

"I promise not to disappoint you."

After speaking, Qin Heqing was not too long-winded, UU reading www.uukanshu.com immediately thought about it and took out the objects needed for the formation from the warehouse of the world in the pot. According to the five elements of geography and the feng shui flow and spirit vein trend in the spiritual garden, Placed the five elements one by one on the corresponding nodes, then retreated to the outside of the magic circle, folded his hands together, and shouted "Get up!"

Suddenly, an aura of the five elements visible to the naked eye rippled from the void, and the five colors of red, white, gold, blue and black blended into a colorless transparent shield covering the top of the spiritual garden, protecting the entire spiritual garden.

"All right."

"Is this the formation? It doesn't seem to be difficult." Yue'er said in surprise.

This is different from what she expected. She also wanted to go far away from the legend of the formation method she knew, and said it looked so ordinary.

"The formation is the same as the onmyoji of the Tuyumen family. It is not difficult for those who meet, but not for those who are difficult. As long as the principle is mastered, even ordinary people can arrange it, but where can it be complicated?" Then one Pause, and continued, "Of course, I mean that under normal circumstances, under abnormal circumstances, special formations are indeed very difficult. It is beyond the reach of ordinary people to deploy and unfold. It will probably be as you imagined. The legend is the same."

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